Config::Strict - Add strict name- and type-checking to configuration data


0.04 (alpha release)


use Config::Strict;
use Declare::Constraints::Simple -All;               # For custom checks

# A comprehensive example
my $config = Config::Strict->new( {
    params => {                                      # Parameter types & names
        Bool     => [ qw( my_bool1 my_bool2 ) ],     # Multiple parameters
        Int      => 'my_i',                          # Single parameter
        Num      => 'my_n',
        Str      => [ qw( my_str1 my_str2 ) ],
        Regexp   => 'my_re',
        ArrayRef => 'my_aref',
        HashRef  => 'my_href',
        CodeRef  => 'my_cref',
        Enum     => { my_enum => [ qw( v1 v2 ), undef ] },
        Custom   => {                                # Custom profiles
            my_pos2 =>                               # Positive number
                And( IsNumber, Matches( qr/^[^-]+$/ ) ),
            my_nest => IsA( 'Config::Strict' ),      # Nested configuration
    required => [ qw( my_bool1 my_n ) ],             # Required parameters
    defaults => {                                    # Default values
        my_bool1    => 1,
        my_str2     => 'str',
        my_enum     => 'e2',
        my_n        => -1.1,
        my_pos2     => 1_000,
} );

# Access and change the data

# Retrieve a single value
$config->get_param( 'my_n' );                       # -1.1

# Retrieve a list of values
$config->get_param( qw( my_bool1 my_str2 ) );       # ( 1, 'str' )

# Set multiple parameters
$config->set_param( my_bool1 => 1, 'my_pos2' => 2 );   

# Unset parameters
$config->unset_param( 'my_n' );
$config->param_is_set( 'my_n' );                    # false

# The following will die:
$config->get_param( 'bad_name' );           # bad_name doesn't exist in the configuration
$config->set_param( 'my_i' => 2.2 );        # my_i must be an integer
$config->set_param( 'my_pos2' => -5 );      # my_pos2 must be positive


Config::Strict utilizes Declare::Constraints::Simple to enable strict parameter name- and type-checking on configuration data. Both built-in and custom types can be used to build a validation profile for the entire configuration.

A typical workflow might be:

1. Use some configuration module to parse a configuration file and load its data.
2. Construct a Config::Strict type system for your configuration data.
3. Load the parsed configuration hash into the Config::Strict object using set_param.
4. Use get_param in your program to access configuration values.
5. Write any changes back to disk using some module.

See Declare::Constraints::Simple::Library for an index to available constraints and the parent documentation for defining your own constraints and scoping.


Declare the type system during construction:

Config::Strict->new( \%config_profile )

%config_profile is a multi-level hash with the following top-level keys:

params (Required)

Points to the hash of parameter types and names, where the keys are the built-in Config::Strict types (more below).

The values are either a single parameter name or an arrayref of parameter names, with the exception of the special types Enum and Custom which point to a uniquely defined hashref.

Any parameter not named here cannot be added later - any attempt to access a parameter that is not provided in the constructor will result in an error.

Parameter Types And Values:


Parameters taking the value 0 or 1.


Integer parameters.


Generic number parameters.


Generic string parameters.


Enumerated parameters. The Enum key points to a hashref with $parameter_name => $values pairs, where $values is an arrayref of valid values for the enum $parameter_name.


Compiled regexp parameters (with qr//).


Generic list parameters.


Generic hash parameters.


Generic code parameters.


Custom validation code. The Custom key points to a hashref with $parameter_name => $coderef pairs, where $coderef is a routine that validates a single argument and returns true or false (1 or 0) if the given value is a valid one for that parameter.

As of version 0.03, $coderef must be a Declare::Constraints::Simple "profile." These code profiles will in fact return a Declare::Constraints::Simple::Result which evaluate properly in boolean context and give more information (see their documentation for details).

Future versions may have the option of literal routines (sub { my $val = $_[0]; ... }) which will be wrapped automatically in a profile.

required (Optional)

Points to a arrayref of parameter names that must have valid values at all times. These parameters must also be given a default value.

The special value '_all' in the first location is a shortcut to specify that all parameters are to be required.

defaults (Optional)

Points to a hashref of default values to any number of parameters. Those parameters listed in required must be present in this section.



These methods will die with a stack trace if a given parameter doesn't exist in the configuration profile, or if an attempt is made to set a parameter with an invalid value.

$obj->get_param( $param1, $param2, ... )

Returns the list of values corresponding to each parameter.

$obj->set_param( $param1 => $value1, $param2 => $value2, ... )

Sets each parameter-value configuration pair.

$obj->unset_param( $param1, $param2, ... )

Unsets each parameter; internally deletes the parameter-value pair from the underlying parameter hash.

Required parameters cannot be unset.


The following methods can be used to check conditions on parameters without killing the program.

$obj->validate( $param1 => $value1, $param2 => $value2, ... )

Returns true if all parameter-value pairs are valid; false otherwise.

$obj->param_exists( $param )

Returns true if $param can be get/set; false otherwise.

$obj->param_is_set( $param )

Returns true if $param has been set; false otherwise.

$obj->param_is_required( $param )

Returns true if $param is a required parameter; false otherwise.



Returns the list of all parameters in the configuration.


Returns the list of all set parameters in the configuration.


Returns a copy of the underlying configuration data as a list of key-value pairs.


Returns a copy of the underlying configuration data as an array of array references.

$obj->get_profile( $param )

Returns the Declare::Constraints::Simple "profile" used to validate $param; it takes a single argument and returns true if the passed argument would be a valid value for $param. If it's a profile (true for all cases except custom bare coderefs) it will more specifically return a Declare::Constraints::Simple::Result.


There are several ways to make your type system even more strict than the provided parameter types:

1. Using the Custom key and combining any number of Declare::Constraints::Simple routines, and/or your own.
2. Using the Custom key and defining your own validation coderefs. (TODO)
3. Subclassing Config::Strict and overloading any of the _get_check, _set_check, and _unset_check validation methods to add your own general validation semantics. These methods are executed before get_param, set_param, and unset_param, respectively.

TODO: - Document more code examples - Custom type class registration - DCS profile wrapper mechanism




This is an alpha release - the API is subject to change.


Blake Willmarth

bwillmarth at


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-config-strict at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as changes are made.


Copyright 2010 Blake Willmarth.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:

  • the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version, or

  • the Artistic License version 2.0.