Tk::StrfClock - a X/TK digital clock widget based on strftime.


  use Tk::StrfClock;

	-type	=> [Label|Button|Menubutton|Optionmenu],
  	-format	=> <strftime format string>,
	-update => [<seconds>|s|m|h|d],
	-advance => [<seconds>],
	-action	=> <pattern matching action>,
	-ontick	=> <function>,


Tk::StrfClock is a string clock widget based on one of a Tk::Label, a Tk::Button, a Tk::Menubutton or a Tk::Optionmenu (chosen at creation time). The current date and time (in some chosen configuration) is displayed as the text in the base widget.


All the base widget options are available.

-type => [Label|Button|Menubutton|Optionmenu],

Setthe base widget type at creation time. This cannot be
configured thereafter.  The default is Tk::Label.

-format => <strftime format string>

Sets the required date/time format using POSIX strftime format.
The default is "%c".

-update => <seconds>|s|m|h|d|a

Sets how often the clock is updated.  If set to the characters
s, m, h, d or a then the clock is updated exactly on the second,
minute, hour, day or is automatically guessed.

The default is 'a'.

-advance => <seconds>

Sets the clock fast or slow this many seconds. The default is

-action => <pattern matching action>

Sets a pattern matching action to be applied to the date string
before it is displayed. The default is to do nothing.

-ontick => <function>

Set a function to be run every tick of the clock. The default is


use Tk;
use Tk::StrfClock;

my $top=MainWindow->new();


Run the module itself to start a test program.
To increase the size of the fond add something like
    *StrfClock*font: -*-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
to your .Xdefaults file.