Sys::Hwloc - Perl Access to Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc)
use Sys::Hwloc;
# Load topology
$topology = hwloc_topology_init();
die "Failed to init topology" unless $topology;
$rc = hwloc_topology_load($topology);
die "Failed to load topology" if $rc;
# Determine number of sockets and processors
$nProcs = hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_type($topology, HWLOC_OBJ_PU);
$nSockets = hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_type($topology, HWLOC_OBJ_SOCKET);
die "Failed to determine number of processors" unless $nProcs;
die "Failed to determine number of sockets" unless $nSockets;
printf "Topology contains %d processors on %d sockets.\n", $nProcs, $nSockets;
# Compute the amount of cache of the first logical processor
$levels = 0;
$size = 0;
for($obj = hwloc_get_obj_by_type($topology, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, 0);
$obj = $obj->parent
) {
next unless $obj->type == HWLOC_OBJ_CACHE;
$size += $obj->attr->{cache}->{size};
printf "Logical CPU 0 has %d caches with total %dkB.\n", $levels, $size / 1024;
# Destroy topology
or going the OO-ish way:
use Sys::Hwloc;
# Load topology
$topology = Sys::Hwloc::Topology->init;
die "Failed to init topology" unless $topology;
$rc = $topology->load;
die "Failed to load topology" if $rc;
# Determine number of sockets and processors
$nProcs = $topology->get_nbobjs_by_type(HWLOC_OBJ_PU);
$nSockets = $topology->get_nbobjs_by_type(HWLOC_OBJ_SOCKET);
die "Failed to determine number of processors" unless $nProcs;
die "Failed to determine number of sockets" unless $nSockets;
printf "Topology contains %d processors on %d sockets.\n", $nProcs, $nSockets;
# Stringify the left side of the topology tree
for($obj = $topology->get_obj_by_depth(0,0);
$obj = $obj->first_child
) {
printf("%*s%s#%d (%s)\n",
$obj->depth, '',
$obj->sprintf_attr('; ',1),
# Destroy topology
The Hwloc module provides a Perl wrapper API around the Portable Hardware Locality (hwloc) C API.
Visit for information about hwloc.
The module provides access to the functions of the hwloc API as well as an object-oriented interface to hwloc_topology, hwloc_obj and hwloc_cpuset objects.
The following constants are exported by the Hwloc module:
Type of topology objects
HWLOC_OBJ_PROC before hwloc-1.0
HWLOC_OBJ_PU since hwloc-1.0
HWLOC_OBJ_GROUP since hwloc-1.0
Topology flags
HWLOC_API_VERSION undef before hwloc-1.0
HWLOC_XSAPI_VERSION 0 before hwloc-1.0
HWLOC_HAS_XML hwloc built with XML or not
The exported methods are listed below.
Each listing contains the methods that conform to the hwloc C API, and the corresponding Hwloc perl API OO-ish methods, if implemented.
Create and destroy topologies
$t = hwloc_topology_init()
$rc = hwloc_topology_load($t)
$t = Sys::Hwloc::Topology->init
$t = Sys::Hwloc::Topology->new
$rc = $t->load
Configure topology detection
$rc = hwloc_topology_ignore_type($t,$type)
$rc = hwloc_topology_ignore_type_keep_structure($t,$type)
$rc = hwloc_topology_ignore_all_keep_structure($t)
$rc = hwloc_topology_set_flags($t,$flags)
$rc = hwloc_topology_set_fsroot($t,$path)
$rc = hwloc_topology_set_pid($t,$pid) since hwloc-1.0
$rc = hwloc_topology_set_synthetic($t,$string)
$rc = hwloc_topology_set_xml($t,$path)
$href = hwloc_topology_get_support($t) since hwloc-1.0
$rc = $t->ignore_type($type)
$rc = $t->ignore_type_keep_structure($type)
$rc = $t->ignore_all_keep_structure
$rc = $t->set_flags($flags)
$rc = $t->set_fsroot($path)
$rc = $t->set_pid($pid)
$rc = $t->set_synthetic($string)
$rc = $t->set_xml($path)
$href = $t->get_support
Tinker with topologies
hwloc_topology_export_xml($t,$path) if HWLOC_HAS_XML
$t->export_xml($path) if HWLOC_HAS_XML
Get some topology information
$val = hwloc_topology_get_depth($t)
$val = hwloc_topology_get_type_depth($t,$type)
