

Benjamin Bernard <> Keith Amling <>


This module will generate an stream of App::RecordStream::Record objects for given inputs.


use App::RecordStream::InputStream;
my $stream = App::RecordStream::InputStream(STRING => $recs_string);

while ( my $record = $stream->get_record() ) {
  ... do stuff ...


my $in = App::RecordStream::InputStream->new(OPTIONS);

The input stream takes named paramters, it will take one of: FILE, STRING, or FH (a file handle).

FILE   - Name of a file, must be readable
STRING - String of new line separated records
FH     - File handle to a stream of data

Optionally, it wil take a NEXT argument. The NEXT argument should be another InputStream object. Once the returned object reaches the end of its string, it will get records from the NEXT App::RecordStream::InputStream. In this manner, InputStream objects can be chained

returns an instance of InputStream

my $in = App::RecordStream::InputStream->new_magic()

Provides GNU-style input semantics for scripts. If there are arguments left in @ARGV, it will assume those are file names and make a set of chained streams for those files, returning the first stream. If no files are specified, will open an InputStream on STDIN

my $in = App::RecordStream::InpustStream->new_from_files(FILES)

Takes an array of FILES and constructs a set of chained streams for those files. Returns the first stream


my $record = $this->get_record();

Retrieve the next App::RecordStream::Record from the stream. Will return a false value if no records are available. If this stream has a NEXT stream specified in the constructor, this will continue to return Record objects until all chained streams are exhausted