Rinchi::Outlook - Module for representing Microsoft Outlook® 11.0 Object Library objects.


The following two examples show the use of this module to save Personal Folders to an XML file with the attachments saved and duplicate attachments eliminated, and the preparation of and index of the saved attachments.

use strict; use Win32::OLE qw(in with); use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library'; use Win32::OLE::NLS qw(:LOCALE :DATE); use Rinchi::Outlook; use Digest::MD5; # qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);

my $document; my @attachments; my %fingerprints;

#=============================================================================== sub get_uuid() { # ToDo: Add routine to generate or fetch a UUID here. return $uuid; }

#=============================================================================== sub add_attachments($$) { my ($Item,$item) = @_; my $count = $Item->Attachments->{'Count'}; foreach my $index (1..$count) { my $Attachment = $Item->Attachments($index); my $attachment = $document->createElement(Rinchi::Outlook::Attachment::TAG_NAME); $attachment->Class($Attachment->{'Class'}); $attachment->DisplayName($Attachment->{'DisplayName'}); my $filename = $Attachment->{'FileName'}; my $ext; $ext = $1 if($filename =~ /(\.[0-9A-Za-z]+)$/); my $uuid = get_uuid(); my $path="C:/mail/attachment/$uuid$ext"; $attachment->FileName($filename); $attachment->Index($Attachment->{'Index'}); $attachment->PathName($path); $attachment->Position($Attachment->{'Position'}); $attachment->Type($Attachment->{'Type'}); $attachment->xmi_id($uuid); $item->Attachments->appendChild($attachment); $Attachment->SaveAsFile($path); push @attachments,$attachment; print "Saving attachment \'$filename\' as \'$path\'\n"; } }

#=============================================================================== sub add_items($$) { my ($Folder,$folder) = @_; my $count = $Folder->Items->{'Count'}; foreach my $index (1..$count) { my $Item = $Folder->Items($index); my $class = $Item->{'Class'}; my $item; if ($class == Rinchi::Outlook::OlObjectClass::olMail) { #common $item = $document->createElement(Rinchi::Outlook::MailItem::TAG_NAME); $item->BillingInformation($Item->{'BillingInformation'}) if ($Item->{'BillingInformation'}); $item->Companies($Item->{'Companies'}) if ($Item->{'Companies'}); $item->ConversationIndex($Item->{'ConversationIndex'}) if ($Item->{'ConversationIndex'}); $item->ConversationTopic($Item->{'ConversationTopic'}) if ($Item->{'ConversationTopic'}); $item->Importance($Item->{'Importance'}); $item->Mileage($Item->{'Mileage'}) if ($Item->{'Mileage'}); $item->NoAging('true') if ($Item->{'NoAging'}); $item->OutlookInternalVersion($Item->{'OutlookInternalVersion'}); $item->OutlookVersion($Item->{'OutlookVersion'}); $item->Sensitivity($Item->{'Sensitivity'}); $item->UnRead('true') if ($Item->{'UnRead'}); #specific $item->AlternateRecipientAllowed('true') if($Item->{'AlternateRecipientAllowed'}); $item->AutoForwarded('true') if ($Item->{'AutoForwarded'}); $item->BCC($Item->{'BCC'}) if ($Item->{'BCC'}); $item->BodyFormat($Item->{'BodyFormat'}); $item->CC($Item->{'CC'}) if ($Item->{'CC'}); $item->DeferredDeliveryTime($Item->{'DeferredDeliveryTime'}->Date(DATE_LONGDATE)) unless(${$Item->{'DeferredDeliveryTime'}} == 39679620); $item->DeleteAfterSubmit('true') if ($Item->{'DeleteAfterSubmit'}); $item->EnableSharedAttachments('true') if ($Item->{'EnableSharedAttachments'}); $item->ExpiryTime($Item->{'ExpiryTime'}->Date(DATE_LONGDATE)) unless(${$Item->{'ExpiryTime'}} == 39679620); $item->FlagDueBy($Item->{'FlagDueBy'}->Date(DATE_LONGDATE)) unless(${$Item->{'FlagDueBy'}} == 39679620); $item->FlagIcon($Item->{'FlagIcon'}) if ($Item->{'FlagIcon'}); $item->FlagRequest($Item->{'FlagRequest'}) if ($Item->{'FlagRequest'}); $item->FlagStatus($Item->{'FlagStatus'}) if ($Item->{'FlagStatus'}); $item->HasCoverSheet('true') if ($Item->{'HasCoverSheet'}); $item->InternetCodepage($Item->{'InternetCodepage'}); $item->IsIPFax('true') if ($Item->{'IsIPFax'}); $item->OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested('true') if($Item->{'OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested'}); $item->Permission($Item->{'Permission'}); $item->PermissionService($Item->{'PermissionService'}); $item->ReadReceiptRequested('true') if ($Item->{'ReadReceiptRequested'}); $item->ReceivedByName($Item->{'ReceivedByName'}); $item->ReceivedOnBehalfOfName($Item->{'ReceivedOnBehalfOfName'}); $item->ReceivedTime($Item->{'ReceivedTime'}->Date(DATE_LONGDATE)) unless(${$Item->{'ReceivedTime'}} == 39679620); $item->RecipientReassignmentProhibited('true') if($Item->{'RecipientReassignmentProhibited'}); $item->ReminderOverrideDefault('true') if($Item->{'ReminderOverrideDefault'}); $item->ReminderPlaySound('true') if($Item->{'ReminderPlaySound'}); $item->ReminderSet('true') if($Item->{'ReminderSet'}); $item->ReminderSoundFile($Item->{'ReminderSoundFile'}) if($Item->{'ReminderSoundFile'}); $item->ReminderTime($Item->{'ReminderTime'}->Date(DATE_LONGDATE)) unless(${$Item->{'ReminderTime'}} == 39679620); $item->RemoteStatus($Item->{'RemoteStatus'}); $item->ReplyRecipientNames($Item->{'ReplyRecipientNames'}); $item->SenderEmailAddress($Item->{'SenderEmailAddress'}); $item->SenderEmailType($Item->{'SenderEmailType'}); $item->SenderName($Item->{'SenderName'}); $item->Sent('true') if($Item->{'Sent'}); $item->SentOn($Item->{'SentOn'}->Date(DATE_LONGDATE)) unless(${$Item->{'SentOn'}} == 39679620); $item->SentOnBehalfOfName($Item->{'SentOnBehalfOfName'}); $item->Submitted('true') if($Item->{'Submitted'}); $item->To($Item->{'To'}); $item->VotingOptions($Item->{'VotingOptions'}) if ($Item->{'VotingOptions'}); $item->VotingResponse($Item->{'VotingResponse'}) if ($Item->{'VotingResponse'}); add_attachments($Item,$item) if ($Item->Attachments->{'Count'} > 0); } if (defined($item)) { $item->Body(escape_xml($Item->{'Body'})); $item->Class($Item->{'Class'}); $item->CreationTime($Item->{'CreationTime'}->Date(DATE_LONGDATE)) unless(${$Item->{'CreationTime'}} == 39679620); $item->DownloadState($Item->{'DownloadState'}); $item->EntryID($Item->{'EntryID'}); $item->IsConflict('true') if ($Item->{'IsConflict'}); $item->LastModificationTime($Item->{'LastModificationTime'}->Date(DATE_LONGDATE)) unless(${$Item->{'LastModificationTime'}} == 39679620); $item->MarkForDownload($Item->{'MarkForDownload'}); $item->MessageClass($Item->{'MessageClass'}); $item->Saved('true') if ($Item->{'Saved'}); $item->Size($Item->{'Size'}); $item->Subject($Item->{'Subject'}); $item->xmi_id(get_uuid()); $folder->appendChild($item); } } }

#=============================================================================== sub add_folders($$) { my ($Folders,$folders) = @_; my $count = $Folders->{'Count'}; foreach my $index (1..$count) { my $Folder = $Folders->Item($index); my $folder = $document->createElement(Rinchi::Outlook::MAPIFolder::TAG_NAME); $folder->AddressBookName($Folder->{'AddressBookName'}); $folder->Description($Folder->{'Description'}); $folder->FolderPath($Folder->{'FolderPath'}); $folder->FullFolderPath($Folder->{'FullFolderPath'}); $folder->Name($Folder->{'Name'}); $folder->DefaultItemType($Folder->{'DefaultItemType'}); $folder->Class(Rinchi::Outlook::OlObjectClass::olFolder); $folder->xmi_id(get_uuid()); $folders->appendChild($folder); add_folders($Folder->Folders,$folder->Folders) if($Folder->Folders->{'Count'} > 0); add_items($Folder,$folder) if($Folder->Items->{'Count'} > 0); } }

#=============================================================================== sub top_folders($$) { my ($Folders,$folders) = @_; my $count = $Folders->{'Count'}; foreach my $index (1..$count) { my $Folder = $Folders->Item($index); my $folder = $document->createElement(Rinchi::Outlook::MAPIFolder::TAG_NAME); my $name = $Folder->{'Name'}; $folder->AddressBookName($Folder->{'AddressBookName'}); $folder->Description($Folder->{'Description'}); $folder->FolderPath($Folder->{'FolderPath'}); $folder->FullFolderPath($Folder->{'FullFolderPath'}); $folder->Name($name); $folder->DefaultItemType($Folder->{'DefaultItemType'}); $folder->Class(Rinchi::Outlook::OlObjectClass::olFolder); $folder->xmi_id(get_uuid()); $folders->appendChild($folder); add_folders($Folder->Folders,$folder->Folders) if($Folder->Folders->{'Count'} > 0 and $name eq 'Personal Folders'); } }

