Bio::Root::RootI - Abstract interface to root object code


# any bioperl or bioperl compliant object is a RootI 
# compliant object

$obj->throw("This is an exception");

eval {
    $obj->throw("This is catching an exception");

if( $@ ) {
    print "Caught exception";
} else {
    print "no exception";


This is just a set of methods which do not assumme anything about the object they are on. The methods provide the ability to throw exceptions with nice stack traces.

This is what should be inherieted by all bioperl compliant interfaces, even if they are exotic XS/CORBA/Other perl systems.


Functions originally from Steve Chervitz. Refactored by Ewan Birney.


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Purpose   : Generate, report, and set a fatal error on the object.
          : Uses Perl's die() function to report error data.
          : This does not invalidate the object but will crash the script
          : unless it is trapped with eval{}. 
          : (fatal = un-recoverable)'
Usage     : $object->throw([arguments for _set_err()])
Returns   : die()s with the contents of the error object in a string.
          : This string is human-readable and can be used to reconstruct
          : the object (e.g., new  Bio::Root::Err($@) ).
          : The behavior of throw() is affected by the current verbosity
          : and strictness settings:
          : If verbosity is < 0, the stack trace is not printed.
          : If verbosity is > 0, all data including stack trace is shown and a
          :   system beep is issued.
          : If verbosity = 0, print all data but no beep (message, note, tech note,
          :  containment hierarchy, stack).
          : If strictness is less than -1, the throw() call is converted
          : into a warn() call.
Argument  : Arguments for _set_err() 
Comments  : Calling $self->throw() method creates a object.
          : There are two ways to generate errors:
          :   1) $object->throw(<ERROR DATA>);
          :   2) &Bio::Root::Err::throw($object, ERROR_DATA);
          : To use the second option, include the line use Bio::Root::Err qw(:std);
          : in your script or module. ERROR_DATA = arguments for _set_err().
          : Some auxilliary issues:
          :   * It would be great if Perl could throw an object reference with die().
          :     This would permit more intelligent exception handlers. For now the
          :     Err object is reconstructed from the output of Err::string().
          : All errors are reported to STDERR. 
          : Redirection to an alternate location for storing errors
          : can be achieved by redirecting STDERR manually [ open(STDERR, ">>filename") ],
          : or by using set_log_err().

See also : _set_err(), warn(), strict(), verbose(), set_log_err(), "STRICTNESS & VERBOSITY", Bio::Root::Global:strictness(), Bio::Root::Global:verbosity()


Usage     : $object->warn([arguments for _set_err()])
Purpose   : Generate, report, and set a recoverable error on the object.
Returns   : Prints the contents of the error to STDERR and returns false (0).
          : The behavior of warn() is affected by the current verbosity
          : and strictness settings:
          : If verbose() is < 0, nothing is printed but a warning is still set.
          : If verbose() is > 0, the full error listing is shown
          :  (message, note, tech note, containment hierarchy, stack).
          : If verbosity  = 0, the message, note, and tech note are shown.
          : If the strict() indicator is greater than 1, warn() calls are 
          : converted into throw() calls.
Argument  : Arguments for _set_err() 
Comments  : The return value is experimental. Typically, warnings are not
          : programatically trappable: a method will issue a warning and 
          : then go about its business. By allowing
          : warn() calls to evaluate to zero, a method can halt execution 
          : by returning a warning to signal the warning without setting a 
          : fatal error on itself. Still, returning 0 does not guarantee
          : the exception will be noticed. This sort of polling-based
          : exception handling is generally frowned upon. Using throw()
          : and trapping any exceptions is highly recommended unless
          : the condition is truly inconsequential.
          : All errors are reported to STDERR. 
          : Redirection to an alternate location for storing errors
          : can be achieved by redirecting STDERR manually [ open(STDERR, ">>filename") ],
          : or by using set_log_err().

See also : _set_warning(), throw(), strict(), verbose(), set_log_err(), "STRICTNESS & VERBOSITY", Bio::Root::Global:strictness(), Bio::Root::Global:verbosity()


Purpose   : To record data regarding recoverable error conditions.
Usage     : n/a; called automatically by Bio::Root::Object::warn() 
Arguments : Arguments passed as-is to _set_err().
Comments  : An object with a warning should be considered 
          : completely operational, so use this type of error sparingly. 
          : These errors are intended for problem conditions which:
          :  1. Don't destroy the basic functionality of the object.
          :  2. Might be of incidental interest to the user.
          :  3. Are of interest to the programmer but not the end user.

See also : warn(), _set_err(), err()


