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Test::Magic - terse tests with useful error feedback


Version 0.20


use Test::Magic tests => 9;

test 'numbers',
  is 1 == 1,
  is 1 > 2;

test 'strings',
  is 'asdf' eq 'asdf',
  is 'asdf' gt 'asdf';

test 'regex',
  is 'abcd' == qr/bc/,   # == is overloaded when rhs is a regex
  is 'abcd' ~~ q/bc/,    # ~~ can be used with a string rhs in perl 5.10+
  is 'badc' ~~ q/bc/;

test 'data structures',
  is [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3],   # also overloaded when rhs is a reference
  is {a => 1, b => 2} == {a => 1, b => 1};

results in the following output:

ok 1 - numbers 1
not ok 2 - numbers 2
#   Failed test 'numbers 2'
#   at example.t line 3.
#     '1'
#         >
#     '2'
ok 3 - strings 1
not ok 4 - strings 2
#   Failed test 'strings 2'
#   at example.t line 7.
#     'asdf'
#         gt
#     'asdf'
ok 5 - regex 1
ok 6 - regex 2
not ok 7 - regex 3
#   Failed test 'regex 3'
#   at example.t line 11.
#                   'badc'
#     doesn't match '(?-xism:bc)'
ok 8 - data structures 1
not ok 9 - data structures 2
#   Failed test 'data structures 2'
#   at example.t line 16.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->{b} = '2'
#     $expected->{b} = '1'
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 9.

you get the output of Test::More's cmp_ok , like , or is_deeply with a more natural syntax, and the test's name is moved before the test and is numbered if you have more than one test.


test is isnt and everything from Test::More except is and isnt



test runs a list of tests. if there is one test, NAME is used unchanged. otherwise, each test is sequentially numbered ( NAME 1 , NAME 2 , ...)


prepares a test for test . do not use parenthesis with is . if you must, it needs to be written (is 1 == 1) and never is(1 == 1)


prepares a test for test that expects to fail. do not use parenthesis with isnt . if you must, it needs to be written (isnt 1 == 1) and never isnt(1 == 1)


this module does not use source filtering. for those interested in how it does work, the code:

test 'my test',
  is 1 == 1,
  is 1 == 2;

is parsed as follows:

test( 'my test,
   (is(1) == 1),
   (is(1) == 2)

the is function binds tightly to its argument, making the parenthesis unnecessary. it returns an overloaded object that then captures the comparison operator and the rhs argument. the overloading operation returns a code reference which expects to be passed its test name. the test function does just that. so ultimately, the code becomes something like this:

Test::More::cmp_ok( 1, '==', 1, 'my test 1' );
Test::More::cmp_ok( 1, '==', 2, 'my test 2' );

cmp_ok is used for most comparisons, like or unlike for regex, and is_deeply when the operator is == and the rhs (the expected value) is a reference.

if you need to do some setup before the test:

test 'this test requires setup', do {
  my $obj = Package->new();
  is ref $obj eq 'Package',
  is $obj->value eq 'some value'


Eric Strom, <asg at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-test-magic at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


this module uses Test::More internally


Copyright 2010 Eric Strom.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.