Bio::Tools::Analysis::Protein::Scansite - a wrapper around the Scansite server


 use Bio::Tools::Analysis::Protein::Scansite;

 my $seq; # a Bio::PrimarySeqI object

 my $tool = Bio::Tools::Analysis::Protein::Scansite->new
    ( -seq => $seq->primary_seq(),

 # run Scansite prediction on a sequence

 # alternatively you can say

 die "Could not get a result" unless $tool->status =~ /^COMPLETED/;

 print $tool->result;     # print raw prediction to STDOUT

 foreach my $feat ( $tool->result('Bio::SeqFeatureI') ) {

     # do something to SeqFeature
     # e.g. print as GFF
     print $feat->gff_string, "\n";
     # or store within the sequence - if it is a Bio::RichSeqI



This class is wrapper around the Scansite 2.0 server which produces predictions for serine, threonine and tyrosine phosphorylation sites in eukaryotic proteins. At present this is a basic wrapper for the "Scan protein by input sequence" functionality, which takes a sequence and searches for motifs. Optionally you can select the search strincency as well. At present searches for specific phosphorylation sites isn't supported, all predicted sites are returned.


This inherits Bio::SimpleAnalysisI which hopefully makes it easier to write wrappers on various services. This class uses a web resource and therefore inherits from Bio::WebAgent.


Bio::SimpleAnalysisI, Bio::WebAgent


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Richard Adams,,


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Name    : result
Usage   : $job->result (...)
Returns : a result created by running an analysis
Args    : none (but an implementation may choose
          to add arguments for instructions how to process
          the raw result)

The method returns a scalar representing a result of an executed job. If the job was terminated by an error the result

This implementation returns differently processed data depending on argument:


Returns the raw ASCII data stream but without HTML tags


The argument string defined the type of bioperl objects returned in an array. The objects are Bio::SeqFeature::Generic.


Returns a reference to an array of hashes containing the data of one phosphorylation site prediction. Key values are :

motif, percentile, position, protein, score, site, zscore, sequence.


Usage   : $job->stringency(...)
Returns  : The significance stringency of a prediction
Args     : None (retrieves value) or 'High', 'Medium' or 'Low'.
Purpose  : Get/setter of the stringency to be sumitted for analysis.


 Usage   : $job->protein_id(...)
 Returns  : The sequence id of the protein or 'unnamed' if not set. 
 Args     : None  
 Purpose  : Getter of the seq_id. Returns the display_id of the sequence