recs-fromdb --help-all
Recs from DB will execute a select statement on a database of your choice, and create a record stream from the results. The keys
of the record will be the column names and the values the row values.
--table Name of the table to dump, this is a shortcut for --sql 'SELECT * from tableName'
--sql SQL select statement to run
--filename-key|fk <keyspec> Add a key with the source filename (if no filename is applicable will put NONE)
Help Options:
--help This help screen
Database Options
password - Password to connect as
user - User to connect as
type - Type of database to connect to - Default: sqlite
Datbase types:
mysql - Connect to a remote mysql database
sqlite - A simple local file based db
oracle - Connect to a remote Oracle database
Database Options for type: mysql
dbname - Database to connect to
host - Mysql Host
Database Options for type: sqlite
dbfile - Local file for database - Default: testDb
Database Options for type: oracle
db - Database name (tnsname) to connect to
# Dump a table
recs-fromdb --type sqlite --dbfile testDb --table recs
# Run a select statement
recs-fromdb --dbfile testDb --sql 'SELECT * FROM recs WHERE id > 9'
See Also
- RecordStream(3) - Overview of the scripts and the system
- recs-examples(3) - A set of simple recs examples
- recs-story(3) - A humorous introduction to RecordStream
- SCRIPT --help - every script has a --help option, like the output above