GRNOC::WebService::Client - GlobalNOC Web Service Client
Module to implement clients that interact with cosign protected GRNOC CDS web services.
Default Method is GET but POST can be used as well.
Quick summary of what the module does.
Perhaps a little code snippet.
use GRNOC::WebService::Client;
my $svc = GRNOC::WebService::Client->new(
url => "",
uid => "test_uid",
passwd => $password,
realm => 'Authentication Required', # needed for HTTP basic auth
usePost => 0,
debug => 0
#--- get list of available methods
my $res= $svc->help();
if(!defined $res){
print Dumper($svc->get_error());
print Dumper($res);
#-- get help for specific method
my $res= $svc->help(method_name => 'echo');
if(!defined $res){
print Dumper($svc->get_error());
print Dumper($res);
#--- call a web service method
my $res= $svc->echo(data => 'This is a test');
if(!defined $res){
print Dumper($svc->get_error());
print Dumper($res);
The list of methods available is dependent upon the web service you have bound to. Use get_methods() to retrieve
the list of available methods. Only the methods implemented in the client library are listed here.
constructor that takes four named parameters: .
- url
the url that directly indentifies a servcie
- service_name
the GlobalNOC service identifier, with this client will consult the service
naming service to resolve, best URL to use.
- service_cache_file
the location of the service cache file to use on disk (if not specified does direct nameservice queries)
- name_services
array containing the locations of nameservices to use
- uid
user id for authentication
- passwd
user password
- timeout
timeout value in seconds for the connection, if no activity observed in this time period LWP will abort.
- usePost
boolean value for whether or not we are using http POST style or not
- use_keep_alive
boolean value for whether or not to try and use keep_alives
boolean value for wether or not to use a GRNOC::WebService::Client::Paginator object to iterate through results
- user_agent
string to use as the User-Agent string in request headers, defaults to $0
- verify_hostname
If set to 1 then ssl certs are validated. Set to 0 when working with untrusted or self-signed certs. Defaults to 1.
- retry_error_codes
hash of http error codes to retry the request on if the request fails
gets the last error encountered or undef.
Returns the Content-Type header of the last issue request
Returns all the headers as an array of objects from the last request
Returns the number of retries
Returns the retry interval in seconds
Sets the number of retries if the initial request fails
Returns the realm set
Sets the retry interval in seconds
Disables or enables returning the raw output instead of attempting to decode JSON. This method
should be passed 1 to enable raw output and 0 to disable raw output. Raw output is disabled by
default--is can also be set by passing the raw_output parameter in the constructor.
Changes the timeout value in the underlying LWP object. Can only be set by passing timeout in the constructor
Updates the cookie jar associated with the underlying LWP object. This can be passed a string representing
a file on disk or an HTTP::Cookies object.
Method to ask the underlying LWP UserAgent to save any cookies it might have.
interface to change URL of an existing client, useful in stateful mod_perl.
Note: This wipes out any existing URLs that may have been loaded from a service identifier
Wipes out all knowledge the client has about URLs, useful if trying to use one client persistently
for multiple requests such as the proxy service
interface to change what service identifier we are using.
Note: This wipes out any existing URLs that may have been loaded from a service identifier
interface to change the username, password, and/or realm of the client
interface to change cookies of an existing client, useful in stateful mod_perl. Object given must be a HTTP::Cookies object
GRNOC Systems Engineering, C<< <syseng at> >>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<< <syseng at> >>
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc GRNOC::WebService::Client