Net::Amazon::S3::Features - Features available in Net::Amazon::S3


version 0.96


Branislav Zahradník <>


This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Amazon Digital Services, Leon Brocard, Brad Fitzpatrick, Pedro Figueiredo, Rusty Conover, Branislav Zahradník.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


Net::Amazon::S3 supports two APIs with different feature support.

This document describes current behaviour.

Error reporting

Default error reporting method.

set S3 err

Operation returns expression evaluated as false and err with errstr are populated from response content

See Net::Amazon::S3::Error::Handler::Status, Net::Amazon::S3::Error::Handler::Legacy

set network error

Populates S3 err with network_error constant and S3 errstr with http status line (eg: 404 Not Found) and throws.

See Net::Amazon::S3::Error::Handler::Legacy


Operation throws using confess

See Net::Amazon::S3::Error::Handler::Confess

Feature support

For details see corresponding api-operation / client-operation test file

List of "Amazon S3 Operations"

| operation               | Net::Amazon::S3 (API)           | Net::Amazon::S3::Client           |
| AbortMultipartUpload    | ❌                              | object->abort_multipart_upload    |
| returns                 | ❌                              | http response                     |
| errors                  | ❌                              | confess                           |
| CompleteMultipartUpload | ❌                              | object->complete_multipart_upload |
| returns                 | ❌                              | http response                     |
| errors                  | ❌                              | confess                           |
| CreateBucket            | s3->add_bucket                  | client->create_bucket             |
| - with region           | ✅                              | ✅                                |
| returns                 | Bucket instance                 | Bucket instance                   |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| CreateMultipartUpload   | ❌                              | object->initiate_multipart_upload |
| returns                 | ❌                              | http response                     |
| errors                  | ❌                              | confess                           |
| DeleteBucket            | s3->delete_bucket               | bucket->delete                    |
| returns                 | boolean                         | boolean                           |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| DeleteBucketTagging     | bucket->delete_tags             | bucket->delete_tags               |
| returns                 | boolean                         | boolean                           |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| DeleteObject            | bucket->delete_key              | bucket->object->delete            |
| returns                 | boolean                         | boolean                           |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| DeleteObjects           | bucket->delete_multi_object     | bucket->delete_multi_object       |
| - auto chunks           | ✅                              | ✅                                |
| returns                 | boolean                         | HTTP::Response object             |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| DeleteObjectTagging     | bucket->delete_tags             | bucket->object->delete_tags       |
| returns                 | boolean                         | boolean                           |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| GetBucketAcl            | bucket->get_acl                 | bucket->acl                       |
| returns                 | response body (XML)             | response body (XML)               |
|                         | (undef on Not Found)            |                                   |
| errors                  | set network error               | confess                           |
|                         | (none on Not Found)             |                                   |
| GetBucketLocation       | bucket->get_location_constraint | bucket->get_location_constraint   |
| returns                 | location (Str)                  | location (Str)                    |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| GetObject               | bucket->get_key                 | bucket->object->get               |
| - into file             | ✅, bucket->get_key_filename    | ✅, bucket->object->get_filename  |
| - into callback         | ❌                              | ✅, bucket->object->get_callback  |
| returns                 | struct with value               | value                             |
|                         | (undef on Not Found)            |                                   |
| errors                  | set network error               | confess                           |
|                         | (none on Not Found)             |                                   |
| GetObjectAcl            | bucket->get_acl                 | ❌                                |
| returns                 | response body (XML)             | ❌                                |
|                         | (undef on Not Found)            | ❌                                |
| errors                  | set network error               | ❌                                |
|                         | (none on Not Found)             | ❌                                |
| ListBuckets             | s3->buckets                     | client->buckets                   |
| returns                 | Bucket instances in struct      | Bucket instances (list)           |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| ListObjects             | s3->list_bucket                 | bucket->list                      |
| - common prefixes       | ✅                              | ❌                                |
| - list all              | ✅, s3->list_bucket_all         | ✅                                |
| returns                 | struct with list                | iterator (Object list)            |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess during iteration          |
| ListObjectsV2           | ❌                              | ❌                                |
| ListParts               | ❌                              | ❌                                |
| PutBucketAcl            | bucket->set_acl                 | bucket->set_acl                   |
| - with canned acl       | ✅, as acl                      | ✅, as acl                        |
| - with explicit acl     | ✅, as acl                      | ✅, as acl                        |
| - with xml acl          | ✅, as acl_xml                  | ✅, as acl_xml                    |
| returns                 | boolean                         | boolean                           |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| PutBucketTagging        | bucket->add_tags                | bucket->add_tags                  |
| - with canned acl       | ✅, as acl                      | ✅, as acl                        |
| - with explicit acl     | ✅, as acl                      | ✅, as acl                        |
| - with xml acl          | ✅, as acl_xml                  | ✅, as acl_xml                    |
| returns                 | boolean                         | boolean                           |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| PutObject               | bucket->add_key                 | bucket->object->put               |
| returns                 | boolean                         | empty string                      |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| PutObjectAcl            | bucket->set_acl                 | object->set_acl                   |
| - with canned acl       | ✅, as acl                      | ✅, as acl                        |
| - with explicit acl     | ✅, as acl                      | ✅, as acl                        |
| - with xml acl          | ✅, as acl_xml                  | ✅, as acl_xml                    |
| returns                 | boolean                         | boolean                           |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| PutObjectTagging        | bucket->add_tags                | bucket->object->add_tags          |
| - with canned acl       | ✅, as acl                      | ✅, as acl                        |
| - with explicit acl     | ✅, as acl                      | ✅, as acl                        |
| - with xml acl          | ✅, as acl_xml                  | ✅, as acl_xml                    |
| returns                 | boolean                         | boolean                           |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | confess                           |
| RestoreObject           | ❌                              | bucket->object->restore           |
| returns                 | ❌                              | http response                     |
| errors                  | ❌                              | confess                           |
| UploadPart              | ❌                              | bucket->object->put_part          |
| - from value            | ❌                              | ✅                                |
| - from file             | ❌                              | ❌                                |
| - from file chunk       | ❌                              | ❌                                |
| returns                 | ❌                              | http response                     |
| errors                  | ❌                              | confess                           |
| object-copy             | bucket->copy_key                | ❌                                |
| returns                 | boolean                         | ❌                                |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | ❌                                |
| object-head             |                                 | ❌                                |
| returns                 | boolean                         | ❌                                |
| errors                  | set S3 err                      | ❌                                |

TODO plan (asorted, without time-plan)

unify features

Both APIs should support same set of operations

support all AWS S3 operations and x-amz-* headers

add async API (AnyEvent / IO::Async)