Changes for version 0.006 - 2020-03-27

  • Remove server config clean() function from Perl API.
  • To run a test server manually, the timeout can be disabled.
  • Use Test::EOL to find trailing whitespace.
  • Generate constants from defines and enum in C header file.
  • Export constants from OPCUA::Open62541 into namespace. This breaks the existing API how modules are used and imported. Especially NS0ID uses underscore and new names are incompatible.
  • Place all generated constants into a single Perl module OPCUA::Open62541::Constant.


export constants from open62541 to Perl


Perl XS wrapper for open62541 OPC UA library
export constants from open62541 to Perl
run open62541 client for testing
manage open62541 log file for testing
run open62541 server for testing