#=============================================================================== my $Outlook; eval { $Outlook = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Outlook.Application') }; if ($@ || !defined($Outlook)) { $Outlook = Win32::OLE->new('Outlook.Application', sub {$_[0]->Quit;}) or return undef; } my $Namespace = $Outlook->GetNameSpace("MAPI") or return undef;

$document = Rinchi::Outlook::Document->new(Rinchi::Outlook::NameSpace::TAG_NAME); my $namespace = $document->getDocumentElement(); $namespace->xmi_id(get_uuid);


my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new(); foreach my $attachment(@attachments) { my $path = $attachment->PathName(); my $ferr = 0; open FH,'<',$path or $ferr = 1; unless ($ferr > 0) { binmode(FH); $md5->new(); $md5->addfile(*FH); my $fingerprint = $md5->hexdigest(); close FH; $attachment->MD5($fingerprint); if(exists($fingerprints{$fingerprint})) { $attachment->PathName($fingerprints{$fingerprint}); unlink $path; print "Duplicate file \'$path\' deleted.\n"; } else { $fingerprints{$fingerprint} = $path; } } }



use strict; use Rinchi::Outlook;

my $source = 'C:/mail/personal_folders.xml';

my $document = Rinchi::Outlook->parsefile($source);

my @attachments = $document->getElementsByTagName('attachment');

open HTML,'>','C:/mail/attachment/index.html'; print HTML "<html>\n <head>\n <title>Index of Attachments</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <h1>Index of Attachments</h1>\n <table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; print HTML " <tr><th>Display Name</th><th>Subject</th><th>Sender</th><th>Path Name</th><th>FileName</th></tr>\n"; foreach my $attachment (@attachments) { my $link = $attachment->PathName; my @l = split('\/',$link); $link = pop @l; printf HTML " <tr><td><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",$link,$attachment->DisplayName,$attachment->getParentNode->getParentNode->Subject,$attachment->getParentNode->getParentNode->SenderName,$attachment->PathName,$attachment->FileName; } print HTML " </table>\n </body>\n</html>\n"; close HTML;


Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library


None by default.

$Document = Rinchi::Outlook->parsefile($path);

Calls XML::Parser->parsefile with the given path and the Rinchi::Outlook handlers. A tree of DOM objects is returned.

Open FILE for reading, then call parse with the open handle. The file is closed no matter how parse returns. Returns what parse returns.


Rinchi::Outlook::Document - Module for representing Document objects.


$Object = Rinchi::Outlook::Document->new();

Create a new Rinchi::Outlook::Document object.


Rinchi::Outlook::Action - Module for representing Action objects.


Represents a specialized action (for example, the voting options response) that can be executed on an item. The Action object is a member of the Actions  object.
Using the Action Object

Use Actions (index), where index is the name of an available action, to return a single Action object.

The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example uses the Reply action of a particular item to send a reply.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") myItem = CreateItem(olMailItem) Set myReply = myItem.Actions("Reply").Execute

The following Visual Basic for Applications example does the same thing, using a different reply style for the reply.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") myItem = CreateItem(olMailItem) myItem.Actions("Reply").ReplyStyle = _ olIncludeOriginalText Set myReply = myItem.Actions("Reply").Execute

$value = $Object->CopyLike([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CopyLike attribute.

Type: OlActionCopyLike Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Enabled([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Enabled attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MessageClass([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MessageClass attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Prefix([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Prefix attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReplyStyle([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReplyStyle attribute.

Type: OlActionReplyStyle Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ResponseStyle([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ResponseStyle attribute.

Type: OlActionResponseStyle Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ShowOn([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ShowOn attribute.

Type: OlActionShowOn Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::AddressEntry - Module for representing AddressEntry objects.

DESCRIPTION of AddressEntry

$value = $Object->Address([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Address attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DisplayType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DisplayType attribute.

Type: OlDisplayType Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Manager([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Manager attribute.

Type: AddressEntry Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Members();

Set or get value of the Members attribute.

Type: AddressEntries Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Type([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Type attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::AddressList - Module for representing AddressList objects.

DESCRIPTION of AddressList

$Element = $Object->AddressEntries();

Set or get value of the AddressEntries attribute.

Type: AddressEntries Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Index([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Index attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IsReadOnly([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IsReadOnly attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Application - Module for representing Application objects.

DESCRIPTION of Application

$value = $Object->AnswerWizard([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AnswerWizard attribute.

Type: AnswerWizard Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Application([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Application attribute.

Type: Application Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Assistant([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Assistant attribute.

Type: Assistant Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->COMAddIns([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the COMAddIns attribute.

Type: COMAddIns Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Class([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Class attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Explorers();

Set or get value of the Explorers attribute.

Type: Explorers Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FeatureInstall([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FeatureInstall attribute.

Type: MsoFeatureInstall Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Inspectors();

Set or get value of the Inspectors attribute.

Type: Inspectors Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->LanguageSettings([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the LanguageSettings attribute.

Type: LanguageSettings Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Name([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Name attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Parent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Parent attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ProductCode([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ProductCode attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Reminders();

Set or get value of the Reminders attribute.

Type: Reminders Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Session([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Session attribute.

Type: NameSpace Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Version([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Version attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Attachment - Module for representing Attachment objects.

DESCRIPTION of Attachment

Represents a document or link to a document contained in an Outlook item.
Using the Attachment Object

Use Attachments (index), where index is the index number, to return a single Attachment object.

Use the Add method to add an attachment to an item.

The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example creates a new mail message, attaches Q496.xls as an attachment (not a link), and gives the attachment a descriptive caption.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) Set myAttachments = myItem.Attachments myAttachments.Add "C:\My Documents\Q496.xls", _ olByValue, 1, "4th Quarter 1996 Results Chart"

$value = $Object->DisplayName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DisplayName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FileName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FileName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Index([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Index attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->PathName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the PathName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Position([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Position attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Type([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Type attribute.

Type: OlAttachmentType Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MD5([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MD5 attribute.

Added attribute for saving the MD5 hash of the saved attachement.  This is used for elimination of duplicate files.

Type: String Lower: 1 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Conflict - Module for representing Conflict objects.


$value = $Object->Item([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Item attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Name([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Name attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Type([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Type attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Exception - Module for representing Exception objects.

DESCRIPTION of Exception

$value = $Object->AppointmentItem([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AppointmentItem attribute.

Type: AppointmentItem Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Deleted([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Deleted attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->ItemProperties();

Set or get value of the ItemProperties attribute.

Type: ItemProperties Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OriginalDate([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OriginalDate attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Explorer - Module for representing Explorer objects.


$value = $Object->Caption([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Caption attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CommandBars([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CommandBars attribute.

Type: CommandBars Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CurrentFolder([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CurrentFolder attribute.

Type: MAPIFolder Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CurrentView([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CurrentView attribute.

Type: Variant Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HTMLDocument([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HTMLDocument attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Height([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Height attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Left([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Left attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Panes();

Set or get value of the Panes attribute.

Type: Panes Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Selection([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Selection attribute.

Type: Selection Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Top([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Top attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Views([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Views attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Width([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Width attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->WindowState([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the WindowState attribute.

Type: OlWindowState Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::FormDescription - Module for representing FormDescription objects.

DESCRIPTION of FormDescription

$value = $Object->Application([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Application attribute.

Type: Application Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Category([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Category attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CategorySub([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CategorySub attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Class([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Class attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Comment([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Comment attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ContactName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ContactName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DisplayName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DisplayName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Hidden([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Hidden attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Icon([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Icon attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Locked([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Locked attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MessageClass([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MessageClass attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MiniIcon([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MiniIcon attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Name([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Name attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Number([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Number attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OneOff([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OneOff attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Parent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Parent attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Password([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Password attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ScriptText([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ScriptText attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Session([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Session attribute.

Type: NameSpace Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Template([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Template attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->UseWordMail([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the UseWordMail attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Version([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Version attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Inspector - Module for representing Inspector objects.

DESCRIPTION of Inspector

$value = $Object->Caption([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Caption attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CommandBars([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CommandBars attribute.

Type: CommandBars Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CurrentItem([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CurrentItem attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->EditorType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the EditorType attribute.

Type: OlEditorType Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HTMLEditor([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HTMLEditor attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Height([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Height attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Left([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Left attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ModifiedFormPages([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ModifiedFormPages attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Top([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Top attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Width([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Width attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->WindowState([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the WindowState attribute.

Type: OlWindowState Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->WordEditor([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the WordEditor attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::ItemProperty - Module for representing ItemProperty objects.

DESCRIPTION of ItemProperty

Contains information about a given item property. Each item property defines a certain attribute of the item, such as the name, type, or value of the item. The ItemProperty object is a member of the ItemProperties   collection.
Using the ItemProperty object

Use ItemProperties.Item(index), where index is the object's numeric position within the collection or its name to return a single ItemProperty object. The following example creates a reference to the first ItemProperty object in the ItemProperties collection.