$val = hwloc_topology_get_depth_type($t,$depth)
$val = hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_depth($t,$depth)
$val = hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_type($t,$type)
$rc = hwloc_topology_is_thissystem($t)
$val = $t->depth
$val = $t->get_type_depth($type)
$val = $t->get_depth_type($depth)
$val = $t->get_nbobjs_by_depth($depth)
$val = $t->get_nbobjs_by_type($type)
$rc = $t->is_thissystem
Retrieve topology objects
$obj = hwloc_get_obj_by_depth($t,$depth,$idx)
$obj = hwloc_get_obj_by_type($t,$type,$idx)
$obj = $t->get_obj_by_depth($depth,$idx)
$obj = $t->get_obj_by_type($type,$idx)
Topology object properties
$val = $obj->type
$val = $obj->os_index
$val = $obj->name
$href = $obj->memory since hwloc-1.0
$href = $obj->attr since hwloc-1.0
$val = $obj->depth
$val = $obj->logical_index
$val = $obj->os_level
$obj = $obj->next_cousin
$obj = $obj->prev_cousin
$obj = $obj->father before hwloc-1.0
$obj = $obj->parent since hwloc-1.0
$val = $obj->sibling_rank
$obj = $obj->next_sibling
$obj = $obj->prev_sibling
$val = $obj->arity
@objs = $obj->children
$obj = $obj->first_child
$obj = $obj->last_child
$set = $obj->cpuset
$set = $obj->complete_cpuset since hwloc-1.0
$set = $obj->online_cpuset since hwloc-1.0
$set = $obj->allowed_cpuset since hwloc-1.0
$set = $obj->nodeset since hwloc-1.0
$set = $obj->complete_nodeset since hwloc-1.0
$set = $obj->allowed_nodeset since hwloc-1.0
$href = $obj->infos since hwloc-1.1
Object/string conversion
$val = hwloc_obj_type_string($type)
$val = hwloc_obj_type_of_string($string)
$val = hwloc_obj_type_sprintf($obj,$verbose) since hwloc-1.0
$val = hwloc_obj_attr_sprintf($obj,$separator,$verbose) since hwloc-1.0
$val = hwloc_obj_cpuset_sprintf($obj1,$obj2,...)
$val = hwloc_obj_sprintf($t,$obj,$prefix,$verbose)
$val = hwloc_obj_get_info_by_name($obj,$string) since hwloc-1.1
$val = $obj->sprintf_type($verbose) since hwloc-1.0
$val = $obj->sprintf_attr($separator,$verbose) since hwloc-1.0
$val = $obj->sprintf_cpuset
$val = $t->sprintf_obj($obj,$prefix,$verbose)
$val = $obj->sprintf($prefix,$verbose)
$val = $obj->info_by_name($string) since hwloc-1.1
Object type helpers
$val = hwloc_compare_types($type1,$type2)
$val = hwloc_get_type_or_below_depth($t,$type)
$val = hwloc_get_type_or_above_depth($t,$type)
$val = $t->get_type_or_below_depth($type)
$val = $t->get_type_or_above_depth($type)
Basic traversal helpers
$obj = hwloc_get_system_obj($t) before hwloc-1.0
$obj = hwloc_get_root_obj($t) since hwloc-1.0
$obj = hwloc_get_ancestor_obj_by_depth($obj,$depth) since hwloc-1.0
$obj = hwloc_get_ancestor_obj_by_type($obj,$type) since hwloc-1.0
$obj = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_depth($t,$depth,$obj)
$obj = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type($t,$type,$obj)
$obj = hwloc_get_pu_obj_by_os_index($t,$idx) since hwloc-1.0
$obj = hwloc_get_next_child($obj,$childobj)
$obj = hwloc_get_common_ancestor_obj($t,$obj1,$obj2)
$rc = hwloc_obj_is_in_subtree($t,$obj1,$obj2)
$rc = hwloc_compare_objects($t,$obj1,$obj2) not in hwloc
$obj = $t->system before hwloc-1.0
$obj = $t->root since hwloc-1.0
$obj = $obj->ancestor_by_depth($depth) since hwloc-1.0
$obj = $obj->ancestor_by_type($type) since hwloc-1.0
$obj = $t->get_next_obj_by_depth($depth,$obj)
$obj = $t->get_next_obj_by_type($type,$obj)
$obj = $t->get_pu_obj_by_os_index($idx) since hwloc-1.0
$obj = $obj->next_child($childobj)
$obj = $t->get_common_ancestor_obj($obj1,$obj2)
$obj = $obj->common_ancestor($obj)
$rc = $t->obj_is_in_subtree($obj1,$obj2)
$rc = $obj->is_in_subtree($obj)
$rc = $t->compare_objects($obj1,$obj2) not in hwloc
$rc = $obj->is_same_obj($obj) not in hwloc
Cpuset and Nodeset helpers
$set = hwloc_topology_get_complete_cpuset($t) since hwloc-1.0
$set = hwloc_topology_get_topology_cpuset($t) since hwloc-1.0
