Gearman::WorkerSpawner::BaseWorker - Base class to simplify the process of creating a Gearman worker for use with Gearman::WorkerSpawner


# create manager as normal. the contents of 'config' can be arbitrary; the
# special 'max_jobs' option instructs the worker to exit cleanly after
# performing that many jobs.

my $worker_manager = Gearman::WorkerSpawner->new;
    class  => 'AdditionWorker',
    config => {
        left_hand => 5,
        max_jobs  => 100,

# invoke run_method instead of add_task for workers derived from
# BaseWorker. serialization of options is handled for you, and if you only care
# about the success case you can provide only that callback

$worker_manager->run_method(adder => { right_hand => 3 }, sub {
    my $return = shift;
    print $return->{sum};


# in the worker:

package MethodWorker;
use base 'Gearman::WorkerSpawner::BaseWorker';

# Gearman::WorkerSpawner will instantiate your class; the object will
# contain populated 'config' and 'slot' fields
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my MethodWorker $self = bless $self->SUPER::new(@_), $class;
    print "I am worker $self->{slot}\n";
    $self->register_method(adder => \&add);
    return $self;

sub add {
    my MethodWorker $self = shift;
    my $args = shift;
    return { sum => $self->{config}{left_hand} + $args->{right_hand} };


register_method($function_name, $method)
register_method($function_name, $method, $timeout)

Registers a method to be called via Gearman::WorkerSpawner->run_method. A Gearman function named $function_name will be registered with the server. When a client calls that function, the method named $method (may alternatively be a coderef) will be called with the Gearman::WorkerSpawner::BaseWorker object as the first argument. $method defaults to be the same as $function_name if not provided.

If $timeout is provided, the Gearman server may attempt to retry the function if the job is not finished withint $timeout seconds.

The parameters to $method and return value (which should be a scalar) from it are marshalled by Storable.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 87:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

=over without closing =back