QTableView - Interface to the Qt QTableView class


use QTableView;

Inherits QFrame.

Requires QPainter, QRect and QScrollBar

Member functions

new, autoUpdate, cellHeight, cellUpdateRect, cellWidth, clearTableFlags, colIsVisible, colXPos, findCol, findRow, horizontalScrollBar, lastColVisible, lastRowVisible, leftCell, maxColOffset, maxRowOffset, maxViewX, maxViewY, maxXOffset, maxYOffset, numCols, numRows, rowIsVisible, rowYPos, scroll, setAutoUpdate, setCellHeight, setCellWidth, setLeftCell, setNumCols, setNumRows, setOffset, setTableFlags, setTopCell, setTopLeftCell, setXOffset, setYOffset, setupPainter, tableFlags, testTableFlags, topCell, totalHeight, totalWidth, updateCell, updateScrollBars, verticalScrollBar, viewHeight, viewWidth, viewRect, xOffset, yOffset

Overridable functions

cellHeight, cellWidth, totalHeight, totalWidth, paintCell, setupPainter

Overridden functions

paintEvent, resizeEvent, setBackgroundColor, setPalette, show


What you see is what you get. One of the more notable things to see is that paintCell is overridable, but is not listed as a member function. That means if it's called and hasn't been overridden, you can consider your program dead.


Ashley Winters <>