Bio::Range - Pure perl RangeI implementation


$range = new Bio::Range(-start=>10, -end=>30, -strand=>+1);
$r2 = new Bio::Range(-start=>15, -end=>200, -strand=>+1);

print join(', ', $range->union($r2), "\n";
print join(', ', $range->intersection($r2), "\n";
print $range->overlaps($r2), "\n";
print $range->contains($r2), "\n";


This provides a pure perl implementation of the BioPerl range interface.

Ranges are modeled as having (start, end, length, strand). They use Bio-coordinates - all points >= start and <= end are within the range. End is always greater-than or equal-to start, and length is greather than or equal to 1. The behaviour of a range is undefined if ranges with negative numbers or zero are used.

So, in summary:

length = end - start + 1
end >= start
strand = (-1 | 0 | +1)


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AUTHOR - Heikki Lehvaslaiho



The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal metho ds are usually preceded with a _



Title   : new
Usage   : $range = Bio::Range->new(-start => 100, -end=> 200, -strand = +1);
Function: generates a new Bio::Range
Returns : a new range
Args    : two of (-start, -end, '-length') - the third is calculated
        : -strand (defaults to 0)

Member variable access

These methods let you get at and set the member variables


Title    : start
Function : return or set the start co-ordinate
Example  : $s = $range->start(); $range->start(7);
Returns  : the value of the start co-ordinate
Args     : optionally, the new start co-ordinate
Overrides: Bio::RangeI::start


Title    : end
Function : return or set the end co-ordinate
Example  : $e = $range->end(); $range->end(2000);
Returns  : the value of the end co-ordinate
Args     : optionally, the new end co-ordinate
Overrides: Bio::RangeI::end


Title    : strand
Function : return or set the strandidness
Example  : $st = $range->strand(); $range->strand(-1);
Returns  : the value of the strandedness (-1, 0 or 1)
Args     : optionaly, the new strand - (-1, 0, 1) or (-, ., +).
Overrides: Bio::RangeI::Strand


Title    : length
Function : returns the length of this range
Example  : $length = $range->length();
Returns  : the length of this range, equal to end - start + 1
Args     : if you attempt to set the length, and exeption will be thrown
Overrides: Bio::RangeI::Length


Title   : toString
Function: stringifies this range
Example : print $range->toString(), "\n";
Returns : a string representation of this range

Boolean Methods

These methods return true or false.

$range->overlaps($otherRange) && print "Ranges overlap\n";


Title    : overlaps
Usage    : if($r1->overlaps($r2)) { do stuff }
Function : tests if $r2 overlaps $r1
Args     : a range to test for overlap with
Returns  : true if the ranges overlap, false otherwise
Inherited: Bio::RangeI


Title    : contains
Usage    : if($r1->contains($r2) { do stuff }
Function : tests wether $r1 totaly contains $r2
Args     : a range to test for being contained
Returns  : true if the argument is totaly contained within this range
Inherited: Bio::RangeI


Title    : equals
Usage    : if($r1->equals($r2))
Function : test whether $r1 has the same start, end, length as $r2
Args     : a range to test for equality
Returns  : true if they are describing the same range
Inherited: Bio::RangeI

Geometrical methods

These methods do things to the geometry of ranges, and return triplets (start, end, strand) from which new ranges could be built.


Title    : intersection
Usage    : ($start, $stop, $strand) = $r1->intersection($r2)
Function : gives the range that is contained by both ranges
Args     : a range to compare this one to
Returns  : nothing if they do not overlap, or the range that they do overlap
Inherited: Bio::RangeI::intersection


Title    : union
Usage    : ($start, $stop, $strand) = $r1->union($r2);
         : ($start, $stop, $strand) = Bio::Range->union(@ranges);
Function : finds the minimal range that contains all of the ranges
Args     : a range or list of ranges to find the union of
Returns  : the range containing all of the ranges
Inherited: Bio::RangeI::union