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Class::Class - Adds data members to Perl packages


In module

package MyModule;
use Class::Class;
@ISA = qw (Class::Class);

  (scalar_ => '$', # "scalar" is a keyword
   scalarref => '\$',
   array => '@',
   arrayref => '\@',
   hash => '%',
   hashref => '\%',
   glob => '*',
   globref => '\*',
   object => 'Some::Package',
   objectref => '\Some::Package');

sub initialize ($) {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # object initialization goes here: DO NOT USE 'new'

  return $self;

sub deinitialize ($) {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # object cleanup (if any) goes here: DO NOT USE 'DESTROY'

  return $self;

In other files which wish to use MyModule:

use MyModule;

my $mm = new MyModule;

$mm->scalar_ (42); # set "scalar_" to 42
$mm->scalar_ ( ); # get value of "scalar_"
$mm->scalarref (1.1); # set "scalarref" to 1.1
$mm->scalarref ( ); # get reference to value of "scalarref"

$mm->array ( ); # get arrayref stored in "array"
$mm->array (1); # get 2nd element of "array"
$mm->array (1, 'fish'); # set 2nd element of "array" to 'fish'
$mm->arrayref ( ); # get arrayref stored in "arrayref"
$mm->arrayref (1); # get reference to 2nd element of "arrayref"
$mm->arrayref (1, 'fish'); # set 2nd element of "arrayref" to 'fish'

$mm->hash ( ); # get hashref stored in "hash"
$mm->hash ('bob'); # get 'bob' element of "hash"
$mm->hash ('bob', 'one'); # set 'bob' element of "hash" to 'one'
$mm->hashref ( ); # get hashref stored in "hashref"
$mm->hashref ('bob'); # get reference to 'bob' element of "hashref"
$mm->hashref ('bob', 'one'); # set 'bob' element of "hashref" to 'one'

open G, '<blah.txt';
$mm->glob (*G); # set "glob" to *G
$mm->glob ( ); # get value of "glob"
use Symbol;
$mm->globref (gensym); # set "globref" to anonymous symbol
$mm->globref ( ); # get reference to value of "globref"

$mm->object ( ); # get object in "object"
$mm->object->method; # invoke method on object in "object"
$mm->objectref ( ); # get reference to object in "objectref"


Class::Class implements inheritable data methods for your packages with the same rules of inheritance as your other methods by generating creating accessor methods for your data the first time you make an instance of your package.

Why reinvent the wheel, you say? I got tired of the way Class::Struct worked, since the methods weren't inheritable the way I expected (no initialization of parent members before child members, for example), it was invoked programatically rather than declaratively, and I wanted to learn more about globs and the like. Plus I have a big head. :-)

Using Class::Class Modules

Using Class::Class modules is very simple. Just inherit from them as normal, but don't bother with writing a new method -- Class::Class provides one for you that arranges for superclasses to be initialized before subclasses. It also takes multiple inheritance into account (correctly, I hope).

To initialize your package, instead of sub new, write a sub initialize which takes an instance of your package as its only argument, and returns an instance:

sub initialize ($) {
  my ($self) = @_;

  # Do something clever here with your object...

  return $self;

There is no requirement you return the same instance that was handed to you. The methods polymorph and polyvolve are provided for this very purpose, to help with "virtual constructors".

Writing Class::Class Modules

Writing Class::Class modules is straight-forward.

Polymorph and Polyvolve



Using Class::Class Modules

1. Simple use:

Writing Class::Class Modules

1. Setting a package global:



Class::ISA creates an inverted inheritance tree, permitting easy traversal of a packages entire inheritance.


The following are the diagnostics generated by Class::Class. Items marked "(W)" are non-fatal (invoke Carp::carp); those marked "(F)" are fatal (invoke Carp::croak).

Not a class or subclass of '%s'

(F) The caller tried to assign to an object data member something which isn't an instance of that object's class, or which isn't an instance of a derived class.

No coderef defined for '%s' yet

(F) The caller tried to use a code reference without first providing assigning a coderef to the member.


Presently, Class::Class uses hashes for data members; array are demonstrably better for several reasons (see XXX -- TPJ) if you don't need direct access to data members by name. And even if you do, fields shows a good way to do that with recent versions of Perl.


B. K. Oxley (binkley) at Home <>


Copyright 1999, B. K. Oxley (binkley).

This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.