
recs-collate --help-all

Help from: --help-aggregators:
average, avg: averages provided field
cb, countby: counts by unique value for a field
concat, concatenate: concatenate values from provided field
corr, correl, correlation: find correlation of provided fields
count, ct: counts (non-unique) records
cov, covar, covariance: find covariance of provided fields
dcount, dct, distinctcount, distinctct: count unique values from provided field
first: first value for a field
firstrec, firstrecord: first record
last: last value for a field
lastrec, lastrecord: last record seen
linearregression, linreg: perform a linear regression of provided fields, dumping various statistics
max, maximum: maximum value for a field
min, minimum: minimum value for a field
mode: most common value for a field
perc, percentile: value of pXX for field
percentilemap, percmap: map of percentile values for field
recformax, recformaximum, recordformax, recordformaximum: returns the record corresponding to the maximum value for a field
recformin, recforminimum, recordformin, recordforminimum: returns the record corresponding to the minimum value for a field
records, recs: returns an arrayref of all records
stddev: find standard deviation of provided field
sum: sums provided field
uconcat, uconcatenate: concatenate unique values from provided field
valuestokeys, vk: use one key-value as a key for a different value in the record
var, variance: find variance of provided field

Help from: --help-basic:
Usage: recs-collate <args> [<files>]
   Take records, grouped togther by --keys, and compute statistics (like average, count, sum, concat, etc) within those groups.

   For starting with collate, try doing single --key collates with some number of aggregators (list available in --list-

   --key|-k <keys>                               Comma separated list of key fields. May be a key spec or key group
   --dlkey|-K ...                                Specify a domain language key. See "Domain Language Integration" below.
   --dlaggregator|-A ...                         Specify a domain language aggregate. See "Domain Language Integration" below.
   --aggregator|-a <aggregators>                 Colon separated list of aggregate field specifiers. See "Aggregates"
                                                 section below.
   --mr-agg <name> <map> <reduce> <squish>       Specify a map reduce aggregator via 3 snippets, similar to mr_agg() from the
                                                 domain language.
   --ii-agg <name> <initial> <combine> <squish>  Specify an inject into aggregator via 3 snippets, similar to ii_agg() from the
                                                 domain language.
   --size|--sz|-n <number>                       Number of running clumps to keep.
   --adjacent|-1                                 Only group together adjacent records. Avoids spooling records into memeory
   --cube                                        See "Cubing" section in --help-more.
   --incremental                                 Output a record every time an input record is added to a clump (instead of
                                                 everytime a clump is flushed).
   --clumper ...                                 Use this clumper to group records. May be specified multiple times. See
   --dlclumper ...                               Use this domain language clumper to group records. May be specified multiple
                                                 times. See --help-clumping.
   --list-aggregators|--list                     Bail and output a list of aggregators
   --show-aggregator <aggregator>                Bail and output this aggregator's detailed usage.
   --list-clumpers                               Bail and output a list of clumpers
   --show-clumper <clumper>                      Bail and output this clumper's detailed usage.
   --filename-key|fk <keyspec>                   Add a key with the source filename (if no filename is applicable will put NONE)

  Help Options:
      --help-aggregators     List the aggregators
      --help-all             Output all help for this script
      --help                 This help screen
      --help-clumping        Help on clumping; mechanisms to group records across a stream
      --help-domainlanguage  Help on the recs domain language, a [very complicated] way of specifying valuations (which act like
                             keys) or aggregators
      --help-keygroups       Help on keygroups, a way of specifying multiple keys
      --help-keys            Help on keygroups and keyspecs
      --help-keyspecs        Help on keyspecs, a way to index deeply and with regexes
      --help-more            Larger help documentation

   Count clumps of adjacent lines with matching x fields.
      recs-collate --adjacent --key x --aggregator count
   Count number of each x field value in the entire file.
      recs-collate --key x --aggregator count
   Finds the maximum latency for each date, hour pair
      recs-collate --key date,hour --aggregator worst_latency=max,latency
   Find the median value of x+y in records
      recs-collate --dlaggregator "m=perc(50,snip(<<{{x}}+{{y}}>>))"

Help from: --help-clumping:
   "Clumping" defines a way of taking a stream of input records and rearranging them into to groups for consideration. The most
   common "consideration" for such a group of records is the application of one or more aggregators by recs-collate and the most
   common clumpers are those specifiable by recs-collate's normal options. However, other recs scripts can use "clumpers" and much
   more complex clumping is possible. A list of clumpers can be found via the --list-clumpers option on recs-collate and
   documentation for individual clumpers can be inspected via --show-clumper.