Sub NewMail() 'Creates a new MailItem and references the ItemProperties collection.

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objMail As MailItem
Dim objitems As ItemProperties
Dim objitem As ItemProperty

Set olApp = Outlook.Application
'Create a new mail item
Set objMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
'Create a reference to the ItemProperties collection
Set objitems = objMail.ItemProperties
'Create reference to the first object in the collection
Set objitem = objitems.item(0)

End Sub

$value = $Object->Formula([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Formula attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IsUserProperty([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IsUserProperty attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Type([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Type attribute.

Type: OlUserPropertyType Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ValidationFormula([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ValidationFormula attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ValidationText([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ValidationText attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Value([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Value attribute.

Type: Variant Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Link - Module for representing Link objects.


Represents an item  that is linked to another Microsoft Outlook item. Each item has a Links  object associated with it that represents all the items that have been linked to the item.

Note For Outlook 2000 and later, only contacts can be linked to other items. Using the Link Object

Use the Item method to retrieve the Link object from a Links object. Because the Name property is the default property of the Link object, you can identify the linked item by name.

Set myLink = myLinks.Item("Microsoft Corporation")

$value = $Object->Item([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Item attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Type([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Type attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::MAPIFolder - Module for representing MAPIFolder objects.


$value = $Object->AddressBookName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AddressBookName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CurrentView([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CurrentView attribute.

Type: View Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CustomViewsOnly([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CustomViewsOnly attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DefaultItemType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DefaultItemType attribute.

Type: OlItemType Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DefaultMessageClass([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DefaultMessageClass attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Description([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Description attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->EntryID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the EntryID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FolderPath([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FolderPath attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Folders();

Set or get value of the Folders attribute.

Type: Folders Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FullFolderPath([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FullFolderPath attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->InAppFolderSyncObject([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the InAppFolderSyncObject attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IsSharePointFolder([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IsSharePointFolder attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Items();

Set or get value of the Items attribute.

Type: Items Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ShowAsOutlookAB([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ShowAsOutlookAB attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ShowItemCount([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ShowItemCount attribute.

Type: OlShowItemCount Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->StoreID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the StoreID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->UnReadItemCount([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the UnReadItemCount attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->UserPermissions([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the UserPermissions attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Views();

Set or get value of the Views attribute.

Type: Views Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->WebViewAllowNavigation([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the WebViewAllowNavigation attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->WebViewOn([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the WebViewOn attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->WebViewURL([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the WebViewURL attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::NameSpace - Module for representing NameSpace objects.


Represents an abstract root object for any data source. The object itself provides methods for logging in and out, accessing storage objects directly by ID, accessing certain special default folders directly, and accessing data sources owned by other users.
Using the NameSpace Object

Use GetNameSpace ("MAPI") to return the Outlook NameSpace object from the Application object.

The only data source supported is MAPI, which allows access to all Outlook data stored in the user's mail stores.

$Element = $Object->AddressLists();

Set or get value of the AddressLists attribute.

Type: AddressLists Lower: 1 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Application([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Application attribute.

Type: Application Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Class([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Class attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CurrentUser([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CurrentUser attribute.

Type: Recipient Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ExchangeConnectionMode([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ExchangeConnectionMode attribute.

Type: OlExchangeConnectionMode Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Folders();

Set or get value of the Folders attribute.

Type: Folders Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Offline([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Offline attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Parent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Parent attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Session([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Session attribute.

Type: NameSpace Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->SyncObjects();

Set or get value of the SyncObjects attribute.

Type: SyncObjects Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Type([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Type attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookBarGroup - Module for representing OutlookBarGroup objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookBarGroup

$Element = $Object->Shortcuts();

Set or get value of the Shortcuts attribute.

Type: OutlookBarShortcuts Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ViewType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ViewType attribute.

Type: OlOutlookBarViewType Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookBarPane - Module for representing OutlookBarPane objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookBarPane

$value = $Object->Application([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Application attribute.

Type: Application Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Class([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Class attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Contents([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Contents attribute.

Type: OutlookBarStorage Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CurrentGroup([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CurrentGroup attribute.

Type: OutlookBarGroup Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Name([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Name attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Parent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Parent attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Session([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Session attribute.

Type: NameSpace Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Visible([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Visible attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookBarShortcut - Module for representing OutlookBarShortcut objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookBarShortcut

$value = $Object->Target([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Target attribute.

Type: Variant Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookBarStorage - Module for representing OutlookBarStorage objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookBarStorage

$value = $Object->Application([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Application attribute.

Type: Application Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Class([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Class attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Groups([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Groups attribute.

Type: Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Parent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Parent attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Session([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Session attribute.

Type: NameSpace Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::PropertyPageSite - Module for representing PropertyPageSite objects.

DESCRIPTION of PropertyPageSite


Rinchi::Outlook::Recipient - Module for representing Recipient objects.

DESCRIPTION of Recipient

$value = $Object->Address([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Address attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->AddressEntry([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AddressEntry attribute.

Type: AddressEntry Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->AutoResponse([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AutoResponse attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DisplayType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DisplayType attribute.

Type: OlDisplayType Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->EntryID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the EntryID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Index([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Index attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MeetingResponseStatus([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MeetingResponseStatus attribute.

Type: OlResponseStatus Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Resolved([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Resolved attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->TrackingStatus([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the TrackingStatus attribute.

Type: OlTrackingStatus Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->TrackingStatusTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the TrackingStatusTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Type([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Type attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::RecurrencePattern - Module for representing RecurrencePattern objects.

DESCRIPTION of RecurrencePattern

$value = $Object->Application([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Application attribute.

Type: Application Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Class([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Class attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DayOfMonth([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DayOfMonth attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DayOfWeekMask([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DayOfWeekMask attribute.

Type: OlDaysOfWeek Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Duration([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Duration attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->EndTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the EndTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Exceptions();

Set or get value of the Exceptions attribute.

Type: Exceptions Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Instance([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Instance attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Interval([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Interval attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MonthOfYear([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MonthOfYear attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NoEndDate([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NoEndDate attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Occurrences([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Occurrences attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Parent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Parent attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->PatternEndDate([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the PatternEndDate attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->PatternStartDate([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the PatternStartDate attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->RecurrenceType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the RecurrenceType attribute.

Type: OlRecurrenceType Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Regenerate([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Regenerate attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Session([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Session attribute.

Type: NameSpace Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->StartTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the StartTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Reminder - Module for representing Reminder objects.


$value = $Object->Caption([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Caption attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IsVisible([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IsVisible attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Item([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Item attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NextReminderDate([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NextReminderDate attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OriginalReminderDate([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OriginalReminderDate attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Search - Module for representing Search objects.


$value = $Object->Application([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Application attribute.

Type: Application Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Class([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Class attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Filter([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Filter attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IsSynchronous([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IsSynchronous attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Parent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Parent attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Results([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Results attribute.

Type: Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Scope([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Scope attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SearchSubFolders([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SearchSubFolders attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Session([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Session attribute.

Type: NameSpace Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Tag([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Tag attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Selection - Module for representing Selection objects.

DESCRIPTION of Selection

$value = $Object->Application([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Application attribute.

Type: Application Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Class([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Class attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Count([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Count attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Parent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Parent attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Session([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Session attribute.

Type: NameSpace Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::SyncObject - Module for representing SyncObject objects.



Rinchi::Outlook::UserProperty - Module for representing UserProperty objects.

DESCRIPTION of UserProperty

Represents a custom property of a Microsoft Outlook item.
Using The UserProperty Object

Use UserProperties (index), where index is a name or index number, to return a single UserProperty object.

Use the Add method to create a new UserProperty for an item and add it to the UserProperties object. The Add method allows you to specify a name and type for the new property. The following example adds a custom text property named MyPropName.

Set myProp = myItem.UserProperties.Add("MyPropName", olText)

Note When you create a custom property, a field is added in the folder that contains the item (using the same name as the property). That field can be used as a column in folder views.

$value = $Object->Formula([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Formula attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IsUserProperty([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IsUserProperty attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Type([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Type attribute.

Type: OlUserPropertyType Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ValidationFormula([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ValidationFormula attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ValidationText([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ValidationText attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Value([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Value attribute.

Type: Variant Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::View - Module for representing View objects.


$value = $Object->Language([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Language attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->LockUserChanges([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the LockUserChanges attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SaveOption([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SaveOption attribute.

Type: OlViewSaveOption Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Standard([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Standard attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ViewType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ViewType attribute.

Type: OlViewType Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->XML([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the XML attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookNamedEntry - Module for representing OutlookNamedEntry objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookNamedEntry

$value = $Object->Name([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Name attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookEntry - Module for representing OutlookEntry objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookEntry

$value = $Object->Application([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Application attribute.

Type: Application Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Class([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Class attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Parent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Parent attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Session([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Session attribute.

Type: NameSpace Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::ApplicationEvents - Module for representing ApplicationEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of ApplicationEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::ApplicationEvents_10 - Module for representing ApplicationEvents_10 objects.

DESCRIPTION of ApplicationEvents_10


Rinchi::Outlook::ApplicationEvents_11 - Module for representing ApplicationEvents_11 objects.

