Changes for version 1.01 - 2022-06-17
- Adapt client iterate timeout to 32 bit for open62541 API 1.1.
- Use the SECURECHANNELSTATE constants from API 1.1 and 1.2.
- Use magic STATUSCODE in clientStateCallback().
- Avoid double free when destroying client config.
- Test server starts with API 1.3.
- Implement client async connect and disconnect with API 1.1.
- Test client works with API 1.1.
- Server config provides setCustomHostname() or setServerUrls().
- Allow float values Infinity and NaN.
export constants from open62541 to Perl
Perl XS wrapper for open62541 OPC UA library
export constants from open62541 to Perl
run open62541 client for testing
manage open62541 log file for testing
run open62541 server for testing