MooseX::Method - Method declaration with type checking


package Foo;

use Moose;
use MooseX::Method;

method hello => {
  who => { isa => 'Str',required => 1 },
  age => { isa => 'Int',required => 1 },
} => sub {
  my ($self,$args) = @_;

  print "Hello $args->{who}, I am $args->{age} years old!\n";

method morning => [
  { isa => 'Str',required => 1 },
] => sub {
  my ($self,$name) = @_;

  print "Good morning $name!\n";

Foo->hello (who => 'world',age => 42); # This works.

Foo->morning ('Jens'); # This too.

Foo->hello (who => 'world',age => 'fortytwo'); # This doesn't.

Foo->morning; # This neither.


The problem

This module is an attempt to solve a problem I've often encountered but never really found any good solution for, namely validation of method parameters. How many times haven't we all found ourselves writing code like this:

sub foo {
  my ($self,$args) = @_;

  die "Invalid arg1"
    unless (defined $arg->{bar} && $arg->{bar} =~ m/bar/);

Manual parameter validation is a tedious and repetive process and maintaining it consistently throughout your code can be downright hard sometimes. Modules like Params::Validate makes the job a bit easier but it doesn't do much for elegance and it still requires more weird code than what should strictly speaking be neccesary.

The solution

MooseX::Method to the rescue. It lets you declare what parameters people should be passing to your method using Moose-style declaration and Moose types. It doesn't get much Moosier than this.


method $name => {} => sub {}

The exported function method installs a method into the class from which it is called from. The first parameter it takes is the name of the method. The second parameter is a signature declaration, for more information on that, see below. The third parameter is a coderef that should be run when the method is called assuming that all parameters satisfies the requirements of the parameter specifications.

Parameter specifications

The method specification should look something to this effect:

  foo => { isa => 'Int',required => 1 },
  bar => { isa => 'Int' }

Or for positional arguments...

  { isa => 'Int',required => 1 },
  { isa => 'Int' },

The first example will make MooseX::Method create a method which takes two parameters, 'foo' and 'bar', of which only 'foo' is mandatory. The second example will create two positional parameters with the same properties.

Currently, the specification for a parameter may set any of the following fields:


If a value is provided, it must satisfy the constraints of the type specified in this field.


Require that the value provided is able to do a certain role.


Sets the parameter to a default value if the user does not provide it.


If this field is set, supplying a value to the method isn't optional but the value may be supplied by the default field.


If the type supports coercion, attempt to coerce the value provided if it does not satisfy the requirements of isa. See Moose for examples of how to coerce.


This is used as parameter metaclass if specified. If you don't know what this means, read the documentation for Moose.


Methods are added to the class at runtime, which obviously means they won't be available to play with at compile-time. Moose won't mind this but a few other modules probably will. A workaround for this that sometimes work is to encapsulate the method declarations in a BEGIN block.

There's also a problem related to how roles are loaded in Moose. Since both MooseX::Method methods and Moose roles are loaded runtime, any methods a role requires must be declared before the 'with' statement. This affects things like 'before' and 'with'.


Stevan Little for making Moose and luring me into the world of metafoo.


The #moose channel on


Most software has bugs. This module probably isn't an exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug to cpan-RT.


Anders Nor Berle <>


Copyright 2007 by Anders Nor Berle.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

9 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 177:

Unknown directive: =over4

Around line 179:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 208:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 223:

Unknown directive: =over4

Around line 225:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 228:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'

Around line 230:

Unknown directive: =over4

Around line 232:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 236:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'