blx::xsdsql::xml - read/write xml file from/to sql database


use blx::xsdsql::xml


this package is a class - instance it with the method new


this module defined the followed functions

new - constructor

	XMLWRITER  				=> instance of class XML::Writer
									if is not set the object instance automatically
	XMLPARSER  				=> instance of class XML::Parser
									if is not set the object instance automatically
	SQL_BINDING 			=> instance of class blx::xsdsql::xml::sql_binding or a subclass
									if is not set the object instance automatically 
									but then params DB_NAMESPACE, DB_CONN must be set
	DB_NAMESPACE 			=> set the property (Es: pg for postgres or oracle for oracle) used only if SQL_BINDING is not set
	DB_CONN     			=> DBI connection used only if SQL_BINDING is not set
	SCHEMA_INSTANCE 		=> schema instance (Ex: - default none
								this is a deprecated param - use ROOT_TAG_PARAMS param
	SCHEMA_NAME     		=> schema name (Ex: schema.xsd) - default none
								this is a deprecated param - use ROOT_TAG_PARAMS param
	SCHEMA   				=> schema object generated by blx::xsdsql::parser::parse
	EXECUTE_OBJECTS_PREFIX 	=> prefix for objects in execution
	EXECUTE_OBJECTS_SUFFIX 	=> suffix for objects in execution
	ROOT_TAG_PARAMS   		=> force a hash or array of key/value for root tag in write xml 

read - read a xml file and put into the database

	FD   =>  input file description (default stdin) 
the method return the id inserted into the  root table

write - write a xml file from database

	FD 							=>  output file descriptor (default stdout)
	ROOT_ID    					=> root_id - the result of the method read
	DELETE_ROWS     			=> if true write to FD and delete the rows from the database
	ROOT_TAG_PARAMS   			=> force a hash or array of key/value for root tag in write xml 
	HANDLE_BEFORE_XMLDECL		=> pointer sub called before xmlDecl 
	HANDLE_AFTER_XMLDECL		=> pointer sub called after xmlDecl
	HANDLE_BEFORE_START_NODE    => pointer sub called before a start node is write
	HANDLE_AFTER_START_NODE     => pointer sub called after a start node  is write
	HANDLE_BEFORE_END_NODE      => pointer sub called before a end node is write
	HANDLE_AFTER_END_NODE       => pointer sub called after a end node  is write
	HANDLE_BEFORE_DATA_ELEMENT	=> pointer sub called before write dataElement
	HANDLE_AFTER_DATA_ELEMENT	=> pointer sub called after write dataElement
	HANDLE_BEFORE_END  			=> pointer sub called before end of document
	HANDLE_AFTER_END  			=> pointer sub called after end of document
	NO_WRITE_HEADER				=> if true not write the xml header
	NO_WRITE_FOOTER				=> if true not write the xml footer

the method return the self object if root_id exist in the database else return undef

finish - close the sql statement prepared

the method return the self object


None by default.




See blx:.xsdsql::generator for generate the schema of the database and blx::xsdsql::parser for parse a xsd file (schema file)


lorenzo.bellotti, <>


Copyright (C) 2010 by lorenzo.bellotti

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
