Makefile.PL for the Slovo project


Some commands:

Set INSTALL_BASE, remove old Slovo installation, make, test, install, create data directory for sqlite database and run slovo to see available commands.

INSTALL_BASE=~/opt/slovo && rm -rf $INSTALL_BASE && make distclean; \
perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=$INSTALL_BASE && make && make test && make install \
&& $INSTALL_BASE/bin/slovo eval 'app->home->child("data")->make_path({mode => 0700});' \
&& $INSTALL_BASE/bin/slovo

Use cpanm to install or update into a custom location as self contained application and run slovo to see how it's going

# From metacpan. org
export PREFIX=~/opt/slovo;
cpanm -M -n --self-contained -l $PREFIX Slovo \
$PREFIX/bin/slovo eval 'app->home->child("data")->make_path({mode => 0700});' \

# From the directory where you unpacked Slovo
export PREFIX=~/opt/slovo;
cpanm . -n --self-contained -l $PREFIX Slovo
$PREFIX/bin/slovo eval 'app->home->child("data")->make_path({mode => 0700});'

Start the development server and open a browser

morbo ./script/slovo -l http://*:3000 & sleep 1 exo-open http://localhost:3000

Start the production server

hypnotoad script/slovo
# you will see something like the following:
[2019-02-24 19:38:08.69754] [13570] [info] Listening at ""
Server available at
[2019-02-24 19:38:08.69804] [13570] [info] Listening at "http://[::1]:9090"
Server available at http://[::1]:9090

Build Makefile even directly in vim

!perl Makefile.PL

When you want to add new files to the ditribution

make manifest

Beautify your code

make perltidy

Re-generate README and README.pod

make readme