Paginator::Lite - A simple paginator
Version 0.02
This module provides a simple way to get some informations about a collection of data (database rows, sometimes) that may be used to make pagination components.
When you handle collections of data, sometimes you don't want to retrieve or display all items at once. If you are working with a database, its easy retrieve only a portion of rows each time using the keywords LIMIT and OFFSET.
The annoying problem, is how to create navigation for all 'pages' of data.
On my applications, normally I know the total number of rows, how much rows I want to display and what is the current page. So, since the first and last pages are relatively fixed, I can make a loop that iterates from first page (normally 1) until the last page and create the navigation.
This approach works fine since I don't have too many pages to display. When the number of pages grow up, I get too many components polluting the interface. In this case, I need paginate the paginator!
For this, I think in the concept of frame. A frame is a subset of pagination components that are visible at this moment. So, instead of a thousand of buttons or links, I have a 'window' with only some of them. Something like the pagination at bottom of Google Search page, that displays only 20 page each time. Additionally, the current page is in middle of frame always that is possible. I like this!
So, given the total number of pages (or the number of items and the number of items per page), the number of the current page and the frame size, I want a subset of pages (the number of each page) on which the current page is in the middle of frame, the first page on frame is something like (current - frame_size / 2) and the last page on frame is something like (current + frame_size / 2). Additionally I want know which is the first page (almost always 1), last page, previous page and next page.
With these informations, I can create a view like this:
(first) (prev) 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 (next) (last)
Usually, each time we need draw the paginator, we need calculate these values and check them if they are not out of range. This module does exactly this.
Note: This module don't generates html. It only helps you to do this, providing you with information about how to generate a simple view.
Constructor. Creates a Paginator::Lite object. Doesn't expect arguments.
my $paginator = Paginator::Lite->new;
Takes the parameters and calculates the next, previous and which pages will be into the frame.
All parameters are optional. The module provides some default values.
If you try to pass negative values, the method will kick your ass, throwing an exception! Therefore, be nice!
If you pass the total number of pages, the method will ignore the number of items and the number of items per page (if one or both were provided). Otherwise, if you don't provide the number of pages, the method will try to calculate it using the number of items, the number of items per page or defaults values if you don't provide any.
All parameter are named as follow:
- pages: The total number of pages.
- items: The total number of items.
- items_per_page: The number of items for each page.
- current: The number of the current page.
- frame_size: The size of frame.
'pages' => 20,
'current' => 13,
'frame_size' => 7,
my $first = $paginator->first; # $first == 1
my $prev = $paginator->prev; # $prev == 12
my $begin = $paginator->begin; # $begin == 10
my $curr = $paginator->curr; # $curr == 13
my $end = $paginator->end; # $end == 16
my $last = $paginator->last; # $last == 20
Accessor method to retrieve the number of the first one page.
Accessor method to retrieve the number of previous page.
Accessor method to retrieve the number of first page into the frame.
Accessor method to retrieve the number of current page.
Accessor method to retrieve the number of last page into the frame.
Accessor method to retrieve the number of next page.
Accessor method to retrieve the number of the last one page.
Blabos de Blebe, <blabos at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-paginator-lite at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Paginator::Lite
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Copyright 2009 Blabos de Blebe.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.