
recs-decollate --help-all

Help from: --help-basic:
Usage: recs-decollate <args> [<files>]
   Decollate records of input (or records from <files>) into output records.

   --dldeaggregator ...                Specify a domain language aggregate. See "Domain Language Integration" below.
   --deaggregator|-d <deaggregators>   Colon separated list of aggregate field specifiers. See "Deaggregates" section below.
   --list-deaggregators                Bail and output a list of deaggregators.
   --show-deaggregator <deaggregator>  Bail and output this deaggregator's detailed usage.
   --filename-key|fk <keyspec>         Add a key with the source filename (if no filename is applicable will put NONE)

  Help Options:
      --help-all             Output all help for this script
      --help                 This help screen
      --help-deaggregators   List the deaggregators
      --help-domainlanguage  Help on the recs domain language, a [very complicated] way of specifying valuations (which act like keys) or aggregators

   Deaggregates are specified as <deaggregator>[,<arguments>]. See --list-deaggregators for a list of available deaggregators.

   In general, key name arguments to deaggregators may be key specs, but not key groups

Domain Lanuage Integration:
   __FORMAT_TEXT__ The normal mechanism for specifying keys and aggregators allows one to concisely instantiate the objects that back them in the platform and is certainly the easiest way to use recs. The record stream domain language
   allows the creation of these objects in a programmatic way, with neither the syntactic issues of the normal way nor its guiding hand.

   The domain language is itself just PERL with a collection of library functions for creating platform objects included. Your favorite aggregators are all here with constructors matching their normal token. For convenience of e.g.
   last, aggregators are also included with a prefixed underscore.

   Below you can find documentation on all the "built in" functions. Most aggregators and deaggregators should be present with arguments comparable to their normal instantiation arugments, but with keyspec parameters replaced with
   valuations parameters.

   Deaggregates may be specified using the recs domain language.
   --dldeaggregator requires the code evaluate as a deaggregator.

   See --help-domainlanguage for a more complete description of its workings
   and a list of available functions.

   See the examples below for a more gentle introduction.

Help from: --help-deaggregators:
split: split the provided field
unarray: split the provided array
unhash: split the provided hash

See Also

RecordStream(3) - Overview of the scripts and the system
recs-examples(3) - A set of simple recs examples
recs-story(3) - A humorous introduction to RecordStream
SCRIPT --help - every script has a --help option, like the output above