Bio::Location::Split - Implementation of a Location on a Sequence which has multiple locations (start/end points)


    use Bio::Location::Split;

    my $splitlocation = new Bio::Location::Split();
    $splitlocation->add_sub_Location(new Bio::Location::Simple(-start=>1,
    $splitlocation->add_sub_Location(new Bio::Location::Simple(-start=>50,
    my @sublocs = $splitlocation->sub_Location();

    my $count = 1;
    # print the start/end points of the sub locations
    foreach my $location ( sort { $a->start <=> $b->start } 
			   @sublocs ) {
	printf "sub feature %d [%d..%d]\n", 
	       $count, $location->start,$location->end, "\n";


This implementation handles locations which span more than one start/end location, or and/or lie on different sequences.


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AUTHOR - Jason Stajich



The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Title   : new
Usage   : my $splitloc = new Bio::Location::Split( @args);
Function: Builds a location which contains multiple sub pieces
Returns : Bio::Location::Split
Args    : -split_type => 'JOIN' or 'ORDER'
          -seq_id   => The ID of the containing sequence for this feature
          -locations=> array ref of Bio::LocationI objects contained within
                       this location


Title   : sub_Location
Usage   : @sublocs = $splitloc->sub_Location();
Function: Returns the array of sublocations making up this compound (split)
          location. Those sublocations referring to the same sequence as
          the root split location will be sorted by start position (forward
          sort) or end position (reverse sort) and come first (before
          those on other sequences).

          The sort order can be optionally specified or suppressed by the
          value of the first argument. The default is a forward sort.

Returns : an array of Bio::LocationI implementing objects
Args    : Optionally 1, 0, or -1 for specifying a forward, no, or reverse
          sort order


Title   : add_sub_Location
Usage   : $splitloc->add_sub_Location(@locationIobjs);
Function: add an additional sublocation
Returns : number of current sub locations
Args    : list of Bio::LocationI implementing object(s) to add


Title   : splittype
Usage   : $splittype = $fuzzy->splittype();
Function: get/set the split splittype
Returns : the splittype of split feature (join, order)
Args    : splittype to set


  Title   : is_single_sequence
  Usage   : if($splitloc->is_single_sequence()) {
                print "Location object $splitloc is split ".
                      "but only across a single sequence\n";
  Function: Determine whether this location is split across a single or
            multiple sequences.

            This implementation ignores (sub-)locations that do not define
            seq_id(). The same holds true for the root location.

  Returns : TRUE if all sublocations lie on the same sequence as the root
            location (feature), and FALSE otherwise.
  Args    : none

LocationI methods


Title   : start
Usage   : $start = $location->start();
Function: get the starting point of the first (sorted) sublocation
Returns : integer
Args    : none


Title   : end
Usage   : $end = $location->end();
Function: get the ending point of the last (sorted) sublocation
Returns : integer
Args    : none


Title   : min_start
Usage   : $min_start = $location->min_start();
Function: get the minimum starting point
Returns : the minimum starting point from the contained sublocations
Args    : none


Title   : max_start
Usage   : my $maxstart = $location->max_start();
Function: Get maximum starting location of feature startpoint  
Returns : integer or undef if no maximum starting point.
Args    : none


Title   : start_pos_type
Usage   : my $start_pos_type = $location->start_pos_type();
Function: Get start position type (ie <,>, ^) 
Returns : type of position coded as text 
          ('BEFORE', 'AFTER', 'EXACT','WITHIN', 'BETWEEN')
Args    : none


Title   : min_end
Usage   : my $minend = $location->min_end();
Function: Get minimum ending location of feature endpoint 
Returns : integer or undef if no minimum ending point.
Args    : none


Title   : max_end
Usage   : my $maxend = $location->max_end();
Function: Get maximum ending location of feature endpoint 
Returns : integer or undef if no maximum ending point.
Args    : none


Title   : end_pos_type
Usage   : my $end_pos_type = $location->end_pos_type();
Function: Get end position type (ie <,>, ^) 
Returns : type of position coded as text 
          ('BEFORE', 'AFTER', 'EXACT','WITHIN', 'BETWEEN')
Args    : none


Title   : seq_id
Usage   : my $seqid = $location->seq_id();
Function: Get/Set seq_id that location refers to
Returns : seq_id
Args    : [optional] seq_id value to set


Title   : coordinate_policy
Usage   : $policy = $location->coordinate_policy();
          $location->coordinate_policy($mypolicy); # set may not be possible
Function: Get the coordinate computing policy employed by this object.

          See Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI for documentation about
          the policy object and its use.

          The interface *does not* require implementing classes to accept
          setting of a different policy. The implementation provided here
          does, however, allow to do so.

          Implementors of this interface are expected to initialize every
          new instance with a CoordinatePolicyI object. The implementation
          provided here will return a default policy object if none has
          been set yet. To change this default policy object call this
          method as a class method with an appropriate argument. Note that
          in this case only subsequently created Location objects will be

Returns : A Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI implementing object.
Args    : On set, a Bio::Location::CoordinatePolicyI implementing object.


Title   : to_FTstring
Usage   : my $locstr = $location->to_FTstring()
Function: returns the FeatureTable string of this location
Returns : string
Args    : none