dnsd - IO::Socket::DNS::Server wrapper script
dnsd [ options ] <dns_suffix>
dnsd is a DNS listener server intended for use with queries from the dnsc client. It is mainly just a convenience script for the IO::Socket::DNS::Server module.
Specify domain ending to tunnel proxy dns requests through. If none is specified on commandline, then the DNS_SUFFIX environment variable is used. See the "INSTALL" section below for more details. This setting is required.
--listen_ip <IP.AD.RE.SS>
Which IP Address to start the name server listening on. Default is to pull the glue record from the live DNS authority IP (from <dns_suffix> above) and use that IP. It must be an IP on the machine running dnsd so it can bind to it in order to accept queries on this IP. If you use an IP other than the true DNS authority, then you'll need to setup a DNAT or Virtual Server rule or some kind of DNS forwarder from the true authority to this IP in order for it to be reached by the outside world.
--listen_port <port>
Default is port 53 but requires super user to bind. You can specify a high port >= 1024 if you do not wish to run dnsd as root, but then you'll need to setup some kind of forwarder the same as is required for the --listen_ip option since normal DNS traffic always uses port 53.
--password <password>
Use this to reduce chances of undesired moochers. No default.
Enable verbosity to monitor activity or help debugging. This may be specified multiple times to increase verbosity.
sudo dnsd
dnsd --listen_ip= --listen_port=5353 -v -v -v --password=GoAway
dnsd </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
I admit that it is not a trivial task to properly configure dnsd, but I will try to outline the resources and steps required:
Step 1. You must own or have control over a real domain or at least a subdomain name somewhere. To reduce bandwidth and maximize throughput across the DNS transport, shorter domains are best. But let's say, for this example, that you own "".
Step 2. You will need root access on a server that is connected to the Internet. This server should allow incoming traffic on port 53 from anywhere in the world and should allow all outbound TCP connections.
Step 3. You will need to know the IP Address of the server from Step #2 in order to reach it from the outside Internet. It's best if you have a true Dedicated IP such as a Static IP with your ISP or a Virtual Private Server or even a full Dedicated Server co-located in a data center somewhere. But if you are too cheap for any of those options, I've also gotten it to work with a dynamic IP. You just need a free account with DynDNS Updater running or anything that automatically ensures that the forward lookup of some known name points back to this server. You may wish to contact your ISP or whoever is hosting or co-locating your server to find out what your domain name is. You'll need to know this magic word or IP for the Step #4.
Step 4. Think of a subdomain below your domain from Step #1 that you can use for the DNS Suffix for your transport. Again, you should choose a short subdomain (one character if possible) in order to maximize your throughput. Let's say, for this example, that you chose "".
Delegate this suffix subdomain to the IP from Step #3 by adding an NS entry to the "" zone, i.e.:
; If you have a DynDNS account: 7200 IN NS
; Or if you have a Static IP with your ISP: 7200 IN NS
; Or if you have a VPS: 7200 IN NS
; Or if you are sure what the IP address is
; and you don't want to use some other domain
; then you can bootstrap it by also adding a
; GLUE Record for your NS entry: 7200 IN NS 3600 IN A
You may need to contact whoever is hosting your domain "" and maybe even your registrar and ask them to add the NS entry if you aren't strong enough or if don't know how to do this yourself.
Step 5. Launch dnsd
At a root prompt on the server from Step #2, start the listener:
# cd ~/src
# tar -zxvf /tmp/IO-Socket-DNS-*.tar.gz
# cd IO-Socket-DNS*
# perl -e 'while (1) { system "bin/dnsd"; sleep 1; }' &
This infinite wrapper is nice in case dnsd crashes so it can automatically start up again. The stability of dnsd also depends on which version of Net::DNS you have installed. I've noticed certain versions crash more easily than others. You might want to run this directly from console or at least in a screen session so you can dettach from SSH and let it run.
Step 6. Test it from the outside
$ dig NS
(Hopefully, you'll see your dedicated IP from Step #3.)
$ dig TXT
(If all is good, it should show you some unzipper perl code.)
$ export
$ bin/dnsssh
(If all is good, it will SSH into your server in Step #2.)
dnsc, IO::Socket::DNS::Server
Rob Brown, <>
Copyright (C) 2011 by Rob Brown
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.9 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.