Changes for version 0.004 - 2020-02-27

  • Use perlcritic and perltidy.
  • Test that adding a node in the server and reading its value from the client works.
  • Use an efficient way to export constants in Perl namespace.
  • Implement UA_Client_readValueAttribute().
  • Use a function jump table for packing all variant types.
  • Make this module run on multi threaded Perl by sprinkling dTHX into the XS file.
  • UA_DiscoveryConfiguration and UA_FilterOperand croak when trying to pack them.
  • Implement all missing packed functions for builtin types.
  • To test client and server easily, implement OPCUA::Open62541::Test::Server and OPCUA::Open62541::Test::Client to handle the other end.


Perl XS wrapper for open62541 OPC UA library
Namespace Zero Node IDs
run open62541 client for testing
run open62541 server for testing