Algorithm::PageRank::XS - Fast PageRank implementation


<Algorithm::PageRank> does some pagerank calculations, but it's slow and memory intensive. This was developed to compute pagerank on graphs with millions of arcs. It will not, however, scale up to quadrillions of arcs unless you have a lot of local memory. This is not a distributed algorithm.


use Algorithm::PageRank::XS;

my $pr = Algorithm::PageRank::XS->new(alpha => 0.85);

          0 => 1,
          0 => 2,
          1 => 0,
          2 => 1,


# This simple program takes up arcs and prints the ranks.

use Algorithm::PageRank::XS;

my $pr = Algorithm::PageRank::XS->new(alpha => 0.85);

while (<>) {
    my ($from, to) = split(/\t/, $_);
    $pr->add_arc($from, $to);

while (my ($name, $rank) = each(%{$pr->result()})) {



Create a new PageRank object. Parameters are: alpha, max_tries, and convergence. alpha is the damping constant (how far from the true eigenvector you are. max_tries is the maximum number of iterations to run. convergence is how close our vectors must be before we say we are done.


Add an arc to the pagerank object before running the computation. The actual values don't matter. So you can run:

$pr->add_arc("Apple", "Orange");

To mean that "Apple" links to "Orange".


Add a graph, which is just an array of from, to combinations. This is equivalent to calling add_arc a bunch of times, but may be more convenient.


Compute the pagerank vector, and return it as a hash.

Whatever you called the nodes when specifying the arcs will be the keys of this hash, where the values will be the vector (which should sum to 1).


This module is pretty fast. I ran this on a 1 million node set with 4.5 million arcs in 57 seconds on my 32-bit 1.8GHz laptop. Let me know if you have any performance tips.


Copyright (C) 2008 by Michael Axiak <>

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself