Minion::Command::minion::jobx - The clone of Minion::Command::minion::job but with some output changes.
Version 0.01
This module will work the same as Minion::Command::minion::job but with some differences.
1) Display timestamps instead of epoch times.
"args" => [
"attempts" => 1,
"children" => [],
"created" => "Wed Aug 3 15:05:00 2016",
"delayed" => "Wed Aug 3 15:05:00 2016",
"finished" => "Wed Aug 3 15:05:26 2016",
"id" => 1853,
"parents" => [
"priority" => 0,
"queue" => "default",
"result" => {
"output" => "done"
"retried" => undef,
"retries" => 0,
"started" => "Wed Aug 3 15:05:05 2016",
"state" => "finished",
"task" => "task_a",
"worker" => 108
2) Add the "started" and "finished" times to the list of jobs.
1853 finished default [Wed Aug 3 15:05:05 2016] [Wed Aug 3 15:05:26 2016] task_a
1852 finished default [Wed Aug 3 15:05:00 2016] [Wed Aug 3 15:05:00 2016] task_a
1851 finished default [Wed Aug 3 14:56:08 2016] [Wed Aug 3 14:56:09 2016] task_b
1850 finished default [Wed Aug 3 14:51:06 2016] [Wed Aug 3 14:56:07 2016] task_b
1849 finished default [Wed Aug 3 14:51:01 2016] [Wed Aug 3 14:51:02 2016] task_b
Usage: APPLICATION minion jobx [OPTIONS] [ID]
./ minion jobx
./ minion jobx 10023
./ minion jobx -w
./ minion jobx -w 23
./ minion jobx -s
./ minion jobx -q important -t foo -S inactive
./ minion jobx -e foo -a '[23, "bar"]'
./ minion jobx -e foo -P 10023 -P 10024 -p 5 -q important
./ minion jobx -R -d 10 10023
./ minion jobx -r 10023
-A, --attempts <number> Number of times performing this new job will be
attempted, defaults to 1
-a, --args <JSON array> Arguments for new job in JSON format
-d, --delay <seconds> Delay new job for this many seconds
-e, --enqueue <name> New job to be enqueued
-h, --help Show this summary of available options
--home <path> Path to home directory of your application,
defaults to the value of MOJO_HOME or
-l, --limit <number> Number of jobs/workers to show when listing them,
defaults to 100
-m, --mode <name> Operating mode for your application, defaults to
the value of MOJO_MODE/PLACK_ENV or "development"
-o, --offset <number> Number of jobs/workers to skip when listing them,
defaults to 0
-P, --parent <id> One or more jobs the new job depends on
-p, --priority <number> Priority of new job, defaults to 0
-q, --queue <name> Queue to put new job in, defaults to "default", or
list only jobs in this queue
-R, --retry Retry job
-r, --remove Remove job
-S, --state <state> List only jobs in this state
-s, --stats Show queue statistics
-t, --task <name> List only jobs for this task
-w, --workers List workers instead of jobs, or show information
for a specific worker
Minion::Command::minion::job inherits all attributes from Mojolicious::Command and implements the following new ones.
my $description = $job->description;
$job = $job->description('Foo');
Short description of this command, used for the command list.
my $usage = $job->usage;
$job = $job->usage('Foo');
Usage information for this command, used for the help screen.
Minion::Command::minion::job inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Command and implements the following new ones.
Run this command.
Minion, Mojolicious::Guides,
Most of the code comes from Minion::Command::minion::job written by Sebastian Riedel (SRI).