DESCRIPTION of ApplicationEvents_11


Rinchi::Outlook::ExplorerEvents - Module for representing ExplorerEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of ExplorerEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::ExplorerEvents_10 - Module for representing ExplorerEvents_10 objects.

DESCRIPTION of ExplorerEvents_10


Rinchi::Outlook::ExplorersEvents - Module for representing ExplorersEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of ExplorersEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::FoldersEvents - Module for representing FoldersEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of FoldersEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::InspectorEvents - Module for representing InspectorEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of InspectorEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::InspectorEvents_10 - Module for representing InspectorEvents_10 objects.

DESCRIPTION of InspectorEvents_10


Rinchi::Outlook::InspectorsEvents - Module for representing InspectorsEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of InspectorsEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::ItemEvents_10 - Module for representing ItemEvents_10 objects.

DESCRIPTION of ItemEvents_10


Rinchi::Outlook::ItemEvents - Module for representing ItemEvents objects.



Rinchi::Outlook::ItemsEvents - Module for representing ItemsEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of ItemsEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::NameSpaceEvents - Module for representing NameSpaceEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of NameSpaceEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookBarGroupsEvents - Module for representing OutlookBarGroupsEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookBarGroupsEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookBarPaneEvents - Module for representing OutlookBarPaneEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookBarPaneEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookBarShortcutsEvents - Module for representing OutlookBarShortcutsEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookBarShortcutsEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::ReminderCollectionEvents - Module for representing ReminderCollectionEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of ReminderCollectionEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::ResultsEvents - Module for representing ResultsEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of ResultsEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::SyncObjectEvents - Module for representing SyncObjectEvents objects.

DESCRIPTION of SyncObjectEvents


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookCollection - Module for representing OutlookCollection objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookCollection

$value = $Object->Application([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Application attribute.

Type: Application Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Class([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Class attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Count([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Count attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Parent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Parent attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Session([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Session attribute.

Type: NameSpace Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Items - Module for representing Items objects.


$value = $Object->IncludeRecurrences([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IncludeRecurrences attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->RawTable([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the RawTable attribute.

Type: Unknown Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::Links - Module for representing Links objects.


$arrayref = $Object->link();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained Link objects. Get values of the link property.


$value = $Object->push_link([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the link attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Explorers - Module for representing Explorers objects.

DESCRIPTION of Explorers

$arrayref = $Object->Explorer();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained Explorer objects. Get values of the Explorer property.


$value = $Object->push_Explorer([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Explorer attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::AddressEntries - Module for representing AddressEntries objects.

DESCRIPTION of AddressEntries

$value = $Object->RawTable([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the RawTable attribute.

Type: Unknown Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$arrayref = $Object->addressEntry();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained AddressEntry objects. Get values of the addressEntry property.


$value = $Object->push_addressEntry([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the addressEntry attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::AddressLists - Module for representing AddressLists objects.

DESCRIPTION of AddressLists

$arrayref = $Object->addressList();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained AddressList objects. Get values of the addressList property.


$value = $Object->push_addressList([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the addressList attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Actions - Module for representing Actions objects.


$arrayref = $Object->action();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained Action objects. Get values of the action property.


$value = $Object->push_action([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the action attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Attachments - Module for representing Attachments objects.

DESCRIPTION of Attachments

$arrayref = $Object->attachment();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained Attachment objects. Get values of the attachment property.


$value = $Object->push_attachment([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the attachment attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Conflicts - Module for representing Conflicts objects.

DESCRIPTION of Conflicts

$arrayref = $Object->Conflict();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained Conflict objects. Get values of the Conflict property.


$value = $Object->push_Conflict([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Conflict attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Exceptions - Module for representing Exceptions objects.

DESCRIPTION of Exceptions

$arrayref = $Object->Exception();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained Exception objects. Get values of the Exception property.


$value = $Object->push_Exception([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Exception attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Inspectors - Module for representing Inspectors objects.

DESCRIPTION of Inspectors

$arrayref = $Object->inspector();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained Inspector objects. Get values of the inspector property.


$value = $Object->push_inspector([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the inspector attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::ItemProperties - Module for representing ItemProperties objects.

DESCRIPTION of ItemProperties

$arrayref = $Object->itemProperty();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained ItemProperty objects. Get values of the itemProperty property.


$value = $Object->push_itemProperty([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the itemProperty attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookBarGroups - Module for representing OutlookBarGroups objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookBarGroups

$arrayref = $Object->outlookBarGroup();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained OutlookBarGroup objects. Get values of the outlookBarGroup property.


$value = $Object->push_outlookBarGroup([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the outlookBarGroup attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookBarShortcuts - Module for representing OutlookBarShortcuts objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookBarShortcuts

$arrayref = $Object->outlookBarShortcut();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained OutlookBarShortcut objects. Get values of the outlookBarShortcut property.


$value = $Object->push_outlookBarShortcut([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the outlookBarShortcut attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Pages - Module for representing Pages objects.



Rinchi::Outlook::Panes - Module for representing Panes objects.



Rinchi::Outlook::PropertyPages - Module for representing PropertyPages objects.

DESCRIPTION of PropertyPages

$arrayref = $Object->propertyPage();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained PropertyPageSite objects. Get values of the propertyPage property.


$value = $Object->push_propertyPage([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the propertyPage attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Recipients - Module for representing Recipients objects.

DESCRIPTION of Recipients

$arrayref = $Object->recipient();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained Recipient objects. Get values of the recipient property.


$value = $Object->push_recipient([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the recipient attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Reminders - Module for representing Reminders objects.

DESCRIPTION of Reminders

$arrayref = $Object->reminder();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained Reminder objects. Get values of the reminder property.


$value = $Object->push_reminder([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the reminder attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Results - Module for representing Results objects.


$value = $Object->DefaultItemType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DefaultItemType attribute.

Type: OlItemType Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->RawTable([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the RawTable attribute.

Type: Unknown Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::SyncObjects - Module for representing SyncObjects objects.

DESCRIPTION of SyncObjects

$value = $Object->AppFolders([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AppFolders attribute.

Type: SyncObject Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$arrayref = $Object->syncObject();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained SyncObject objects. Get values of the syncObject property.


$value = $Object->push_syncObject([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the syncObject attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::UserProperties - Module for representing UserProperties objects.

DESCRIPTION of UserProperties

$arrayref = $Object->userProperty();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained UserProperty objects. Get values of the userProperty property.


$value = $Object->push_userProperty([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the userProperty attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Views - Module for representing Views objects.


$arrayref = $Object->view();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained View objects. Get values of the view property.


$value = $Object->push_view([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the view attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::Folders - Module for representing Folders objects.


$value = $Object->RawTable([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the RawTable attribute.

Type: Unknown Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$arrayref = $Object->MAPIFolder();

Returns a reference to an array of the contained MAPIFolder objects. Get values of the MAPIFolder property.


$value = $Object->push_MAPIFolder([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MAPIFolder attribute.



Rinchi::Outlook::AppointmentItem - Module for representing AppointmentItem objects.

DESCRIPTION of AppointmentItem

Represents an appointment in the Calendar folder. An AppointmentItem object can represent a meeting, a one-time appointment, or a recurring appointment or meeting.
Using the AppointmentItem Object

Use the CreateItem method to create an AppointmentItem object that represents a new appointment.

The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example returns a new appointment.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)

Use Items (index), where index is the index number of an appointment or a value used to match the default property of an appointment, to return a single AppointmentItem object from a Calendar folder.

You can also return an AppointmentItem object from a MeetingItem object by using the GetAssociatedAppointment method. Remarks

If a program tries to reference any type of recipient information by using the Outlook object model, a dialog box is displayed that asks you to confirm access to this information. You can allow access to the Address Book or recipient information for up to ten minutes after you receive the dialog box. This allows features, such as mobile device synchronization, to be completed.

You receive the confirmation dialog box when a solution tries to programmatically access the following properties of the AppointmentItem object:

* Organizer
* RequiredAttendees
* OptionalAttendees
* Resources
* NetMeetingOrganizerAlias
$value = $Object->AllDayEvent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AllDayEvent attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BusyStatus([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BusyStatus attribute.

Type: OlBusyStatus Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ConferenceServerAllowExternal([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ConferenceServerAllowExternal attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ConferenceServerPassword([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ConferenceServerPassword attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Duration([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Duration attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->End([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the End attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->InternetCodepage([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the InternetCodepage attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IsOnlineMeeting([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IsOnlineMeeting attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IsRecurring([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IsRecurring attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Location([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Location attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MeetingStatus([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MeetingStatus attribute.

Type: OlMeetingStatus Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MeetingWorkspaceURL([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MeetingWorkspaceURL attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NetMeetingAutoStart([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NetMeetingAutoStart attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NetMeetingDocPathName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NetMeetingDocPathName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NetMeetingOrganizerAlias([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NetMeetingOrganizerAlias attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NetMeetingServer([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NetMeetingServer attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NetMeetingType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NetMeetingType attribute.

Type: OlNetMeetingType Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NetShowURL([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NetShowURL attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OptionalAttendees([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OptionalAttendees attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Organizer([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Organizer attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Recipients();

Set or get value of the Recipients attribute.

