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Net::Statsd::Client - Send data to StatsD / Graphite


version 0.30


    use Net::Statsd::Client
    my $stats = Net::Statsd::Client->new(prefix => "service.frobnitzer.");
    $stats->increment("requests"); # service.frobnitzer.requests++ in graphite

    my $timer = $stats->timer("request_duration");
    # ... do something expensive ...



Optional: The hostname of the StatsD server to connect to. Defaults to localhost.


Optional: The port number to connect to. Defaults to 8125.


Optional: A prefix to be added to all metric names logged throught his object.


Optional: A value between 0 and 1, determines what fraction of events will actually be sent to the server. This sets the default sample rate, which can be overridden on a case-by-case basis when sending an event (for instance, you might choose to send errors at a 100% sample rate, but other events at 1%).


Optional: A function that will be called with a message if a timer is destroyed unexpectedly (see Net::Statsd::Timer). If this is not set the builtin warn will be used.


$stats->increment($metric, [$sample_rate])

Increment the named counter metric.

$stats->decrement($metric, [$sample_rate])

Decrement the named counter metric.

$stats->update($metric, $count, [$sample_rate])

Add $count to the value of the named counter metric.

$stats->timing_ms($metric, $time, [$sample_rate])

Record an event of duration $time milliseconds for the named timing metric.

$stats->timer($metric, [$sample_rate])

Returns a Net::Statsd::Client::Timer object for the named timing metric. The timer begins when you call this method, and ends when you call finish on the timer.

$stats->gauge($metric, $value, [$sample_rate])

Send a value for the named gauge metric. Instead of adding up like counters or producing a large number of quantiles like timings, gauges simply take the last value sent in any time period, and don't require scaling.

$statsd->set_add($metric, $value, [$sample_rate])

Add a value to the named set metric. Sets count the number of *unique* values they see in each time period, letting you estimate, for example, the number of users using a site at a time by adding their userids to a set each time they load a page.


Andrew Rodland <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Andrew Rodland.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.