use Centrifugo::Client;
use AnyEvent;
my $cclient = Centrifugo::Client->new("$CENTRIFUGO_WS/connection/websocket");
$cclient -> on('connect', sub{
my ($infoRef)=@_;
print "Connected to Centrifugo version ".$infoRef->{version};
# When connected, client_id() is defined, so we can subscribe to our private channel
$cclient->subscribe( '&'.$cclient->client_id() );
}) -> on('message', sub{
my ($infoRef)=@_;
print "MESSAGE: ".encode_json $infoRef->{data};
}) -> connect(
user => $USER_ID,
timestamp => $TIMESTAMP,
token => $TOKEN
# Now start the event loop to keep the program alive
This library allows to communicate with Centrifugo through a websocket.
my $client = Centrifugo::Client->new( $URL );
my $client = Centrifugo::Client->new( $URL,
debug => 'true', # if true, some informations are written on STDERR
ws_params => { # These parameters are passed to AnyEvent::WebSocket::Client->new(...)
ssl_no_verify => 'true',
timeout => 600
FUNCTION connect - send authorization parameters to Centrifugo so your connection could start subscribing on channels.
$client->connect( user => $USER_ID, timestamp => $TIMESTAMP, token => $TOKEN, [info => $info,] [uid => $uid,] );
(this function retuns $self to allow chains of multiple function calls)
It is possible to provide a UID for this command, but if you don't, a random one will be generated for you, but cannot be retrieved afterward.
FUNCTION publish - allows clients directly publish messages into channel (use with caution. Client->Server communication is NOT the aim of Centrifugo)
$client->publish( channel=>$channel, data=>$data, [uid => $uid] );
$data must be a HASHREF to a structure (which will be encoded to JSON), for example :
$client->public ( channel => "public",
data => {
nick => "Anonymous",
text => "My message",
} );
or even :
$client->public ( channel => "public", data => { } ); # Sends an empty message to the "public" channel
This function returns the UID used to send the command to the server. (a random string if none is provided)
FUNCTION disconnect
FUNCTION subscribe - allows to subscribe on channel after client successfully connected.
$client->subscribe( channel => $channel, [ uid => $uid ] );
This function returns the UID used to send the command to the server. (a random string if none is provided)
FUNCTION unsubscribe - allows to unsubscribe from channel.
$client->unsubscribe( channel => $channel, [ uid => $uid ] );
This function returns the UID used to send the command to the server. (a random string if none is provided)
FUNCTION presence – allows to ask server for channel presence information.
$client->presence( channel => $channel, [ uid => $uid ] );
This function returns the UID used to send the command to the server. (a random string if none is provided)
FUNCTION history – allows to ask server for channel presence information.
$client->history( channel => $channel, [ uid => $uid ] );
This function returns the UID used to send the command to the server. (a random string if none is provided)
FUNCTION ping – allows to send ping command to server, server will answer this command with ping response.
$client->ping( [ uid => $uid ] );
This function returns the UID used to send the command to the server. (a random string if none is provided)
Register a callback for the given event.
Known events are 'message', 'connect', 'disconnect', 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'publish', 'presence', 'history', 'join', 'leave', 'refresh', 'ping', 'ws_closed', 'ws_error'
$client->on( 'connect', sub { my( $dataRef ) = @_; ... });
(this function retuns $self to allow chains of multiple function calls)
Note : Events that are an answer to the client requests (ie 'connect', 'publish', ...) have an 'uid' which is added into the %data structure.
FUNCTION client_id
$client->client_id() return the client_id if it is connected to Centrifugo and the server returned this ID (which is not the case on the demo server).
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 270:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '–'. Assuming UTF-8