Type: Recipients Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->RecurrenceState([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the RecurrenceState attribute.

Type: OlRecurrenceState Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderMinutesBeforeStart([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderMinutesBeforeStart attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderOverrideDefault([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderOverrideDefault attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderPlaySound([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderPlaySound attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderSet([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderSet attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderSoundFile([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderSoundFile attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReplyTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReplyTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->RequiredAttendees([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the RequiredAttendees attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Resources([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Resources attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ResponseRequested([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ResponseRequested attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ResponseStatus([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ResponseStatus attribute.

Type: OlResponseStatus Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Start([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Start attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::ContactItem - Module for representing ContactItem objects.

DESCRIPTION of ContactItem

Represents a contact in a contacts folder. A contact can represent any person with whom you have any personal or professional contact.
Using the ContactItem Object

Use the CreateItem method to create a ContactItem object that represents a new contact.

The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example returns a new contact.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olContactItem)

The following Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) example returns a new contact.

Set myItem = Application.CreateItem(olContactItem)

Use Items (index), where index is the index number of a contact or a value used to match the default property of a contact, to return a single ContactItem object from a Contacts folder. Remarks

If a program tries to reference any type of recipient information by using the Outlook object model, a dialog box is displayed that asks you to confirm access to this information. You can allow access to the Address Book or recipient information for up to ten minutes after you receive the dialog box. This allows features, such as mobile device synchronization, to be completed.

You receive the confirmation dialog box when a solution tries to programmatically access the following properties of the ContactItem object:

* Email1Address
* Email1AddressType
* Email1DisplayName
* Email1EntryID
* Email2Address
* Email2AddressType
* Email2DisplayName
* Email2EntryID
* Email3Address
* Email3AddressType
* Email3DisplayName
* Email3EntryID
* NetMeetingAlias
* ReferredBy
$value = $Object->Account([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Account attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Anniversary([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Anniversary attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->AssistantName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AssistantName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->AssistantTelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AssistantTelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Birthday([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Birthday attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Business2TelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Business2TelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BusinessAddress([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BusinessAddress attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BusinessAddressCity([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BusinessAddressCity attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BusinessAddressCountry([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BusinessAddressCountry attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BusinessAddressPostalCode([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BusinessAddressPostalCode attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BusinessAddressState([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BusinessAddressState attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BusinessAddressStreet([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BusinessAddressStreet attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BusinessFaxNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BusinessFaxNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BusinessHomePage([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BusinessHomePage attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BusinessTelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BusinessTelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CallbackTelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CallbackTelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CarTelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CarTelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Children([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Children attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CompanyAndFullName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CompanyAndFullName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CompanyLastFirstNoSpace([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CompanyLastFirstNoSpace attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CompanyLastFirstSpaceOnly([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CompanyLastFirstSpaceOnly attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CompanyMainTelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CompanyMainTelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CompanyName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CompanyName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ComputerNetworkName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ComputerNetworkName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CustomerID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CustomerID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Department([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Department attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email1Address([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email1Address attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email1AddressType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email1AddressType attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email1DisplayName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email1DisplayName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email1EntryID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email1EntryID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email2Address([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email2Address attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email2AddressType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email2AddressType attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email2DisplayName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email2DisplayName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email2EntryID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email2EntryID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email3Address([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email3Address attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email3AddressType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email3AddressType attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email3DisplayName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email3DisplayName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Email3EntryID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Email3EntryID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FTPSite([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FTPSite attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FileAs([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FileAs attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FirstName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FirstName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FullName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FullName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FullNameAndCompany([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FullNameAndCompany attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Gender([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Gender attribute.

Type: OlGender Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->GovernmentIDNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the GovernmentIDNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HasPicture([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HasPicture attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Hobby([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Hobby attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Home2TelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Home2TelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HomeAddress([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HomeAddress attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HomeAddressCity([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HomeAddressCity attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HomeAddressCountry([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HomeAddressCountry attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HomeAddressPostOfficeBox([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HomeAddressPostOfficeBox attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HomeAddressPostalCode([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HomeAddressPostalCode attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HomeAddressState([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HomeAddressState attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HomeAddressStreet([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HomeAddressStreet attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HomeFaxNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HomeFaxNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HomeTelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HomeTelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IMAddress([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IMAddress attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ISDNNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ISDNNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Initials([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Initials attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->InternetFreeBusyAddress([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the InternetFreeBusyAddress attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->JobTitle([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the JobTitle attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Journal([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Journal attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Language([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Language attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->LastFirstAndSuffix([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the LastFirstAndSuffix attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->LastFirstNoSpace([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the LastFirstNoSpace attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->LastFirstNoSpaceAndSuffix([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the LastFirstNoSpaceAndSuffix attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->LastFirstNoSpaceCompany([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the LastFirstNoSpaceCompany attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->LastFirstSpaceOnly([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the LastFirstSpaceOnly attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->LastFirstSpaceOnlyCompany([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the LastFirstSpaceOnlyCompany attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->LastName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the LastName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->LastNameAndFirstName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the LastNameAndFirstName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MailingAddress([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MailingAddress attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MailingAddressCity([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MailingAddressCity attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MailingAddressCountry([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MailingAddressCountry attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MailingAddressPostOfficeBox([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MailingAddressPostOfficeBox attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MailingAddressPostalCode([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MailingAddressPostalCode attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MailingAddressState([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MailingAddressState attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MailingAddressStreet([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MailingAddressStreet attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ManagerName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ManagerName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MiddleName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MiddleName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MobileTelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MobileTelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NetMeetingAlias([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NetMeetingAlias attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NetMeetingServer([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NetMeetingServer attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NickName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NickName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OfficeLocation([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OfficeLocation attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OrganizationalIDNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OrganizationalIDNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OtherAddress([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OtherAddress attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OtherAddressCity([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OtherAddressCity attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OtherAddressCountry([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OtherAddressCountry attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OtherAddressPostOfficeBox([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OtherAddressPostOfficeBox attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OtherAddressPostalCode([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OtherAddressPostalCode attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OtherAddressState([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OtherAddressState attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OtherAddressStreet([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OtherAddressStreet attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OtherFaxNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OtherFaxNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OtherTelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OtherTelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->PagerNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the PagerNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->PersonalHomePage([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the PersonalHomePage attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->PrimaryTelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the PrimaryTelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Profession([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Profession attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->RadioTelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the RadioTelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReferredBy([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReferredBy attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SelectedMailingAddress([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SelectedMailingAddress attribute.

Type: OlMailingAddress Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Spouse([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Spouse attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Suffix([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Suffix attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->TTYTDDTelephoneNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the TTYTDDTelephoneNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->TelexNumber([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the TelexNumber attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Title([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Title attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->User1([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the User1 attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->User2([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the User2 attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->User3([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the User3 attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->User4([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the User4 attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->UserCertificate([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the UserCertificate attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->WebPage([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the WebPage attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->YomiCompanyName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the YomiCompanyName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->YomiFirstName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the YomiFirstName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->YomiLastName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the YomiLastName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::DistListItem - Module for representing DistListItem objects.


Represents a distribution list in a contacts folder. A distribution list can contain multiple recipients and is used to send messages to everyone in the list.
Using the DistListItem Object

Use the CreateItem method to create a DistListItem object that represents a new distribution list. The following Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example creates and displays a new distribution list.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olDistributionListItem) myItem.Display

Use Items (index), where index is the index number of an item in a contacts folder or a value used to match the default property of an item in the folder, to return a single DistListItem object from a contacts folder (that is, a folder whose default item type is olContactItem). The following Visual Basic for Applications example sets the current folder as the contacts folder and displays an existing distribution list named Project Team in the folder.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myNamespace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") Set myFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts) myFolder.Display Set myItem = myFolder.Items("Project Team") myItem.Display

$value = $Object->CheckSum([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CheckSum attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DLName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DLName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MemberCount([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MemberCount attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Members([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Members attribute.

Type: Variant Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OneOffMembers([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OneOffMembers attribute.

Type: Variant Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::DocumentItem - Module for representing DocumentItem objects.

DESCRIPTION of DocumentItem

A DocumentItem object is any document other than a Microsoft Outlook item as an item in an Outlook folder. In common usage, this will be an Office document but may be any type of document or executable file.

Note When you try to programmatically add a user-defined property to a DocumentItem object, you receive the following error message: "Property is read-only." This is because the Outlook object model does not support this functionality. Example

The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example shows how to create a DocumentItem.

Sub AddDocItem() Dim outApp As New Outlook.Application Dim nsp As Outlook.NameSpace Dim mpfInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder Dim doci As Outlook.DocumentItem

Set nsp = outApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set mpfInbox = nsp.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set doci = mpfInbox.Items.Add(olWordDocumentItem)
doci.Subject = "Word Document Item"
End Sub


Rinchi::Outlook::JournalItem - Module for representing JournalItem objects.

DESCRIPTION of JournalItem

Represents a journal entry in a Journal folder. A journal entry represents a record of all Microsoft Outlook-moderated transactions for any given period.
Using the JournalItem Object

Use the CreateItem method to create a JournalItem object that represents a new journal entry. The following example returns a new journal entry.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olJournalItem)

Use Items (index), where index is the index number of a journal entry or a value used to match the default property of a journal entry, to return a single JournalItem object from a Journal folder.