   Group adjacent records for each host and output each such group's size.
      recs-collate -c keylru,host,1 -a ct
   Output the successive differences of the time field.
      recs-collate -c window,2 --dla 'time_delta=xform(recs, <<{{#1/time}} - {{#0/time}}>>)'

Full list:
   cubekeyperfect: clump records by the value for a key, additionally cubing them
   keylru: clump records by the value for a key, limiting number of active clumps
   keyperfect: clump records by the value for a key
   window: clump records by a rolling window

Help from: --help-domainlanguage:
   The normal mechanism for specifying keys and aggregators allows one to concisely instantiate the objects that back them in the
   platform and is certainly the easiest way to use recs. The record stream domain language allows the creation of these objects in
   a programmatic way, with neither the syntactic issues of the normal way nor its guiding hand.

   The domain language is itself just PERL with a collection of library functions for creating platform objects included. Your
   favorite aggregators are all here with constructors matching their normal token. For convenience of e.g. last, aggregators are
   also included with a prefixed underscore.

   Below you can find documentation on all the "built in" functions. Most aggregators and deaggregators should be present with
   arguments comparable to their normal instantiation arugments, but with keyspec parameters replaced with valuations parameters.

Special Syntax
   Where one sees a <snippet> argument below, a string scalar is expected, however quoting these can get fairly difficult and they
   can be confused with non-<snippet> scalars.

     --dla "silly= uconcat(',', snip('{{x}} * 2'))"

   To remedy this, one may use <<CODE>> to inline a snippet which will be immediately understood by the typing mechanism as being
   code. Escaping inside this is as single quotes in PERL.

   Example With <<CODE>>
     --dla 'silly= uconcat(",", <<{{x}} * 2>>)'

   Furthermore one may mark variables to be propagated in by prefixing CODE like <<var1,var2,var3|CODE>>:
     --dla 'silly= $f=2; uconcat(",", <<f|{{x}} * $f>>)'

Function Library
   ii_agg(<snippet>, <snippet>[, <snippet>])
   ii_aggregator(<snippet>, <snippet>[, <snippet>])
   inject_into_agg(<snippet>, <snippet>[, <snippet>])
   inject_into_aggregator(<snippet>, <snippet>[, <snippet>])
      Take an initial snippet, a combine snippet, and an optional squish snippet to produce an ad-hoc aggregator based on inject
      into. The initial snippet produces the aggregate value for an empty collection, then combine takes $a representing the
      aggregate value so far and $r representing the next record to add and returns the new aggregate value. Finally, the squish
      snippet takes $a representing the final aggregate value so far and produces the final answer for the aggregator.

         Track count and sum to produce average:
            ii_agg(<<[0, 0]>>, <<[$a->[0] + 1, $a->[1] + {{ct}}]>>, <<$a->[1] / $a->[0]>>)

   for_field(qr/.../, <snippet>)
      Takes a regex and a snippet of code. Creates an aggregator that creates a map. Keys in the map correspond to fields chosen by
      matching the regex against the fields from input records. Values in the map are produced by aggregators which the snippet
      must act as a factory for ($f is the field).

         To aggregate the sums of all the fields beginning with "t"
            for_field(qr/^t/, <<sum($f)>>)

   for_field(qr/.../, qr/.../, <snippet>)
      Takes two regexes and a snippet of code. Creates an aggregator that creates a map. Keys in the map correspond to pairs of
      fields chosen by matching the regexes against the fields from input records. Values in the map are produced by aggregators
      which the snippet must act as a factory for ($f1 is the first field, $f2 is the second field).

         To find the covariance of all x-named fields with all y-named fields:
            for_field(qr/^x/, qr/^y/, <<covar($f1, $f2)>>)

   map_reduce_agg(<snippet>, <snippet>[, <snippet>])
   map_reduce_aggregator(<snippet>, <snippet>[, <snippet>])
   mr_agg(<snippet>, <snippet>[, <snippet>])
   mr_aggregator(<snippet>, <snippet>[, <snippet>])
      Take a map snippet, a reduce snippet, and an optional squish snippet to produce an ad-hoc aggregator based on map reduce. The
      map snippet takes $r representing a record and returns its mapped value. The reduce snippet takes $a and $b representing two
      mapped values and combines them. Finally, the squish snippet takes a mapped value $a representing all the records and
      produces the final answer for the aggregator.

