pugs::hack - How to hack on Pugs
# Fetch latest Pugs from Subversion repository
$ svn co
$ cd pugs
# Configure Pugs
$ perl Makefile.PL
# Compile Pugs
$ make
# Test
$ make test # or
$ sudo cpan Bundle::Pugs::SmokeKit # (once)
$ make smoke # generates a smoke.html
# Optionally, submit your smoke report to the public smokeserver:
$ perl util/smokeserv/ smoke.html
This document attempts to explain how to start working on Pugs, as well as conventions used in day-to-day development.
Source tree map
The Pugs source tree includes several major sections:
|-- LICENSE Licenses that apply to the Pugs distribution
|-- debian Packaging rules for dpkg-based systems
|-- docs Documentation relating to Pugs/Perl 6/Haskell
|-- examples Examples of Perl 6 usage; many work in Pugs today
|-- ext Perl 6 modules that are installed with Pugs
|-- inc Perl 5 modules needed for build/test/install
|-- lib Perl 5 modules that are installed with Pugs
|-- misc Other modules, not directly used by Pugs
|-- perl5 Internal Perl 5 modules for Pugs (compiler backends)
|-- script pugscc, the Pugs Compiler Collection
|-- src Source code for Pugs itself
|-- t Perl 6 test suite
|-- t_disabled Temporarily disabled tests
`-- util Utilities for hacking and testing Pugs
Expanding this one level deeper:
|-- LICENSE Licenses that apply to the Pugs distribution
|-- debian Packaging rules for dpkg-based systems
| |-- changelog Changelog for Debian specific changes
| |-- compat Sets debhelper compatibility version
| |-- control File containing package definitions/dependencies
| |-- copyright Debian copyright notice
| |-- patches Debian specific patches
| | |-- 00list List of patches
| | `-- 10smoker.dpatch Patch to djust smoker.yml path
| |-- pugs-doc.dirs Directories to be created in the pugs-doc package
| |-- pugs-modules.dirs Directories to be created in the pugs-modules
| |-- pugs-modules.install Installation rules for the pugs-modules package
| |-- pugs-modules.lintian-overrides Lintian overrides for pugs-modules
| |-- pugs.dirs Directories to be created in the pugs package
| |-- Documentation to be installed in the pugs package
| |-- pugs.install Installation rules for the pugs package
| |-- pugs.links List of links to be installed in the pugs package
| |-- rules Makefile for building the Debian package
| `-- smoker.yml Configuration file for smoke runs
|-- docs Documentation relating to Pugs/Perl 6/Haskell
| |-- AES Drafts of Perl6::Bible chapters
| |-- class Object system sketches (XXXX: out of date?)
| |-- notes Misc design notes and musings
| |-- other Misc tips to day-to-day development
| |-- quickref Perl 6 quick reference pages
| |-- src Junction implementation sketch (XXXX: ood?)
| |-- talks Slides for Pugs and Perl 6 talks
| |-- zh-cn Simplified Chinese doc translations
| `-- zh-tw Traditional Chinese doc translations
|-- examples Examples of Perl 6 usage; many work in Pugs today
| |-- advocacy Pugs/Perl 6-advocacy MOTD generator
| |-- algorithms Basic algorithms
| |-- cgi CGI scripts and applications
| |-- continuation Fun with continuations
| |-- cookbook Perl 6 idiomatic Perl Cookbook
| |-- functional Functional programming concepts
| |-- games Playable games
| |-- golf Minimal (key)stroke puzzle solutions
| |-- hashes Use of Perl 6 hashes
| |-- japh JAPHs using various idioms
| |-- junctions Fun with junctions
| |-- naive_bayesian Naive Bayesian Text Classification
| |-- nested_loops Many ways to do runtime nested loops
| |-- network Networking clients, servers, bots, etc.
| |-- obfu Obfuscated code and obfuscation techniques
| |-- output Expected example outputs, for testing
| |-- p6explain Incomplete tool which explains Perl 6 constructs
| |-- perl5 Programs that use Perl 5 modules
| |-- poetry Perl 6 poetry
| |-- ppt Perl 6 Power Tools, ports of *nix userland
| |-- qotw Perl 6 solutions to plover's Quiz Of The Week
| |-- slurpy-list-parms Use of Perl 6 slurpy lists (XXXX: -> t/?)
| |-- tutorial_gen Tutorial generator (XXXX: huh?)