$value = $Object->ContactNames([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ContactNames attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DocPosted([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DocPosted attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DocPrinted([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DocPrinted attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DocRouted([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DocRouted attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DocSaved([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DocSaved attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Duration([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Duration attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->End([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the End attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Recipients();

Set or get value of the Recipients attribute.

Type: Recipients Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Start([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Start attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Type([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Type attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::MailItem - Module for representing MailItem objects.


Represents a mail message in an Inbox (mail) folder.
Using the MailItem Object

Use the CreateItem method to create a MailItem object that represents a new mail message. The following example creates and displays a new mail message.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) myItem.Display

Use Items (index), where index is the index number of a mail message or a value used to match the default property of a message, to return a single MailItem object from an Inbox folder. The following example sets the current folder as the Inbox and displays the second mail message in the folder.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myNamespace = myOlApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") Set myFolder = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) myFolder.Display Set myItem = myFolder.Items(2) myItem.Display


If a program tries to reference any type of recipient information by using the Outlook object model, a dialog box is displayed that asks you to confirm access to this information. You can allow access to the Address Book or recipient information for up to ten minutes after you receive the dialog box. This allows features, such as mobile device synchronization, to be completed.

You receive the confirmation dialog box when a solution tries to programmatically access the following properties of the MaiItem object:

* SentOnBehalfOfName
* SenderName
* ReceivedByName
* ReceivedOnBehalfOfName
* ReplyRecipientNames
* To
* CC
* Body
* HTMLBody
* Recipients
* SenderEmailAddress
$value = $Object->AlternateRecipientAllowed([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AlternateRecipientAllowed attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->AutoForwarded([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AutoForwarded attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BCC([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BCC attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BodyFormat([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BodyFormat attribute.

Type: OlBodyFormat Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CC([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CC attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DeferredDeliveryTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DeferredDeliveryTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DeleteAfterSubmit([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DeleteAfterSubmit attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->EnableSharedAttachments([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the EnableSharedAttachments attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ExpiryTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ExpiryTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FlagDueBy([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FlagDueBy attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FlagIcon([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FlagIcon attribute.

Type: OlFlagIcon Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FlagRequest([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FlagRequest attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FlagStatus([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FlagStatus attribute.

Type: OlFlagStatus Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HTMLBody([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HTMLBody attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HasCoverSheet([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HasCoverSheet attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->InternetCodepage([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the InternetCodepage attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IsIPFax([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IsIPFax attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Permission([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Permission attribute.

Type: OlPermission Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->PermissionService([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the PermissionService attribute.

Type: OlPermissionService Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReadReceiptRequested([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReadReceiptRequested attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReceivedByEntryID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReceivedByEntryID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReceivedByName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReceivedByName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReceivedOnBehalfOfEntryID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReceivedOnBehalfOfEntryID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReceivedOnBehalfOfName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReceivedOnBehalfOfName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReceivedTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReceivedTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->RecipientReassignmentProhibited([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the RecipientReassignmentProhibited attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Recipients();

Set or get value of the Recipients attribute.

Type: Recipients Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderOverrideDefault([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderOverrideDefault attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderPlaySound([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderPlaySound attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderSet([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderSet attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderSoundFile([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderSoundFile attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->RemoteStatus([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the RemoteStatus attribute.

Type: OlRemoteStatus Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReplyRecipientNames([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReplyRecipientNames attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->ReplyRecipients();

Set or get value of the ReplyRecipients attribute.

Type: Recipients Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SaveSentMessageFolder([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SaveSentMessageFolder attribute.

Type: MAPIFolder Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SenderEmailAddress([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SenderEmailAddress attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SenderEmailType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SenderEmailType attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SenderName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SenderName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Sent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Sent attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SentOn([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SentOn attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SentOnBehalfOfName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SentOnBehalfOfName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Submitted([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Submitted attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->To([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the To attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->VotingOptions([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the VotingOptions attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->VotingResponse([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the VotingResponse attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::MeetingItem - Module for representing MeetingItem objects.

DESCRIPTION of MeetingItem

Represents an item in an Inbox (mail) folder. A MeetingItem object represents a change to the recipient's Calendar folder initiated by another party or as a result of a group action.

Using the MeetingItem Object

Unlike other Microsoft Outlook objects, you cannot create this object. It is created automatically when you set the MeetingStatus property of an AppointmentItem object to olMeeting and send it to one or more users. They receive it in their inboxes as a MeetingItem.

The following example uses the CreateItem method to create an appointment. It becomes a MeetingItem with both a required and an optional attendee when it is received in the inbox of each of the recipients.

Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem) myItem.MeetingStatus = olMeeting myItem.Subject = "Strategy Meeting" myItem.Location = "Conference Room B" myItem.Start = #9/24/97 1:30:00 PM# myItem.Duration = 90 Set myRequiredAttendee = myItem.Recipients.Add("Nate _ Sun") myRequiredAttendee.Type = olRequired Set myOptionalAttendee = myItem.Recipients.Add("Kevin _ Kennedy") myOptionalAttendee.Type = olOptional Set myResourceAttendee = _ myItem.Recipients.Add("Conference Room B") myResourceAttendee.Type = olResource myItem.Send

Use the GetAssociatedAppointment method to return the AppointmentItem object associated with a MeetingItem object, and work directly with the AppointmentItem object to respond to the request.

$value = $Object->AutoForwarded([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AutoForwarded attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DeferredDeliveryTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DeferredDeliveryTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DeleteAfterSubmit([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DeleteAfterSubmit attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ExpiryTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ExpiryTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FlagDueBy([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FlagDueBy attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FlagIcon([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FlagIcon attribute.

Type: OlFlagIcon Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FlagRequest([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FlagRequest attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FlagStatus([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FlagStatus attribute.

Type: OlFlagStatus Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MeetingWorkspaceURL([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MeetingWorkspaceURL attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReceivedTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReceivedTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Recipients();

Set or get value of the Recipients attribute.

Type: Recipients Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderSet([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderSet attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->ReplyRecipients();

Set or get value of the ReplyRecipients attribute.

Type: Recipients Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SaveSentMessageFolder([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SaveSentMessageFolder attribute.

Type: MAPIFolder Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SenderEmailAddress([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SenderEmailAddress attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SenderEmailType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SenderEmailType attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SenderName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SenderName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Sent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Sent attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SentOn([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SentOn attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Submitted([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Submitted attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::NoteItem - Module for representing NoteItem objects.


Represents a note in a Notes folder.

A NoteItem is not customizable. If you open a new note, you will notice that it is not possible to place it in design time.

The Subject property of a NoteItem object is read-only because it is calculated from the body text of the note. Also, the NoteItem Body can only be rich text, so the properties that correspond to HTML and Microsoft Word content do not apply. Although the GetInspector property will work on notes, because notes can't be customized, some of the Inspector properties and methods will not apply to a NoteItem . Using the NoteItem Object

Use the CreateItem method to create a NoteItem object that represents a new note. The following Microsoft Visual Basic example returns a new note.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olNoteItem)

The following example shows how to create a NoteItem object using Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript).

Set myItem = Application.CreateItem(5)

Use Items (index), where index is the index number of a note or a value used to match the default property of a note, to return a single NoteItem object from a Notes folder.

$value = $Object->Color([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Color attribute.

Type: OlNoteColor Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Height([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Height attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Left([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Left attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Top([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Top attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Width([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Width attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::PostItem - Module for representing PostItem objects.


Represents a post in a public folder that others may browse. Unlike a MailItem  object, a PostItem object is not sent to a recipient. You use the Post  method, which is analogous to the Send  method for the MailItem object, to save the PostItem to the target public folder instead of mailing it.
Using the PostItem Object

Use the CreateItem or CreateItemFromTemplate method to create a PostItem object that represents a new post. The following example returns a new post.

Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olPostItem)

Use Items (index), where index is the index number of a post or a value used to match the default property of a post, to return a single PostItem object from a public folder.

$value = $Object->BodyFormat([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BodyFormat attribute.

Type: OlBodyFormat Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ExpiryTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ExpiryTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->HTMLBody([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HTMLBody attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->InternetCodepage([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the InternetCodepage attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReceivedTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReceivedTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SenderEmailAddress([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SenderEmailAddress attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SenderEmailType([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SenderEmailType attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SenderName([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SenderName attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SentOn([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SentOn attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::RemoteItem - Module for representing RemoteItem objects.


Represents a remote item in an Inbox (mail) folder. The RemoteItem object is similar to the MailItem object, but it contains only the Subject, Received Date and Time, Sender, Size, and the first 256 characters of the body of the message. It is used to give someone connecting in remote mode enough information to decide whether or not to download the corresponding mail message. However, the headers in items contained in an Offline Folders file (.ost) cannot be accessed using the RemoteItem object.
Using the RemoteItem Object

Unlike other Microsoft Outlook objects, you cannot create this object. Remote items are created by Outlook automatically when you use a Remote Access System (RAS) connection. Each RemoteItem object created on the local system corresponds to a preexisting MailItem object on the remote system.