         Track count and sum to produce average:
            mr_agg(<<[1, {{ct}}]>>, <<[$a->[0] + $b->[0], $a->[1] + $b->[1]]>>, <<$a->[1] / $a->[0]>>)

      A valuation that just returns the entire record.

      Takes a snippet and returns both the snippet and the snippet as a valuation. Used to distinguished snippets from scalars in
      cases where it matters, e.g. min('{{x}}') interprets it is a keyspec when it was meant to be a snippet (and then a
      valuation), min(snip('{{x}}')) does what is intended. This is used internally by <<...>> and in fact <<...>> just translates
      to snip('...').

   subset_agg(<snippet>, <aggregator>)
   subset_aggregator(<snippet>, <aggregator>)
      Takes a snippate to act as a record predicate and an aggregator and produces an aggregator that acts as the provided
      aggregator as run on the filtered view.

          An aggregator that counts the number of records with a time not above 6 seconds:
             subset_agg(<<{{time_ms}} <= 6000>>, ct())

      Force the object into a specific type. Can be used to force certain upconversions (or avoid them).

   valuation(sub { ... })
   val(sub { ... })
      Takes a subref, creates a valuation that represents it. The subref will get the record as its first and only argument.

         To get the square of the "x" field:
            val(sub{ $[0]->{x} ** 2 })

   xform(<aggregator>, <snippet>)
      Takes an aggregator and a snippet and produces an aggregator the represents invoking the snippet on the aggregator's result.

         To take the difference between the first and second time fields of the record collection:
            xform(recs(), <<{{1/time}} - {{0/time}}>>)

Help from: --help-keygroups:
   SYNTAX: !regex!opt1!opt2... Key groups are a way of specifying multiple fields to a recs command with a single argument or
   function. They are generally regexes, and have several options to control what fields they match. By default you give a regex,
   and it will be matched against all first level keys of a record to come up with the record list. For instance, in a record
   like this:

   { 'zip': 1, 'zap': 2, 'foo': { 'bar': 3 } }

   Key group: !z! would get the keys 'zip' and 'zap'

   You can have a literal '!' in your regex, just escape it with a \.

   Normally, key groups will only match keys whose values are scalars. This can be changed with the 'returnrefs' or rr flag.

   With the above record !f! would match no fields, but !f!rr would match foo (which has a value of a hash ref)

   Options on KeyGroups:
      returnrefs, rr  - Return keys that have reference values (default:off)
      full, f         - Regex should match against full keys (recurse fully)
      depth=NUM,d=NUM - Only match keys at NUM depth (regex will match against
                        full keyspec)
      sort, s         - sort keyspecs lexically

Help from: --help-keyspecs:
   A key spec is short way of specifying a field with prefixes or regular expressions, it may also be nested into hashes and
   arrays. Use a '/' to nest into a hash and a '#NUM' to index into an array (i.e. #2)

   An example is in order, take a record like this:

     {"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":1},"zap":"blah1"}
     {"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":2},"zap":"blah2"}
     {"biz":["a","b","c"],"foo":{"bar 1":3},"zap":"blah3"}

   In this case a key spec of 'foo/bar 1' would have the values 1,2, and 3 in the respective records.

   Similarly, 'biz/#0' would have the value of 'a' for all 3 records

   You can also prefix key specs with '@' to engage the fuzzy matching logic

   Fuzzy matching works like this in order, first key to match wins
     1. Exact match ( eq )
     2. Prefix match ( m/^/ )
     3. Match anywehre in the key (m//)

   So, in the above example '@b/#2', the 'b' portion would expand to 'biz' and 2 would be the index into the array, so all records
   would have the value of 'c'

   Simiarly, @f/b would have values 1, 2, and 3

   You can escape / with a \. For example, if you have a record:

   You can address that key with foo\/bar

Help from: --help-more:
Usage: recs-collate <args> [<files>]
   Take records, grouped togther by --keys, and compute statistics (like average, count, sum, concat, etc) within those groups.