 Purpose   : To create a object and optionally attach it
           : it to the current object.
 Usage     : This is an internal method and should not be called directly
           : $object->_set_err( msg)  
           : $object->_set_err( msg, note) 
           : $object->_set_err( msg, note, tech)
           : $object->_set_err( -MSG  =>"main message", 
	   :	                -TECH =>"technical note only")
           : $object->_set_err($object->err())  # Transfers pre-existing err
           : $object->_set_err()                # Re-sets an object's error state 
           :                                    # (Public method: clear_err())
 Example   : $self->throw("Data not found.");
           : To throw an error:
           : $myData eq 'foo' || return $self->throw("Data is not 'foo'.")
 Returns   : Object reference to the newly created object
           : via call to _set_err_state().
 Argument  : @param may be empty, or contain a single error object, 
           : named parameters, or a list of unnamed parameters for 
           : building an Bio::Root::Err object.
           :   msg  = string, basic description of the exception.
           :   note = string, additional note to indicate cause or exception
           :          or provide information about how to fix/report it.
           :   tech = string, addition note with technical information
           :          of interest to developer.
           : When using unnamed parameters, the number of items in @param 
           : is used as a "syntactic sugar" to indicate which fields in the 
           : err object to set (1 = msg, 2 = msg + note, 3 = msg + note + tech)
           : Calling _set_err() with no arguments clears the {'_err'} and 
           : {'_errState'} data members and destroys the Err object.
           : Since exceptions are fatal, it is more expedient for the calling code
           : to handle them as they arise. Attaching exceptions to the objects
           : that generated them implies that the object assumes responsibility for 
           : any error it might throw, which is not usually appropriate and is 
           : difficult to manage.
           : The new code now by default will not attach Err objects to the 
           : object that. Attaching Err objects can be enabled using the -RECORD_ERR
           : constructor option or the record_err() method. Bio::Root::Global::record_err()
           : turns on Err attaching for all objects in a script.
           : Attaching exceptions to the objects that produced them is considered
           : non-standard and must be explicitly requested. This behavior might be 
           : useful in situations where one runs some code in an unsupervised 
           : setting and needs a means for reporting all warnings/errors later.
           : One problem with attaching Err objects is that if an object is contained 
           : within another object, the containing object will not know about the 
           : warning unless it polls all of it contained objects, (bad design).
           : One could propagate the warning through the containment hierarchy
           : but the hierarchy may not be accessible to the objects themselves:
           : a given object may not know where it is contained (i.e, it may not 
           : have a parent).
           : * To transfer an error between objects, you can use 
           :   $self->warn($object->err) or $self->throw($object->err) or
           :   $self->_set_err($object->err) to not generate a warning.

See also : _set_warning(), err(), warn(), throw(), record_err(), _set_err_state(),


Usage     : n/a; called automatically by _set_err()
Purpose   : Sets the {'_errState'} data member to one of @Bio::Root::Err::ERR_TYPES.
          : This method is called after setting a new error with _set_err().
Returns   : An object (the current {'_err'} data member)
Argument  : An object (the one jsut created by _set_err()).
Comments  : Modifications to state are permitted only if the object:
          :   1. has only one error, OR
          :   2. has multiple errors and none of those errors are fatal.
          : This prevents an object from setting its state to warning
          : if it already has a fatal error.
          : The unfatal() method circumvents this method since the conditions
          : under which unfatal() is called are different. _set_err_state() is
          : only called when setting new errors.

See also : _set_err(), _set_warning()


Usage     : $stack_aref = $myObj->stack_trace([start_index, [end_index]]);
          : @stack_list = $myObj->stack_trace([start_index, [end_index]]);
          : @stack_list = stack_trace($object);  # As an exported method.
Purpose   : Returns the contents of the current call stack
          : in a slightly modified, more intuitive form. 
          : Permits extraction of a portion of the stack. 
          : Call stack is obtained from the perl caller() function.
          : MODIFIED FORMAT: Line numbers are shifted down one
          : level in the stack entries so that they correspond 
          : to the location of the indicated method.
Example   : @stackData = $self->stack_trace(2); 
Argument  : start_index : number of the beginning entry in the
          :               desired stack trace. The call to stack_trace()
          :               is at index 0.
          : end_index   : number of the last entry in the
          :               desired stack trace.
Returns   : A list or list reference (depending on wantarray)
          : consisting of the desired portion of the call stack.

See also : Bio::Root::Err::format_stack_entry()


 Usage     : $object->_rearrange( array_ref, list_of_arguments)
 Purpose   : Rearranges named parameters to requested order.
 Example   : $self->_rearrange([qw(SEQUENCE ID DESC)],@param);
           : Where @param = (-sequence => $s, 
	   :                 -id       => $i, 
	   :	             -desc     => $d);
 Returns   : @params - an array of parameters in the requested order.
           : The above example would return ($s, $i, $d)
 Argument  : $order : a reference to an array which describes the desired
           :          order of the named parameters.
           : @param : an array of parameters, either as a list (in
           :          which case the function simply returns the list),
           :          or as an associative array with hyphenated tags
           :          (in which case the function sorts the values 
           :          according to @{$order} and returns that new array.)
	   :	      The tags can be upper, lower, or mixed case
           :          but they must start with a hyphen (at least the
           :          first one should be hyphenated.)
 Source    : This function was taken from, written by Dr. Lincoln
           : Stein, and adapted for use in Bio::Seq by Richard Resnick and
           : then adapted for use in by Steve A. Chervitz.
 Comments  : (SAC)
           : This method may not be appropriate for method calls that are
           : within in an inner loop if efficiency is a concern.
           : Parameters can be specified using any of these formats:
           :  @param = (-name=>'me', -color=>'blue');
           :  @param = (-NAME=>'me', -COLOR=>'blue');
           :  @param = (-Name=>'me', -Color=>'blue');
           :  @param = ('me', 'blue');  
           : A leading hyphenated argument is used by this function to 
           : indicate that named parameters are being used.
           : Therefore, the ('me', 'blue') list will be returned as-is.
	   : Note that Perl will confuse unquoted, hyphenated tags as 
           : function calls if there is a function of the same name 
           : in the current namespace:
           :    -name => 'foo' is interpreted as -&name => 'foo'
           : For ultimate safety, put single quotes around the tag:
	   :    ('-name'=>'me', '-color' =>'blue');
           : This can be a bit cumbersome and I find not as readable
           : as using all uppercase, which is also fairly safe:
	   :    (-NAME=>'me', -COLOR =>'blue');
           : Personal note (SAC): I have found all uppercase tags to
           : be more managable: it involves less single-quoting,
           : the code is more readable, and there are no method naming conlicts.
           : Regardless of the style, it greatly helps to line
	   : the parameters up vertically for long/complex lists.

See Also : _initialize()