The RemoteItem object inherits a number of properties, methods, and events that, because of the nature of the object, have no function. The Object Browser shows these properties, methods, and events as belonging to the RemoteItem object, but trying to use them will produce no effect.

The methods that do not work for the RemoteItem object include Close, Copy, Display, Move, and Save.

The properties that do not work for the RemoteItem object include BillingInformation, Body, Categories, Companies, and Mileage.

The events that do not work for the RemoteItem object include Open, Close, Forward, Reply, ReplyAll, and Send.

$value = $Object->HasAttachment([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the HasAttachment attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->RemoteMessageClass([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the RemoteMessageClass attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->TransferSize([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the TransferSize attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->TransferTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the TransferTime attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::ReportItem - Module for representing ReportItem objects.


Represents a mail-delivery report in an Inbox (mail) folder. The ReportItem object is similar to a MailItem  object, and it contains a report (usually the non-delivery report) or error message from the mail transport system.
Using the ReportItem Object

Unlike other Microsoft Outlook objects, you cannot create this object. Report items are created automatically when any report or error in general is received from the mail transport system.


Rinchi::Outlook::TaskItem - Module for representing TaskItem objects.


Represents a task (an assigned, delegated, or self-imposed task to be performed within a specified time frame) in a Tasks folder.
Using The TaskItem Object

Use the CreateItem method to create a TaskItem object that represents a new task.

The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example returns a new task.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olTaskItem)

The following sample shows how to create a task using Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript).

Set myItem = Application.CreateItem(3)

Use Items (index), where index is the index number of a task or a value used to match the default property of a task, to return a single TaskItem object from a Tasks folder. Remarks

If a program tries to reference any type of recipient information by using the Outlook object model, a dialog box is displayed that asks you to confirm access to this information. You can allow access to the Address Book or recipient information for up to ten minutes after you receive the dialog box. This allows features, such as mobile device synchronization, to be completed.

You receive the confirmation dialog box when a solution tries to programmatically access the following properties of the TaskItem object:

* ContactNames
* Delegator
* Owner
* StatusUpdateRecipients
* StatusOnCompletionRecipients
$value = $Object->ActualWork([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ActualWork attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CardData([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CardData attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Complete([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Complete attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ContactNames([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ContactNames attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Contacts([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Contacts attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DateCompleted([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DateCompleted attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DelegationState([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DelegationState attribute.

Type: OlTaskDelegationState Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Delegator([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Delegator attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DueDate([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DueDate attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->InternetCodepage([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the InternetCodepage attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IsRecurring([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IsRecurring attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Ordinal([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Ordinal attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Owner([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Owner attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Ownership([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Ownership attribute.

Type: OlTaskOwnership Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->PercentComplete([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the PercentComplete attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Recipients();

Set or get value of the Recipients attribute.

Type: Recipients Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderOverrideDefault([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderOverrideDefault attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderPlaySound([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderPlaySound attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderSet([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderSet attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderSoundFile([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderSoundFile attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ReminderTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ReminderTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ResponseState([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ResponseState attribute.

Type: OlTaskResponse Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Role([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Role attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->SchedulePlusPriority([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the SchedulePlusPriority attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->StartDate([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the StartDate attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Status([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Status attribute.

Type: OlTaskStatus Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->StatusOnCompletionRecipients([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the StatusOnCompletionRecipients attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->StatusUpdateRecipients([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the StatusUpdateRecipients attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->TeamTask([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the TeamTask attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->TotalWork([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the TotalWork attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::TaskRequestAcceptItem - Module for representing TaskRequestAcceptItem objects.

DESCRIPTION of TaskRequestAcceptItem

Represents an item in an Inbox (mail) folder.

A TaskRequestAcceptItem object represents a response to a TaskRequestItem sent by the initiating user. If the delegated user accepts the task, the ResponseState property is set to olTaskAccept. The associated TaskItem is received by the delegator as a TaskRequestAcceptItem object. Using the TaskRequestAcceptItem Object

Unlike other Microsoft Outlook objects, you cannot create this object.

Use the GetAssociatedTask method to return the TaskItem object that is associated with this TaskRequestAcceptItem. Work directly with the TaskItem object.


Rinchi::Outlook::TaskRequestDeclineItem - Module for representing TaskRequestDeclineItem objects.

DESCRIPTION of TaskRequestDeclineItem

Represents an item in an Inbox (mail) folder.

A TaskRequestDeclineItem object represents a response to a TaskRequestItem sent by the initiating user. If the delegated user declines the task, the ResponseState property is set to olTaskDecline. The associated TaskItem is received by the delegator as a TaskRequestDeclineItem object. Using the TaskRequestDeclineItem Object

Unlike other Microsoft Outlook objects, you cannot create this object.

Use the GetAssociatedTask method to return the TaskItem object that is associated with this TaskRequestDeclineItem. Work directly with the TaskItem object.


Rinchi::Outlook::TaskRequestItem - Module for representing TaskRequestItem objects.

DESCRIPTION of TaskRequestItem

Represents an item in an Inbox (mail) folder. A TaskRequestItem object represents a change to the recipient's Tasks list initiated by another party or as a result of a group tasking.
Using the TaskRequestItem Object

Unlike other Microsoft Outlook objects, you cannot create this object. When the sender applies the Assign and Send methods to a TaskItem object to assign (delegate) the associated task to another user, the TaskRequestItem object is created when the item is received in the recipient's Inbox.

The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example creates a simple task, assigns it to another user, and sends it. When the task request arrives in the recipient's Inbox, it is received as a TaskRequestItem.

Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olTaskItem) myItem.Assign Set myDelegate = myItem.Recipients.Add("Jeff Smith") myItem.Subject = "Prepare Agenda For Meeting" myItem.DueDate = #9/20/97# myItem.Send

The following example shows how to perform the same task using Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript).

Set myItem = Application.CreateItem(3) myItem.Assign Set myDelegate = myItem.Recipients.Add("Jeff Smith") myItem.Subject = "Prepare Agenda For Meeting" myItem.DueDate = #9/20/97# myItem.Send

Use the GetAssociatedTask method to return the TaskItem object, and work directly with the TaskItem object to respond to the request.


Rinchi::Outlook::TaskRequestUpdateItem - Module for representing TaskRequestUpdateItem objects.

DESCRIPTION of TaskRequestUpdateItem

Represents an item in an Inbox (mail) folder.

A TaskRequestUpdateItem object represents a response to a TaskRequestItem sent by the initiating user. If the delegated user updates the task by changing properties such as the DueDate or the Status, and then sends it, the associated TaskItem is received by the delegator as a TaskRequestUpdateItem object. Using the TaskRequestUpdateItem Object

Unlike other Microsoft Outlook objects, you cannot create this object.

Use the GetAssociatedTask method to return the TaskItem object that is associated with this TaskRequestUpdateItem. Work directly with the TaskItem object.


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookBaseItemObject - Module for representing OutlookBaseItemObject objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookBaseItemObject

$value = $Object->Application([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Application attribute.

Type: Application Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->AutoResolvedWinner([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the AutoResolvedWinner attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Body([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Body attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Categories([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Categories attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Class([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Class attribute.

Type: OlObjectClass Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Conflicts();

Set or get value of the Conflicts attribute.

Type: Conflicts Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->CreationTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the CreationTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->DownloadState([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the DownloadState attribute.

Type: OlDownloadState Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->EntryID([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the EntryID attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->GetInspector([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the GetInspector attribute.

Type: Inspector Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->IsConflict([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the IsConflict attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->ItemProperties();

Set or get value of the ItemProperties attribute.

Type: ItemProperties Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->LastModificationTime([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the LastModificationTime attribute.

Type: VT_DATE Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Links();

Set or get value of the Links attribute.

Type: Links Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MarkForDownload([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MarkForDownload attribute.

Type: OlRemoteStatus Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->MessageClass([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the MessageClass attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Parent([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Parent attribute.

Type: Object Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Saved([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Saved attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Session([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Session attribute.

Type: NameSpace Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Size([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Size attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Subject([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Subject attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::OutlookItemObject - Module for representing OutlookItemObject objects.

DESCRIPTION of OutlookItemObject

$Element = $Object->Actions();

Set or get value of the Actions attribute.

Type: Actions Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->Attachments();

Set or get value of the Attachments attribute.

Type: Attachments Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->BillingInformation([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the BillingInformation attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Companies([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Companies attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ConversationIndex([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ConversationIndex attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->ConversationTopic([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the ConversationTopic attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->FormDescription([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the FormDescription attribute.

Type: FormDescription Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Importance([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Importance attribute.

Type: OlImportance Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Mileage([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Mileage attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->NoAging([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the NoAging attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OutlookInternalVersion([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OutlookInternalVersion attribute.

Type: Long Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->OutlookVersion([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the OutlookVersion attribute.

Type: String Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->Sensitivity([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the Sensitivity attribute.

Type: OlSensitivity Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$value = $Object->UnRead([$new_value]);

Set or get value of the UnRead attribute.

Type: Boolean Lower: 0 Upper: 1

$Element = $Object->UserProperties();

Set or get value of the UserProperties attribute.

