Changes for version 0.003 - 2020-02-21
- OPCUA::Open62541::sendAsyncBrowseRequest() uses optional output variable for request id.
- Run static code analyse with cppcheck, remove false positives. The C code generated by XS is clean.
- Use the generated VariableAttributes packed functions.
- Implement sendAsyncBrowseRequest for client.
- Implement OPCUA::Open62541::Variant->setScalar() and ->getScalar().
- Make status code magic like $! containing number and string.
- Test code with Perl::Critic.
- Auto generate data conversion functions.
- Support optional output parameter for addVariableNode().
- Implement conversion functions for builtin data types.
- Convert Perl hashes to NodeId, QualifiedName, and VariableAttributes.
- Implement asynchronous connections for clients.
Perl XS wrapper for open62541 OPC UA library