Venus::Test - Test Automation


Test Automation for Perl 5


package main;

use Venus::Test;

my $test = test 't/Venus_Test.t';

# $test->for('name');


This package aims to provide a standard for documenting Venus derived software projects, a framework writing tests, test automation, and documentation generation.


This package inherits behaviors from:



This package integrates behaviors from:



This package provides the following functions:


test(Str $file) (Test)

The test function is exported automatically and returns a Venus::Test object for the test file given.

Since 0.09

test example 1
package main;

use Venus::Test;

my $test = test 't/Venus_Test.t';

# bless( { ..., 'value' => 't/Venus_Test.t' }, 'Venus::Test' )


This package provides the following methods:


data(Str $name, Any @args) (Str)

The data method attempts to find and return the POD content based on the name provided. If the content cannot be found an exception is raised.

Since 0.09

data example 1
# given: synopsis

my $data = $test->data('name');

# Venus::Test
data example 2
# given: synopsis

my $data = $test->data('unknown');

# Exception!


for(Str $name | CodeRef $code, Any @args) Any

The for method attempts to find the POD content based on the name provided and executes the corresponding predefined test, optionally accepting a callback which, if provided, will be passes a Venus::Try object containing the POD-driven test. The callback, if provided, must always return a true value. Note: All automated tests disable the "redefine" class of warnings to prevent warnings when redeclaring packages in examples.

Since 0.09

for example 1
# given: synopsis

my $data = $test->for('name');

# Venus::Test
for example 2
# given: synopsis

my $data = $test->for('synosis');

# true
for example 3
# given: synopsis

my $data = $test->for('example', 1, 'data', sub {
  my ($tryable) = @_;
  my $result = $tryable->result;
  ok length($result) > 1;


# Venus::Test


pdml(Str $name | CodeRef $code, Any @args) Str

The pdml method attempts to find the POD content based on the name provided and return a POD string for use in documentation.

Since 0.09

pdml example 1
# given: synopsis

my $pdml = $test->pdml('name');

# =head1 NAME
# Venus::Test - Test Automation
# =cut
pdml example 2
# given: synopsis

my $pdml = $test->pdml('synopsis');

# =head1 SYNOPSIS
# package main;
# use Venus::Test;
# my $test = test 't/Venus_Test.t';
# # $test->for('name');
# =cut
pdml example 3
# given: synopsis

my $pdml = $test->pdml('example', 1, 'data');

# =over 4
# =item data example 1
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $data = $test->data(\'name\');
#   # Venus::Test
# =back


render(Str $file) Path

The render method returns a string representation of a valid POD document.

Since 0.09

render example 1
# given: synopsis

my $path = $test->render('t/Test_Venus.pod');

# =over 4
# =item data example 1
#   # given: synopsis
#   my $data = $test->data(\'name\');
#   # Venus::Test
# =back


text(Str $name, Any @args) (Str)

The text method attempts to find and return the POD content based on the name provided. If the content cannot be found an empty string is returned. If the POD block is not recognized, an exception is raised.

Since 0.09

text example 1
# given: synopsis

my $text = $test->text('name');

# Venus::Test
text example 2
# given: synopsis

my $text = $test->text('includes');

# function: test
# method: data
# method: for
# method: pdml
# method: render
# method: text
text example 3
# given: synopsis

my $text = $test->text('attributes');

# ''
text example 4
# given: synopsis

my $text = $test->text('unknown');

# Exception!