$set = hwloc_topology_get_online_cpuset($t) since hwloc-1.0
$set = hwloc_topology_get_allowed_cpuset($t) since hwloc-1.0
$set = hwloc_topology_get_complete_nodeset($t) since hwloc-1.1
$set = hwloc_topology_get_topology_nodeset($t) since hwloc-1.1
$set = hwloc_topology_get_allowed_nodeset($t) since hwloc-1.1
hwloc_cpuset_to_nodeset($t,$cpuset,$nodeset) since hwloc-1.1
hwloc_cpuset_to_nodeset_strict($t,$cpuset,$nodeset) since hwloc-1.1
hwloc_cpuset_from_nodeset($t,$cpuset,$nodeset) since hwloc-1.1
hwloc_cpuset_from_nodeset_strict($t,$cpuset,$nodeset) since hwloc-1.1
$set = $t->get_complete_cpuset since hwloc-1.0
$set = $t->get_topology_cpuset since hwloc-1.0
$set = $t->get_online_cpuset since hwloc-1.0
$set = $t->get_allowed_cpuset since hwloc-1.0
$set = $t->get_complete_nodeset since hwloc-1.1
$set = $t->get_topology_nodeset since hwloc-1.1
$set = $t->get_allowed_nodeset since hwloc-1.1
$t->cpuset_to_nodeset($cpuset,$nodeset) since hwloc-1.1
$t->cpuset_to_nodeset_strict($cpuset,$nodeset) since hwloc-1.1
$t->cpuset_from_nodeset($cpuset,$nodeset) since hwloc-1.1
$t->cpuset_from_nodeset_strict($cpuset,$nodeset) since hwloc-1.1
Cpuset API (before hwloc-1.1)
$set = hwloc_cpuset_alloc
$seta = hwloc_cpuset_dup($set)
$set = hwloc_cpuset_from_string($string) before hwloc-1.0
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_from_string($set,$string) since hwloc-1.0
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_from_liststring($set,$string) not in hwloc
hwloc_cpuset_clr_range($set,$ida1,$ide) since hwloc-1.0
$val = hwloc_cpuset_to_ulong($set)
$val = hwloc_cpuset_to_ith_ulong($set,$i)
$val = hwloc_cpuset_sprintf($set)
$val = hwloc_cpuset_sprintf_list($set) not in hwloc
@vals = hwloc_cpuset_ids($set) not in hwloc
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_isset($set,$id)
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_iszero($set)
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_isfull($set)
$val = hwloc_cpuset_first($set)
$val = hwloc_cpuset_next($set,$prev) since hwloc-1.0
$val = hwloc_cpuset_last($set)
$val = hwloc_cpuset_weight($set)
hwloc_cpuset_orset($set,$seta) before hwloc-1.0
hwloc_cpuset_andset($set,$seta) before hwloc-1.0
hwloc_cpuset_xorset($set,$seta) before hwloc-1.0
hwloc_cpuset_or($set,$seta,$setb) since hwloc-1.0
hwloc_cpuset_and($set,$seta,$setb) since hwloc-1.0
hwloc_cpuset_andnot($set,$seta,$setb) since hwloc-1.0
hwloc_cpuset_xor($set,$seta,$setb) since hwloc-1.0
hwloc_cpuset_not($set,$seta) since hwloc-1.0
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_intersects($seta,$setb)
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_includes($seta,$setb) not in hwloc
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_isincluded($seta,$setb)
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_isequal($seta,$setb)
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_compar($seta,$setb) before hwloc-1.0
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_compar_first($seta,$setb) before hwloc-1.0
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_compare($seta,$setb) since hwloc-1.0
$rc = hwloc_cpuset_compare_first($seta,$setb) since hwloc-1.0
$set = Sys::Hwloc::Cpuset->alloc
$set = Sys::Hwloc::Cpuset->new
$seta = $set->dup
$rc = $set->from_string($string) since hwloc-1.0
$rc = $set->from_liststring($string) not in hwloc
$set->clr_range($ida,$ide) since hwloc-1.0
$val = $set->to_ulong
$val = $set->to_ith_ulong($i)
$val = $set->sprintf
$val = $set->sprintf_list not in hwloc
@vals = $set->ids not in hwloc
$rc = $set->isset($id)
$rc = $set->iszero
$rc = $set->isfull
$val = $set->first
$val = $set->next($prev)
$val = $set->last
$val = $set->weight
$set->andnot($seta) since hwloc-1.0
$set->not since hwloc-1.0
$rc = $set->intersects($seta)
$rc = $set->includes($seta) not in hwloc
$rc = $set->isincluded($seta)
$rc = $set->isequal($seta)