   For starting with collate, try doing single --key collates with some number of aggregators (list available in --list-

   --key|-k <keys>                               Comma separated list of key fields. May be a key spec or key group
   --dlkey|-K ...                                Specify a domain language key. See "Domain Language Integration" below.
   --dlaggregator|-A ...                         Specify a domain language aggregate. See "Domain Language Integration" below.
   --aggregator|-a <aggregators>                 Colon separated list of aggregate field specifiers. See "Aggregates"
                                                 section below.
   --mr-agg <name> <map> <reduce> <squish>       Specify a map reduce aggregator via 3 snippets, similar to mr_agg() from the
                                                 domain language.
   --ii-agg <name> <initial> <combine> <squish>  Specify an inject into aggregator via 3 snippets, similar to ii_agg() from the
                                                 domain language.
   --size|--sz|-n <number>                       Number of running clumps to keep.
   --adjacent|-1                                 Only group together adjacent records. Avoids spooling records into memeory
   --cube                                        See "Cubing" section in --help-more.
   --incremental                                 Output a record every time an input record is added to a clump (instead of
                                                 everytime a clump is flushed).
   --clumper ...                                 Use this clumper to group records. May be specified multiple times. See
   --dlclumper ...                               Use this domain language clumper to group records. May be specified multiple
                                                 times. See --help-clumping.
   --list-aggregators|--list                     Bail and output a list of aggregators
   --show-aggregator <aggregator>                Bail and output this aggregator's detailed usage.
   --list-clumpers                               Bail and output a list of clumpers
   --show-clumper <clumper>                      Bail and output this clumper's detailed usage.
   --filename-key|fk <keyspec>                   Add a key with the source filename (if no filename is applicable will put NONE)

  Help Options:
      --help-aggregators     List the aggregators
      --help-all             Output all help for this script
      --help                 This help screen
      --help-clumping        Help on clumping; mechanisms to group records across a stream
      --help-domainlanguage  Help on the recs domain language, a [very complicated] way of specifying valuations (which act like
                             keys) or aggregators
      --help-keygroups       Help on keygroups, a way of specifying multiple keys
      --help-keys            Help on keygroups and keyspecs
      --help-keyspecs        Help on keyspecs, a way to index deeply and with regexes
      --help-more            Larger help documentation

   Count clumps of adjacent lines with matching x fields.
      recs-collate --adjacent --key x --aggregator count
   Count number of each x field value in the entire file.
      recs-collate --key x --aggregator count
   Finds the maximum latency for each date, hour pair
      recs-collate --key date,hour --aggregator worst_latency=max,latency
   Find the median value of x+y in records
      recs-collate --dlaggregator "m=perc(50,snip(<<{{x}}+{{y}}>>))"

   Aggregates are specified as [<fieldname>=]<aggregator>[,<arguments>]. The default field name is aggregator and arguments joined
   by underscores. See --list-aggregators for a list of available aggregators.

   Fieldname maybe a key spec. (i.e. foo/bar=sum,field). Additionally, all key name arguments to aggregators maybe be key specs
   (i.e. foo=max,latency/url), but not key groups

   Instead of added one entry for each input record, we add 2 ** (number of key fields), with every possible combination of fields
   replaced with the default of "ALL". This is not meant to be used with --adjacent or --size. If our key fields were x and y then
   we'd get output records for {x = 1, y = 2}, {x = 1, y = ALL}, {x = ALL, y = 2} and {x = ALL, y = ALL}.

Domain Lanuage Integration:
   __FORMAT_TEXT__ The normal mechanism for specifying keys and aggregators allows one to concisely instantiate the objects that
   back them in the platform and is certainly the easiest way to use recs. The record stream domain language allows the creation of
   these objects in a programmatic way, with neither the syntactic issues of the normal way nor its guiding hand.

   The domain language is itself just PERL with a collection of library functions for creating platform objects included. Your
   favorite aggregators are all here with constructors matching their normal token. For convenience of e.g. last, aggregators are
   also included with a prefixed underscore.

   Below you can find documentation on all the "built in" functions. Most aggregators and deaggregators should be present with
   arguments comparable to their normal instantiation arugments, but with keyspec parameters replaced with valuations parameters.

   Either aggregates or keys may be specified using the recs domain language.
   Both --dlkey and --dlaggregator require an options of the format
   '<name>=<domain language code>'.  --dlkey requires the code evaluate as a
   valuation, --dlaggregator requires the code evaluate as an aggregator.

   See --help-domainlanguage for a more complete description of its workings
   and a list of available functions.

   See the examples below for a more gentle introduction.

See Also

RecordStream(3) - Overview of the scripts and the system
recs-examples(3) - A set of simple recs examples
recs-story(3) - A humorous introduction to RecordStream
SCRIPT --help - every script has a --help option, like the output above