Test::BDD::Infrastructure::Utils - class with collection of some utility functions
version 1.003
Human readable operators
The Utils package provides human readable comparsion operators.
convert_cmp_operator( $op )
Returns the perl operator for $op as string.
Contains a regex to match all supported operators.
use Test::BDD::Infrastructure::Utils qw(
convert_cmp_operator $CMP_OPERATOR_RE );
Then qr/the file must contain $CMP_OPERATOR_RE (\d+) lines/, sub {
my $op = convert_cmp_operator( $1 );
my $count = $2;
my $lines = calc_lines();
cmp_ok( $lines, $op, $count, "the file must contain $op $count lines");
Then the file must contain at least 10 lines
Supported Operators
- at least
- a maximum of
- not more than
- more than
- bigger than
- greater than
- less than
- smaller than
- equal
- exactly
- newer than
- older than
Byte units
The module provides conversion of human readable byte units.
convert_unit( $size, $unit )
Returns the size in bytes.
Supported units
- percent, %
- byte, b
1 byte
- kilobyte, kb
1000 byte
- megabyte, mb
1000000 byte
- gigabyte, gb
1000000000 byte
- terrabyte, tb
1000000000000 byte
- kibibyte, kib
1024 byte
- mebibyte, mib
1048576 byte
- gibibyte, gib
1073741824 byte
- tebibyte, tb
1099511627776 byte
The module provides conversion of human readable intervals.
convert_interval( $count, $unit )
Return the interval in seconds.
Supported intervals
Configuration variables
A backend for retrieving configuration variables is implemented in Test::BDD::Infrastrucuture::Config.
The following short-cut methods could be used to implement configuration variables in step file definitions.
The syntax for variables is $<path> or $<scope>:<path>
If the scope is omitted the default 'c' will be used.
Example usage
If the step file definition is:
Then qr/the value (\S+) must be bla/, sub {
my $value = lookup_config( $1 );
ok( is_bla($value), 'value must be bla' );
then it could be used with variables:
Then the value $bla must be bla
lookup_config( $str )
Tries to lookup the configuration value for $str if $str starts with "$" otherwise the string is returned as-is.
lookup_config_node( $str )
Tries to lookup the configuration node for $str otherwise undef is returned.
Markus Benning <>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Markus Benning.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.