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XUL::Gui - render cross platform gui applications with firefox from perl


    use XUL::Gui;
    start Label 'hello, world!';

    use XUL::Gui;
    start Window title => "XUL::Gui's long hello",
            Button( label=>'click me', oncommand=> sub {shift->label = 'ouch'} ),
            Button( type=>'menu', label=>'menu button',
                MenuPopup map {MenuItem label=>$_} qw/first second third/
            TextBox( FILL ),
            Caption('HTML too'),
            TABLE( border=>1, TR map {TD $_} 'one', I('two'), B('three'), U('four'), SUP('five') ),
            P('all the HTML tags are in CAPS'),


this module exposes the entire functionality of mozilla firefox's rendering engine to perl by providing all of the XUL and HTML tags as functions and allowing you to interact with those objects directly from perl. gui applications created with this toolkit are cross platform, fully support CSS styling, inherit firefox's rich assortment of web technologies (browser, canvas and video tags, flash and other plugins), and are even easier to write than HTML.

this module is written in pure perl, and only depends upon core modules, making it easy to distribute your application.

this module is presented for preview only and is under active development. this code is currently in beta, use in production enviroments at your own risk

the code will be considered production ready, and interfaces finalized at version 0.25

all XUL and HTML objects in perl are exact mirrors of their javascript counterparts and can be acted on as such. is the official source of documentation.

this documentation is very incomplete. an updated module will hopefully be submitted in 1 - 2 weeks.


        starts the XUL::Gui server, and launches firefox.  C<start> accepts a Window() object, or any
        other XUL or HTML tag.  if a Window is not given, one will be created with default settings.
        all of the current XUL and HTML tags are imported into the caller's namespace by default.
        XUL tags start with a capital letter, and then have optionally capitalized subsequent words:
                ProgressBar == Progressbar
        HTML tags are imported in all caps (H1 P DIV SPAN TABLE IMG....)
other functions
        widget extends server Code quit buffered alert now cached noevents
        dialog zip attribute hashif gui tag object delay run function XUL
        FLEX FIT FILL genid doevents trace mapn apply toggle lf start

        documentation is currently incomplete.
        please see the source code for current functions


this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.


copyright (c) 2009 eric strom <>. all rights reserved.