Bio::DB::Flat - Interface for indexed flat files


$db = Bio::DB::Flat->new(-directory  => '/usr/share/embl',
                         -format     => 'embl',
                         -write_flag => 1);
$seq       = $db->get_Seq_by_id('BUM');
@sequences = $db->get_Seq_by_acc('DIV' => 'primate');
$raw       = $db->fetch_raw('BUM');


This object provides the basic mechanism to associate positions in files with primary and secondary name spaces. Unlike Bio::Index::Abstract (see Bio::Index::Abstract), this is specialized to work with the "flat index" and BerkeleyDB indexed flat file formats worked out at the 2002 BioHackathon.

This object is a general front end to the underlying databases.


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AUTHOR - Lincoln Stein

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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with an "_" (underscore).


 Title   : new
 Usage   : my $db = new Bio::Flat->new(
                     -directory  => $root_directory,
		     -write_flag => 0,
                     -index      => 'bdb'|'flat',
                     -verbose    => 0,
		     -out        => 'outputfile',
                     -format     => 'genbank');
 Function: create a new Bio::Index::BDB object
 Returns : new Bio::Index::BDB object
 Args    : -directory    Root directory containing "config.dat"
           -write_flag   If true, allows reindexing.
           -verbose      Verbose messages
           -out          File to write to when write_seq invoked
 Status  : Public

The root -directory indicates where the flat file indexes will be stored. The build_index() and write_seq() methods will automatically create a human-readable configuration file named "config.dat" in this file.

The -write_flag enables writing new entries into the database as well as the creation of the indexes. By default the indexes will be opened read only.

-index is one of "bdb" or "flat" and indicates the type of index to generate. "bdb" corresponds to Berkeley DB. You *must* be using BerkeleyDB version 2 or higher, and have the Perl BerkeleyDB extension installed (DB_File will *not* work).

The -out argument species the output file for writing objects created with write_seq().


Title   : fetch
Usage   : $index->fetch( $id )
Function: Returns a Bio::Seq object from the index
Example : $seq = $index->fetch( 'dJ67B12' )
Returns : Bio::Seq object
Args    : ID

Deprecated. Use get_Seq_by_id instead.

To Be Implemented in Subclasses

The following methods MUST be implemented by subclasses.

May Be Overridden in Subclasses

The following methods MAY be overridden by subclasses.