Any::Renderer::XSLT - render by XLST of XML element representation of data structure
use Any::Renderer;
my %xml_options = ();
my %options = (
'XmlOptions' => \%xml_options,
'Template' => 'path/to/template.xslt',
my $format = "XSLT";
my $r = new Any::Renderer ( $format, \%options );
my $data_structure = [...]; # arbitrary structure code
my $string = $r->render ( $data_structure );
You can get a list of all formats that this module handles using the following syntax:
my $list_ref = Any::Renderer::XSLT::available_formats ();
Also, determine whether or not a format requires a template with requires_template:
my $bool = Any::Renderer::XSLT::requires_template ( $format );
Any::Renderer::XSLT renders a Perl data structure as an interstitial XML representation (via Any::Renderer::XML) and then proceeds to apply a XSLT transformation to it to generate the final output.
XSL Templates expressed as filenames are cached using a package-level in-memory cache with Cache::AgainstFile. This will stat the file to validate the cache before using the cached object, so if the template is updated, this will be immediately picked up by all processes holding a cached copy.
- $r = new Any::Renderer::XSLT($format,\%options)
must beXSLT
. See "OPTIONS" for a description of valid%options
. - $scalar = $r->render($data_structure)
The main method.
- $bool = Any::Renderer::XSLT::requires_template($format)
True in this case.
- $list_ref = Any::Renderer::XSLT::available_formats()
Just the one -
- XmlOptions
A hash reference to options passed to XML::Simple::XMLout to control the generation of the interstitial XML. See XML::Simple for a detailed description of all of the available options.
- VariableName
Set the XML root element name in the interstitial XML. You can also achieve this by setting the
options passed to XML::Simple in theXML
options hash. This is a shortcut to make this renderer behave like some of the other renderer backends. - Template (aka TemplateFilename)
Filename of XSL template. Mandatory unless TemplateString is defined.
- TemplateString
String containing XSL template. Mandatory unless Template or TemplateFilename is defined.
- NoCache
Disable in-memory caching of XSLTs loaded from the filesystem.
The package-level template cache is created on demand the first time it's needed. There are a few global variables which you can tune before it's created (i.e. before you create any objects):
- $Any::Renderer::XSLT::CacheMaxItems
Maximum number of template objects held in the cache. Default is 1000.
- $Any::Renderer::XSLT::CacheMaxAtime
Items older than this will be purged from the cache when the next purge() call happens. In Seconds. Default is 6 hours.
- $Any::Renderer::XSLT::CachePurgeInterval
How often to purge the cache. In Seconds. Default is 1 hour.
Any::Renderer::XML, Any::Renderer, Cache::AgainstFile
$Revision: 1.14 $ on $Date: 2006/09/04 12:15:53 $ by $Author: johna $
Matt Wilson and John Alden <cpan _at_ bbc _dot_ co _dot_ uk>
(c) BBC 2006. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GNU GPL.
See the file COPYING in this distribution, or