Akado::Account - get internet provider Akado account info
version 1.1.0
Akado is the internet provider that works in Moscow, Russia.
Every Akado customer has access to the site where he can see his account info. This module creates Perl object that gets account info from that site.
Unfortunately Akdado account site has no API, so this module acts as a browser to get needed info.
Every module method dies in case of error.
Akado::Account version numbers uses Semantic Versioning standart. Please visit to find out all about this great thing.
This a constuctor. It creates object. The constractor will not access the account site. All network interaction is made in the methods that return data.
my $aa = Akado::Account->new({
login => $login,
password => $password,
It will return number. The number is the sum of money that is left on the user account. The currencty is RUB (Russian rouble).
say $aa->get_balance(); # will print '749.82', or something like this
If the object hasn't accessed the Akado account site since the object was created, the method will access site, get data from it and store it in the object. The object will access Akado site only once, after saving data in the object all methods use that cached data.
It will return number. The number is the sum of money that the user will have to pay for the next month. The currencty is RUB (Russian rouble).
say $aa->get_next_month_payment();
If the object hasn't accessed the Akado account site since the object was created, the method will access site, get data from it and store it in the object. The object will access Akado site only once, after saving data in the object all methods use that cached data.
For now the object can return only several numbers, but the Akado site has much more data in it. So it will be great if this module can get more details about user account.
For now he module does not have tests. It was created interacting with the production system. This is not good. The test should be added that mocks Akado site and its data.
Ivan Bessarabov <>
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Ivan Bessarabov.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.