Bio::Coordinate::Collection - Noncontinuous match between two coordinate sets


# create Bio::Coordinate::Pairs somehow
$pair1; $pair2;

# add them into a Collection
$collection = Bio::Coordinate::Collection->new;

# create a position and map it
$pos = Bio::Location::Simple->new (-start => 5, -end => 9 );
ok $res = $collection->map($pos);
ok $res->match->start, 1;
ok $res->match->end, 5;

# if mapping is many to one (*>1) or many-to-many (*>*)
# you have to give seq_id not get unrelevant entries
$pos = Bio::Location::Simple->new
    (-start => 5, -end => 9 -seq_id=>'clone1');


Generic, context neutral mapper to provide coordinate transforms between two disjoint coordinate systems. It brings into Bioperl the functionality from Ewan Birney's Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper ported into current bioperl usage.

This class is aimed for representing mapping between whole chromosomes and contigs, or between contigs and clones, or between sequencing reads and assembly. The submaps are automatically sorted, so they can be added in any order.

To map coordinates to other direction, you have to swap() the collection. Keeping track of teh direction and when to id restricitons are left to the calling code.


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Reporting Bugs

report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email or the web:

AUTHOR - Heikki Lehvaslaiho

Email: Address:

EMBL Outstation, European Bioinformatics Institute
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton
Cambs. CB10 1SD, United Kingdom


Ewan Birney,


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Title   : add_mapper
Usage   : $obj->add_mapper($mapper)
Function: Pushes one Bio::Coodinate::MapperI into the list of mappers.
          Sets _is_sorted() to false.
Example : 
Returns : 1 when succeeds, 0 for failure.
Args    : mapper object


Title   : mappers
Usage   : $obj->mappers();
Function: Returns or sets a list of mappers.
Example : 
Returns : array of mappers
Args    : array of mappers


Title   : each_mapper
Usage   : $obj->each_mapper();
Function: Returns a list of mappers.
Example : 
Returns : list of mappers
Args    : none


Title   : swap
Usage   : $obj->swap;
Function: Swap the direction of mapping;input <-> output
Example :
Returns : 1
Args    : 


Title   : test
Usage   : $obj->test;
Function: test that both components of all pairs are of the same length.
          Ran automatically.
Example :
Returns : boolean
Args    :


Title   : map
Usage   : $newpos = $obj->map(5);
Function: Map the location from the input coordinate system 
          to a new value in the output coordinate system.
Example :
Returns : new value in the output coordiante system
Args    : integer


Title   : sort
Usage   : $obj->sort;
Function: Sort function so that all mappings are sorted by
          input coordinate start
Example :
Returns : 1
Args    : 


Title   : _is_sorted
Usage   : $newpos = $obj->_is_sorted;
Function: toggle for whether the (internal) coodinate mapper data are sorted
Example :
Returns : boolean
Args    : boolean