| `-- vmethods Add virtual methods to existing types
|-- ext Perl 6 modules that are installed with Pugs
| |-- Algorithm-TokenBucket Token bucket rate limiting
| |-- Benchmark Benchmark runtime of Perl 6 code
| |-- CGI CGI author's helper module
| |-- Config-Tiny Pre-Pugs-OO .ini file reader
| |-- DateTime Port of Perl 5 DateTime, with API changes
| |-- DateTime-Set Port of Perl 5 DateTime::Set/Span/SpanSet
| |-- FA-DFA Simple Deterministic Finite Automata
| |-- File-Find Traverse a directory tree
| |-- File-Spec Portable File handling
| |-- FindBin Find directory of Perl script
| |-- HTML-Entities Encode/decode HTML entities
| |-- HTTP-Server-Simple Base class for simple CGI-capable HTTP servers
| |-- Kwid-Event-Parser Event-based API (like XML SAX) for Kwid
| |-- MIME-Base64 Base64 encode/decode (not a Perl 5 port)
| |-- Module-Pluggable-Fast Find and load plugin modules
| |-- Net-IRC IRC protocol implementation
| |-- Perl-Compiler A Perl 6 port of Pugs
| |-- Perl6-Container-Array Perl 6 implementation of Perl 6 lazy arrays
| |-- Perl6-Value-List Perl 6 implementation of Perl 6 lazy lists
| |-- Perldoc Event-based API for Perldoc DOM
| |-- Pod-Event-Parser Event-based API (like XML SAX) for POD
| |-- Recurrence Recurrence operations
| |-- Rosetta-Incubator Rigorous Database Portability
| |-- Set Set calculus operations
| |-- Set-Infinite Infinite set operations
| |-- Span Span operations
| |-- Test Testing support library
| |-- Test-Builder Backend for building test libraries
| |-- Text-Glob Translate glob to regex
| |-- Tree Basic n-ary tree data structure
| |-- URI Escape/unescape URI strings
| |-- WTemplate Widget-based templating engine
| |-- fp Functional programming operators
| |-- lib Pragma to add paths to @*INC
| `-- libwww-perl Port of Perl 5 libwww-perl modules
|-- inc Perl 5 modules needed for build/test/install
| |-- Module Module::Install
| |-- PugsBuild Support modules for config.yml make controls
| `-- Test Test::Harness
|-- lib Pugs- and Perl 6-related Perl 5 modules
| |-- Inline Inline::Pugs
| |-- Perl6 Perl6::MakeMaker, Perl6::Pugs
| `-- pugs POD docs for Pugs itself
|-- misc Other modules, not directly used by Pugs
| |-- Blondie Intermediate language and compiler collection
| | used to demonstrate a possible approach to
| | compilation
| |-- Class-Events Redesign of Perl 5's Class::Publisher
| |-- Date Date/calendar calculations
| |-- Grammars Perl 6 grammar written as Perl 6 rules
| |-- JavaScript-FrontEnd JavaScript Frontend
| |-- org.perl6.metamodel Prototype Perl 6 metaclass model: Java
| |-- Perl-MetaModel Prototype Perl 6 metaclass model: Perl 5,
| | version 1.0
| |-- POE Beginning of an experimental port of Perl 5 POE
| |-- T2-Perl6 T2 (Tangram::Schema redesign) -> Perl6::Class
| |-- XML-Sax Simple API for XML
|-- perl5 Internal Perl 5 modules for Pugs (compiler backends)
| |-- Perl6-Container Perl 6 containers implemented using the Perl 5
| | metamodel
| |-- Perl6-MetaModel Prototype Perl 6 metaclass model: Perl 5,
| | version 2.0
| |-- Perl6-Value Perl 6 values implemented using the Perl 5
| | metamodel
| |-- PIL-Run PIL virtual machine in Perl 5
| `-- PIL2JS PIL to JavaScript compiler
|-- script pugscc, the Pugs Compiler Collection
|-- src Haskell source for pugs itself
| |-- Data Syck-based YAML parser
| |-- Emit Parrot PIR backend
| |-- PIL PIL2 implementation
| |-- Pugs Core Pugs engine
| |-- RRegex PCRE-based regular expressions support
| |-- pcre Import of PCRE source
| |-- perl5 Perl 5 bidirectional call support
| |-- perl6 The Perl 6 prelude (definition of builtins)
| |-- pge Import of PGE (Parrot Grammer Engine) source
| `-- syck Import of Syck source
|-- t Pugs/Perl 6 test library
| |-- 01-sanity Sanity checks that testing can proceed
| |-- Synopsis Pointers to online AES docs and tests
| |-- Test-Less Test index for test-less utility
| |-- builtins Builtin function tests
| |-- data_types Basic data type tests
| |-- examples Make examples/ tree act as tests
| |-- general Miscellaneous tests
| |-- junction Junction tests
| |-- macros Macro tests
| |-- magicals Magical variable tests
| |-- oo Object Oriented programming tests
| |-- operators Operator tests
| |-- packages Tests for packages
| |-- pugsbugs Uncategorized tests for known broken behavior
| |-- pugsrun Tests for pugs (as opposed to Perl 6)
| |-- rules Perl 6 rule and Perl 5 regex tests
| |-- statements Statement-level construct tests
| |-- subroutines Block/Code/Sub/etc. tests
| |-- syntax Basic syntax tests
| |-- types Tests for types
| |-- unspecced Tests for Pugs extensions to Perl 6
| `-- var Variable declaration tests
