Changes for version 0.005 - 2020-03-12

  • Plug memory leaks in connect_async() in sendAsyncBrowseRequest(), which were found by the tests.
  • Allow to iterate client from test framework.
  • Croak if wrong output variable type, make API stricter.
  • Print log level and category as string with magic variables.
  • Write client log files to debug tests.
  • Improve leak ckecks in tests.
  • Refactor client and server tests.
  • Avoid posix signal handler in test server.
  • Grep for server startup in server log to avoid races in tests.
  • Test server writes log file.
  • Implement Logger class.
  • Refactor client callback.
  • In XS croak() print function name and errno strings.


Perl XS wrapper for open62541 OPC UA library
Namespace Zero Node IDs
run open62541 client for testing
manage open62541 log file for testing
run open62541 server for testing