recs-fromkv --help-all
Usage : recs-fromkv <args> [<files>]
Records are generated from charactr input with the form "<record><record-delim><record>...". Records have the form "<entry><entry-delim><entry>...". Entries are pairs of the form "<key><kv-delim><value>".
--record-delim|r <delim> Delimiter to for separating records (defaults to "END\n").
--entry-delim|e <delim> Delimiter to for separating entries within records (defaults to "\n").
--kv-delim|f <delim> Delimiter to for separating key/value pairs within an entry (defaults to " ").
--filename-key|fk <keyspec> Add a key with the source filename (if no filename is applicable will put NONE)
Help Options:
--help This help screen
Parse memcached stat metrics into records
echo -ne 'stats\r\n' | nc -i1 localhost 11211 | tr -d "\r" | awk '{if (! /END/) {print $2" "$3} else {print $0}}' | recs-fromkv
Parse records separated by "E\n" with entries separated by '|' and pairs separated by '='
recs-fromkv --kv-delim '=' --entry-delim '|' --record-delim $(echo -ne "E\n")
Parse records separated by "%\n" with entries separated by "\n" and pairs separated by '='
recs-fromkv --kv-delim '=' --record-delim $(echo -ne "%\n")
Parse records separated by '%' with entries separated by '|' and pairs separated by '='
recs-fromkv --kv-delim '=' --entry-delim '|' --record-delim '%'
See Also
- RecordStream(3) - Overview of the scripts and the system
- recs-examples(3) - A set of simple recs examples
- recs-story(3) - A humorous introduction to RecordStream
- SCRIPT --help - every script has a --help option, like the output above