|-- t_disabled Disabled tests
| |-- Dialects Perl 6 non-standard dialects
| |-- builtins Problems with system() and strings with spaces
| `-- rules Port of tests from CPAN module Perl6::Rules
`-- util Utilities for hacking and testing Pugs
`-- livecd Tool to create a minimalistic Pugs Live CD
Subversion properties
If you add a new text file (e.g. a test, a .pm
, etc.) to the repository, please use util/
to add standard Subversion properties to your new file:
$ ./util/ newfile1 newfile2
If you're on Win32 and can't run shell scripts, run svn
$ svn propset svn:eol-style "native" newfile1 newfile2
$ svn propset svn:mime-type "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" newfile1 newfile2
If you create a new subdirectory under ext/
, please remember to set the svn:ignore
property to tell Subversion to ignore automatically generated files like Makefile
or blib/
$ cat > /tmp/props
$ svn propset svn:ignore -F /tmp/props ext/Your-New-Module
Except for the files in script/ and util/, svn:executable
should always be unset, even for test files.
Shebang lines
All test files should use #!/usr/bin/pugs
as the shebang line (first line of the script). There're no real technical reasons for this convention, it's just for consistency. Remember to put a use v6
in the beginning of your Perl 6 programs, too, to keep perl5 from accidentally running Perl 6 code.
Naming conventions
"Perl 6" is the name of the programming language and the project, while "perl6" is the name of the Perl 6 compiler/interpreter.
"Pugs" is the name of the Pugs project, while "pugs" is the name of the binary
, i.e. the compiler/interpreter."Perl 5" is the name of the programming language and the project, while "perl5" is the name of the Perl 5 interpreter.
There is a util/perl6.vim Vim syntax file. There is an util/cperl6-mode.el Emacs mode. If you don't use it, then perl-mode works better than cperl-mode.
Where applicable, conventions documented in Damian Conway's "Perl Best Practices" book (O'Reilly, 2005) should be followed by default. At the very least, all indenting should be done with spaces (4 per indent level) rather than tabs, so the code and documentation looks the same to everyone.
If you use Vim, you may want to set the following settings:
set shiftwidth=4 autoindent expandtab smarttab softtabstop=1
This will cause Vim to insert four spaces instead of a real tab upon pressing <Tab>
. The equivalent settings for Emacs are:
c-indentation-style: bsd
c-basic-offset: 4
indent-tabs-mode: nil
If you use Emacs with cperl6-mode, you can set these code conventions in your config file with:
(add-hook 'cperl6-mode-hook
'(lambda () (cperl6-set-style "Pugs")))
If you use BBEdit, you can configure it to auto-expand tabs like this:
- 0.
Launch the BBEdit application.
- 1.
In the 'BBEdit' (application) menu, choose 'Preferences'.
- 2.
In the resulting dialog box, choose 'Editor Defaults' from the left col.
- 3.
In the resulting panel, ensure 'Auto-Expand Tabs' is checked.
- 4.
Also ensure the 'Default Font' is set to '4 spaces per tab'.
- 5.
Close the dialog box.
These exact settings apply to BBEdit 8, the newest version; older versions of the program may store the same configuration options elsewhere.
See pugs::run and t/README. If you wish to use the prove
utility to run individual tests or test directories, you will need to set at least the following environment variables first:
$ export HARNESS_PERL=./pugs
$ export PERL6LIB=blib6/lib
You can also just say ./pugs -Iblib6/lib t/.../mumble.t
Regex testing
Using the Parrot distribution, PGE can be tested interactively with
$ ./parrot compilers/pge/demo.pir
and with tests like those in t/p6rules/.
Using the PCRE distribution, PCRE can be tested interactively with
$ ./pcretest
A cross index of standard Haskell libraries. It is searchable by type signature, name, etc.
Browsable Pugs VCS. You sometimes get a blank page the first time you access a URL (a timeout) - just click again.
Mirror of Pugs VCS head. Usually faster and more reliable than the OpenFoundry browser, but doesn't show diffs between revisions.
Pugs Smoke Reports Server. List of recently uploaded smoke reports sorted by the runcore used (normal Haskell backend, PIL2JS, PIL-Run, PIR, etc.), see util/smokeserv/README for more information.
5 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 320:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 324:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 328:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 332:
Expected text after =item, not a number
- Around line 336:
Expected text after =item, not a number