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PubNub::PubSub - Perl library for rapid publishing of messages on


use PubNub::PubSub;
use 5.010;
use Data::Dumper;

my $pubnub = PubNub::PubSub->new(
    pub_key => 'demo', # only required for publish
    sub_key => 'demo',
    channel => 'sandbox',

# publish
    messages => ['message1', 'message2'],
    callback => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;

        # $res is a L<Mojo::Message::Response>
        say $res->code; # 200
        say Dumper(\$res->json); # [1,"Sent","14108733777591385"]
    channel  => 'sandbox2', # optional, if not applied, the one in ->new will be used.
    messages => ['message3', 'message4']

# subscribe
    callback => sub {
        my (@messages) = @_;
        foreach my $msg (@messages) {
            print "# Got message: $msg\n";
        return 1; # 1 to continue, 0 to stop


PubNub::PubSub is Perl library for rapid publishing of messages on based on Mojo::UserAgent

perl clone of

For a rough test:

  • run perl examples/ in one terminal (or luanch may terminals with

  • run perl examples/ in another terminal (you'll see all subscribe terminals will get messages.)



  • pub_key

    optional, default pub_key for publish

  • sub_key

    optional, default sub_key for all methods

  • channel

    optional, default channel for all methods

  • publish_callback

    optional. default callback for publish

  • debug



subscribe channel to listen for the messages.

Arguments are:


Callback to run on the channel


Channel to listen on, defaults to the base object's channel attribute.


Subscription key. Defaults to base object's subkey attribute.


Pass the whole message in, as opposed to the json element of the payload.

This is useful when you need to process time tokens or channel names.

The format is a triple of (\@messages, $timetoken, $channel).


Time token for initial request. Defaults to 0.

    callback => sub {
        my (@messages) = @_;
        foreach my $msg (@messages) {
            print "# Got message: $msg\n";
        return 1; # 1 to continue, 0 to stop

return 0 to stop


Subscribe to multiple channels. Arguments are:


an arrayref of channel names


A callback, either a coderef which handles all requests, or a hashref dispatch table with one entry per channel.

If a dispatch table is used a _default entry catches all unrecognized channels. If an unrecognized channel is found, a warning is generated and the loop exits.

The message results are passed into the functions in raw_msg form (i.e. a tuple ref of (\@messages, $timetoken, $channel) for performance reasons.


publish messages to channel

    messages => ['message1', 'message2'],
    callback => sub {
        my ($res) = @_;

        # $res is a L<Mojo::Message::Response>
        say $res->code; # 200
        say Dumper(\$res->json); # [1,"Sent","14108733777591385"]
    channel  => 'sandbox2', # optional, if not applied, the one in ->new will be used.
    messages => ['message3', 'message4']

Note if you need shared callback, please pass it when do ->new with publish_callback.

new Parameters specifically for Publish V2 ONLY

  • ortt - Origination TimeToken where "r" = DOMAIN and "t" = TIMETOKEN

  • meta - any JSON payload - intended as a safe and unencrypted payload

  • ear - Eat At Read (read once)

  • seqn - Sequence Number - for Guaranteed Delivery/Ordering

We'll first try to read from messages, if not specified, fall back to the same level as messages. eg:

    messages => [
            message => 'test message.',
            ortt => {
                "r" => 13,
                "t" => "13978641831137500"
            meta => {
                "stuff" => []
            ear  => 'True',
            seqn => 12345,

## if you have common part, you can specified as the same level as messages
    messages => [
            message => 'test message.',
            ortt => {
                "r" => 13,
                "t" => "13978641831137500"
            seqn => 12345,
    meta => {
        "stuff" => []
    ear  => 'True',


fetches historical messages of a channel

  • sub_key

    optional, default will use the one passed to ->new

  • channel

    optional, default will use the one passed to ->new

  • count

    Specifies the number of historical messages to return. The Default is 100.

  • reverse

    Setting to true will traverse the time line in reverse starting with the newest message first. Default is false. If both start and end arguments are provided, reverse is ignored and messages are returned starting with the newest message.

  • start

    Time token delimiting the start of time slice (exclusive) to pull messages from.

  • end

    Time token delimiting the end of time slice (inclusive) to pull messages from.

Sample code:

my $history = $pubnub->history({
    count => 20,
    reverse => "false"
# $history is [["message1", "message2", ... ],"Start Time Token","End Time Token"]

for example, to fetch all the rows in history

my $history = $pubnub->history({
    reverse => "true",
while (1) {
    print Dumper(\$history);
    last unless @{$history->[0]}; # no messages
    sleep 1;
    $history = $pubnub->history({
        reverse => "true",
        start => $history->[2]


This module effectively runs a Mojolicious application in the background. For those parts of JSON which do not have a hard Perl equivalent, such as booleans, the Mojo::JSON module's semantics work. This means that JSON bools are handled as references to scalar values 0 and 1 (i.e. \0 for false and \1 for true).

This has changed since 0.08, where True and False were used.