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Perl6::Feeds - implements perl6 feed operators in perl5 via source filtering


version 0.1

this code is currently in beta, bug reports welcome


feed operators allow you to write expressions that flow left to right and top down, rather than the right to left, bottom up order imposed by function nesting.

    use Perl6::Feeds;

    1..10 ==> map {$_**2} ==> grep {$_>10} ==> join " " ==> print;
    # is the same as
    print join " " => grep {$_>10} map {$_**2} 1..10;

    1 .. 3000
        ==> map [$_, $_ ** 2 ]
        ==> grep {$$_[1] =~ s/(([^0])\2{3,})/ ($1) /g}
        ==> our @list                            # assignments start with /my|our|local|[$@%&*]/
        ==> map {@$_ ==> map "[$_]"              # nesting is fine
                     ==> join '^2 ==> '}         # strings are safe
        ==>> 'found '.@list.' numbers: '         # appends a list  (never an assignment)
        ==>< "\nnumbers with squares that ".     # prepends a list (never an assignment)
             "have non zero runs of 4+ digits:\n"  # this isn't in the spec, but might be useful
        ==>  join ("\n")                         # closed argument lists are adjusted
        ==>> (@list ==> map $$_[0] ==> join ' ')
      =====> print;                              # feed arrows match /==+>[<>]?/


Eric Strom, <ejstrom at>


currently, only left to right feeds are supported, and there may be a few corner cases that the filter will fail on.

bug reports or patches welcome, send them to bug-perl6-feeds at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


the perl6 synopsi


copyright 2009 Eric Strom.

this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

see for more information.