$rc = $set->compar($seta) before hwloc-1.0
$rc = $set->compar_first($seta) before hwloc-1.0
$rc = $set->compare($seta) since hwloc-1.0
$rc = $set->compare_first($seta) since hwloc-1.0
Bitmap API (since hwloc-1.1)
$map = hwloc_bitmap_alloc
$map = hwloc_bitmap_alloc_full
$mapa = hwloc_bitmap_dup($map)
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_sscanf($map,$string)
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_sscanf_list($map,$string) not in hwloc
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_taskset_sscanf($map,$string)
$val = hwloc_bitmap_to_ulong($map)
$val = hwloc_bitmap_to_ith_ulong($map,$i)
$val = hwloc_bitmap_sprintf($map)
$val = hwloc_bitmap_sprintf_list($map) not in hwloc
$val = hwloc_bitmap_taskset_sprintf($map)
@vals = hwloc_bitmap_ids($map) not in hwloc
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_isset($map,$id)
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_iszero($map)
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_isfull($map)
$val = hwloc_bitmap_first($map)
$val = hwloc_bitmap_next($map,$prev)
$val = hwloc_bitmap_last($map)
$val = hwloc_bitmap_weight($map)
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_intersects($mapa,$mapb)
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_includes($mapa,$mapb) not in hwloc
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_isincluded($mapa,$mapb)
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_isequal($mapa,$mapb)
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_compare($mapa,$mapb)
$rc = hwloc_bitmap_compare_first($mapa,$mapb)
$map = Sys::Hwloc::Bitmap->alloc
$map = Sys::Hwloc::Bitmap->new
$map = Sys::Hwloc::Bitmap->alloc_full
$mapa = $map->dup
$rc = $map->sscanf($string)
$rc = $map->sscanf_list($string) not in hwloc
$rc = $map->taskset_sscanf($string)
$val = $map->to_ulong
$val = $map->to_ith_ulong($i)
$val = $map->sprintf
$val = $map->sprintf_list
$val = $map->taskset_sprintf
@vals = $map->ids not in hwloc
$rc = $map->isset($id)
$rc = $map->iszero
$rc = $map->isfull
$val = $map->first
$val = $map->next($prev)
$val = $map->last
$val = $map->weight
$rc = $map->intersects($mapa)
$rc = $map->includes($mapa) not in hwloc
$rc = $map->isincluded($mapa)
$rc = $map->isequal($mapa)
$rc = $map->compare($mapa)
$rc = $map->compare_first($mapa)
Hwloc Version
The Sys::Hwloc Perl module becomes bound at compile time to a specific hwloc C library version. Depending on the version of the hwloc C library, different methods are exported.
The compile-time hwloc API version number is available to a Perl script via the constants HWLOC_API_VERSION and HWLOC_XSAPI_VERSION. At the time of writing of this document, the values are as follows:
------------- ----------------- -------------------
hwloc-0.9.x undef 0
hwloc-1.0.x 0x00010000 0x00010000
hwloc-1.1.x 0x00010100 0x00010100
To bind a Perl script to a specific hwloc API version, check it in a BEGIN block:
if(HWLOC_XSAPI_VERSION() < 0x00010100) {
die "This script needs at least hwloc-1.1";
Object Oriented Interface
The hwloc C API defines data structures and provides functions that take pointers to variables of type struct as arguments. The hwloc C API is not object-oriented.
The Sys::Hwloc Perl module blesses the basic hwloc C data structures into separate name spaces. Thus these become Perl objects. The relation between hwloc C types and Perl classes is as follows:
C type Perl class
--------------- --------------------
hwloc_topology_t Sys::Hwloc::Topology
hwloc_obj_t Sys::Hwloc::Obj
hwloc_cpuset_t Sys::Hwloc::Cpuset
hwloc_bitmap_t Sys::Hwloc::Bitmap
The Sys::Hwloc module provides methods that have the same name like their hwloc C API counterparts. This is the classic interface. A Perl script that uses the classic interface looks almost the same like the corresponding C source code.