Type: UserProperties Lower: 0 Upper: 1


Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionCopyLike - Module representing the OlActionCopyLike enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlActionCopyLike

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionCopyLike::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionCopyLike::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionReplyStyle - Module representing the OlActionReplyStyle enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlActionReplyStyle

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionReplyStyle::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionReplyStyle::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionResponseStyle - Module representing the OlActionResponseStyle enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlActionResponseStyle

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionResponseStyle::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionResponseStyle::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionShowOn - Module representing the OlActionShowOn enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionShowOn::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlActionShowOn::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlAttachmentType - Module representing the OlAttachmentType enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlAttachmentType

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlAttachmentType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlAttachmentType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlBodyFormat - Module representing the OlBodyFormat enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlBodyFormat::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlBodyFormat::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlBusyStatus - Module representing the OlBusyStatus enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlBusyStatus::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlBusyStatus::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlDaysOfWeek - Module representing the OlDaysOfWeek enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlDaysOfWeek::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlDaysOfWeek::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlDefaultFolders - Module representing the OlDefaultFolders enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlDefaultFolders

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlDefaultFolders::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlDefaultFolders::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlDisplayType - Module representing the OlDisplayType enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlDisplayType

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlDisplayType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlDisplayType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlDownloadState - Module representing the OlDownloadState enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlDownloadState

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlDownloadState::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlDownloadState::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlEditorType - Module representing the OlEditorType enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlEditorType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlEditorType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlExchangeConnectionMode - Module representing the OlExchangeConnectionMode enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlExchangeConnectionMode

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlExchangeConnectionMode::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlExchangeConnectionMode::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlFlagIcon - Module representing the OlFlagIcon enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlFlagIcon::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlFlagIcon::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlFlagStatus - Module representing the OlFlagStatus enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlFlagStatus::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlFlagStatus::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlFolderDisplayMode - Module representing the OlFolderDisplayMode enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlFolderDisplayMode

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlFolderDisplayMode::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlFolderDisplayMode::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlFormRegistry - Module representing the OlFormRegistry enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlFormRegistry

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlFormRegistry::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlFormRegistry::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlGender - Module representing the OlGender enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlGender::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlGender::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlImportance - Module representing the OlImportance enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlImportance

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlImportance::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlImportance::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlInspectorClose - Module representing the OlInspectorClose enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlInspectorClose

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlInspectorClose::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlInspectorClose::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlItemType - Module representing the OlItemType enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlItemType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlItemType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlJournalRecipientType - Module representing the OlJournalRecipientType enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlJournalRecipientType

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlJournalRecipientType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlJournalRecipientType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlMailRecipientType - Module representing the OlMailRecipientType enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlMailRecipientType

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlMailRecipientType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlMailRecipientType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlMailingAddress - Module representing the OlMailingAddress enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlMailingAddress

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlMailingAddress::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlMailingAddress::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlMeetingRecipientType - Module representing the OlMeetingRecipientType enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlMeetingRecipientType

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlMeetingRecipientType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlMeetingRecipientType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlMeetingResponse - Module representing the OlMeetingResponse enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlMeetingResponse

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlMeetingResponse::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlMeetingResponse::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlMeetingStatus - Module representing the OlMeetingStatus enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlMeetingStatus

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlMeetingStatus::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlMeetingStatus::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlNetMeetingType - Module representing the OlNetMeetingType enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlNetMeetingType

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlNetMeetingType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlNetMeetingType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlNoteColor - Module representing the OlNoteColor enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlNoteColor::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlNoteColor::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlObjectClass - Module representing the OlObjectClass enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlObjectClass

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlObjectClass::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlObjectClass::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlOfficeDocItemsType - Module representing the OlOfficeDocItemsType enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlOfficeDocItemsType

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlOfficeDocItemsType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlOfficeDocItemsType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlOutlookBarViewType - Module representing the OlOutlookBarViewType enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlOutlookBarViewType

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlOutlookBarViewType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlOutlookBarViewType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlPane - Module representing the OlPane enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlPane::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlPane::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlPermission - Module representing the OlPermission enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlPermission

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlPermission::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlPermission::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlPermissionService - Module representing the OlPermissionService enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlPermissionService

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlPermissionService::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlPermissionService::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlRecurrenceState - Module representing the OlRecurrenceState enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlRecurrenceState

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlRecurrenceState::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlRecurrenceState::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlRecurrenceType - Module representing the OlRecurrenceType enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlRecurrenceType

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlRecurrenceType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlRecurrenceType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlRemoteStatus - Module representing the OlRemoteStatus enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlRemoteStatus

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlRemoteStatus::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlRemoteStatus::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlResponseStatus - Module representing the OlResponseStatus enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlResponseStatus

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlResponseStatus::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlResponseStatus::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlSaveAsType - Module representing the OlSaveAsType enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlSaveAsType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlSaveAsType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlSensitivity - Module representing the OlSensitivity enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlSensitivity

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlSensitivity::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlSensitivity::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlShowItemCount - Module representing the OlShowItemCount enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlShowItemCount

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlShowItemCount::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlShowItemCount::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlSortOrder - Module representing the OlSortOrder enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlSortOrder::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlSortOrder::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlStoreType - Module representing the OlStoreType enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlStoreType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlStoreType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlSyncState - Module representing the OlSyncState enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlSyncState::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlSyncState::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskDelegationState - Module representing the OlTaskDelegationState enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlTaskDelegationState

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskDelegationState::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskDelegationState::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskOwnership - Module representing the OlTaskOwnership enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlTaskOwnership

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskOwnership::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskOwnership::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskRecipientType - Module representing the OlTaskRecipientType enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlTaskRecipientType

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskRecipientType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskRecipientType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskResponse - Module representing the OlTaskResponse enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlTaskResponse

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskResponse::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskResponse::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskStatus - Module representing the OlTaskStatus enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskStatus::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTaskStatus::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlTrackingStatus - Module representing the OlTrackingStatus enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlTrackingStatus

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTrackingStatus::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlTrackingStatus::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlUserPropertyType - Module representing the OlUserPropertyType enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlUserPropertyType

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlUserPropertyType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlUserPropertyType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlViewSaveOption - Module representing the OlViewSaveOption enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlViewSaveOption

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlViewSaveOption::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlViewSaveOption::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlViewType - Module representing the OlViewType enumeration.


@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlViewType::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlViewType::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Rinchi::Outlook::OlWindowState - Module representing the OlWindowState enumeration.

DESCRIPTION of OlWindowState

@Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlWindowState::Literals or %Literals = Rinchi::Outlook::OlWindowState::Literals

Returns an array of literal name-value pairs.


Brian M. Ames, <>




Copyright 2008 Brian M. Ames. This software may be used under the terms of the GPL and Artistic licenses, the same as Perl itself.

236 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 452:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 514:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 525:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 728:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 767:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 968:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 988:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 1141:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 1161:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 1265:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 1285:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 1665:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 1699:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 1881:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 1901:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 1991:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 2011:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 2116:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 2136:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 2484:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 2504:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 3038:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 3058:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 3390:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 3432:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 3592:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 3620:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 3688:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 3708:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 4248:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 4274:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 4558:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 4578:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 4638:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 4658:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 4882:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 4902:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 4940:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 4960:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 5109:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 5160:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 5454:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 5474:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 5971:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 5991:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 6121:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 6141:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 6408:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 6428:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 6576:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 6637:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 6797:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 6817:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 6984:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 7004:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 7037:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 7057:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 7179:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 7819:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 7967:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 7987:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8051:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8071:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8121:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8141:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8191:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8211:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8288:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8308:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8358:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8378:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8428:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8448:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8498:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8518:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8568:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8588:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8638:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8658:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8708:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8728:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8778:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8798:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8848:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 8868:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 8918:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 9000:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 9050:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 9070:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 9120:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 9140:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 9190:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 9210:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 9278:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 9298:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 9375:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 9395:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 9445:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 9465:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 9515:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 9535:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 9612:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 9656:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 10478:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 10536:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 13167:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 13204:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 13343:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 13422:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 13670:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 13727:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 14879:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 14925:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 15459:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 15497:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 15642:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 15670:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 15891:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 15923:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 16034:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 16117:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 16861:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 17052:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 17576:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 17596:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 17959:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 17987:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18010:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18042:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18065:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18089:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18112:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18136:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18159:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18185:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18208:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18234:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18257:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18283:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18306:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18338:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18361:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18411:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18434:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18466:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18489:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18511:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18534:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18560:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18583:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18619:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18642:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18674:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18697:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18721:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18744:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18768:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18791:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18817:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18840:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18864:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18887:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18911:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18934:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 18958:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 18981:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19015:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19038:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19058:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19081:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19107:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19130:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19156:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19179:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19205:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19228:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19252:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19275:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19301:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19324:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19348:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19371:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19399:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19422:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19580:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19603:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19627:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19650:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19672:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19695:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19721:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19744:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19768:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19791:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19815:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19838:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19864:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19887:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19917:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19940:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 19968:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 19991:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20021:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20044:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20082:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20105:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20131:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20154:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20178:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20201:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20225:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20248:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20272:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20295:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20317:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20340:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20366:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20389:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20413:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20436:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20458:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20481:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20507:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20530:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20558:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20581:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20615:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20638:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20678:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20701:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20725:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20748:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20776:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20799:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 20823:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 20840:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'