Bio::DB::GenBank - Database object interface to GenBank
$gb = new Bio::DB::GenBank;
$seq = $gb->get_Seq_by_id('MUSIGHBA1'); # Unique ID
# or ...
$seq = $gb->get_Seq_by_acc('J00522'); # Accession Number
Allows the dynamic retrieval of Sequence objects (Bio::Seq) from the GenBank database at NCBI, via an Entrez query.
WARNING: Please do NOT spam the Entrez web server with multiple requests. NCBI offers Batch Entrez for this purpose. Batch Entrez support will likely be supported in a future version of DB::GenBank.
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AUTHOR - Aaron Mackey
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : get_Seq_by_id
Usage : $seq = $db->get_Seq_by_id($uid);
Function: Gets a Bio::Seq object by its unique identifier/name
Returns : a Bio::Seq object
Args : $uid : the id (as a string) of the desired sequence entry
Title : get_Seq_by_acc
Usage : $seq = $db->get_Seq_by_acc($acc);
Function: Gets a Bio::Seq object by its accession number
Returns : a Bio::Seq object
Args : $acc : the accession number of the desired sequence entry
Note : For GenBank, this just calls the same code for get_Seq_by_id()
Title : get_Stream_by_id
Usage : $stream = $db->get_Stream_by_id( [$uid1, $uid2] );
Function: Gets a series of Seq objects by unique identifiers
Returns : a Bio::SeqIO stream object
Args : $ref : a reference to an array of unique identifiers for
the desired sequence entries
Title : get_Stream_by_acc
Usage : $seq = $db->get_Seq_by_acc($acc);
Function: Gets a series of Seq objects by accession numbers
Returns : a Bio::SeqIO stream object
Args : $ref : a reference to an array of accession numbers for
the desired sequence entries
Note : For GenBank, this just calls the same code for get_Stream_by_id()
Title : get_Stream_by_batch
Usage : $seq = $db->get_Stream_by_batch($ref);
Function: Retrieves Seq objects from Entrez 'en masse', rather than one
at a time. For large numbers of sequences, this is far superior
than get_Stream_by_[id/acc]().
Example :
Returns : a Bio::SeqIO stream object
Args : $ref : either an array reference, a filename, or a filehandle
from which to get the list of unique id's/accession numbers.