In addition, the Sys::Hwloc module provides aliases to most hwloc C API functions as methods in Sys::Hwloc classes. In particular, all C functions that take a hwloc_topology_t pointer as first argument, are also accessible as methods of the Sys::Hwloc::Topology class. The same holds for the other Sys::Hwloc classes.
classic object-oriented
---------------------------------- ------------------
hwloc_topology_load($topo) $topo->load
hwloc_topology_get_depth($topo) $topo->depth
hwloc_topology_get_root_obj($topo) $topo->root
hwloc_obj_type_sprintf($obj,$verbose) $obj->sprintf_type($verbose)
hwloc_obj_get_info_by_name($obj,$name) $obj->info_by_name($name)
hwloc_cpuset_free($cpuset) $cpuset->free
hwloc_cpuset_isequal($set1,$set2) $set1->isequal($set2)
hwloc_bitmap_zero($bitmap) $bitmap->zero
hwloc_bitmap_only($bitmap,$id) $bitmap->only($id)
Note that there is no DESTROY method in any Sys::Hwloc class, that may destroy an object and its underlying C data automatically when its reference count goes to zero. It is required to call the free-ing hwloc API functions explicitely, when allocated memory needs to be freed.
$topo = Sys::Hwloc::Topology->init; # allocates memory.
# $topo = undef; # WRONG, does not free!
$topo->destroy; # OK, frees.
# hwloc_topology_destroy($topo); # also OK, same as above.
Cpusets, Nodesets, Bitmaps
In hwloc-0.9 and 1.0 a hwloc_obj struct defines the struct member cpuset with C type hwloc_cpuset. In hwloc-1.0 the struct member nodeset was added with C type hwloc_cpuset. Data of type hwloc_cpuset become created and manipulated with functions of the Cpuset API.
When build with these hwloc versions, the Sys::Hwloc module exports the functions of the Cpuset API, blesses these data into the namespace Sys::Hwloc::Cpuset, and provides OO-ish methods for them. The namespace Sys::Hwloc::Bitmap does not exist.
In hwloc-1.1 a hwloc_obj struct defines struct members with C type hwloc_cpuset, and struct members with C type hwloc_nodeset. Both C types are aliases of the C type hwloc_bitmap. These data become created and manipulated with functions of the Bitmap API.
When built with these hwloc versions, the Sys::Hwloc module exports the functions of the Bitmap API, blesses these data into the namespace Sys::Hwloc::Bitmap, and provides OO-ish methods for them. A distrinction between the C types hwloc_cpuset and hwloc_nodeset is not made. The namespace Sys::Hwloc::Cpuset does not exist.
if(HWLOC_XSAPI_VERSION() <= 0x00010000) {
$set = hwloc_cpuset_alloc();
} else {
$set = hwloc_bitmap_alloc();
Stringifying Functions
The hwloc C API contains functions that stringify topology objects, cpusets or bitmaps into something human-readable. These functions are named hwloc_*_snprintf* or hwloc_*_asprintf*, and act like snprintf or asprintf, except that they do not take a format argument.
These functions do not exist in Sys::Hwloc. They were replaced by simple hwloc_*_sprintf*, which return a new string like the Perl sprintf function does. In the case of error, undef is returned.
/* This is C */
char s[128];
int rc;
rc = hwloc_obj_type_snprintf(s, sizeof(s), obj, 1);
printf("%s\n", s);
# This is Perl
printf "%s\n", hwloc_obj_type_sprintf($obj, 1);
printf "%s\n", $obj->sprintf_type(1);
Functions not in the hwloc C API
The Sys::Hwloc module provides some functions, which are not part of the hwloc C API. These functions are provided for convenience with the hope that they are useful somehow. These are:
HWLOC_XSAPI_VERSION always returns a version number (may be 0)
HWLOC_HAS_XML flag if hwloc was built with XML support
hwloc_compare_objects compares two Sys::Hwloc::Obj by C pointer value
hwloc_bitmap_sscanf_list parses a list format cpuset ASCII string
hwloc_bitmap_sprintf_list outputs a list format cpuset ASCII string
hwloc_bitmap_ids returns bitmap bits as list of decimal numbers
hwloc_bitmap_includes reverse of hwloc_bitmap_isincluded
Note that the Sys::Hwloc module is a wrapper, which depends on the underlying hwloc C library.
If you feel that you found a hwloc bug, refer to how to report it.
If you feel that you found a wrapper bug, report it via
hwloc(7), Sys::Hwloc::Topology(3pm), Sys::Hwloc::Obj(3pm), Sys::Hwloc::Cpuset(3pm), Sys::Hwloc::Bitmap(3pm)
Bernd Kallies, <>
Copyright (C) 2010 Zuse Institute Berlin
This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL version 2.0, or the Artistic License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text.