Tk::ToolBar - A toolbar widget for Perl/Tk


use Tk;
use Tk::ToolBar;

my $mw = new MainWindow;
my $tb = $mw->ToolBar(qw/-movable 1 -side top/);

$tb->ToolButton(-text => 'test');
$tb->ToolButton(-text => 'Me');


This module implements a dockable toolbar. It is in the same spirit as the "short-cut" toolbars found in most major applications, such as most web browsers and text editors (where you find the "back" or "save" buttons).

Buuttons of any type (regular, check, radio) can be packed inside this widget. Moreover, the ToolBar itself can be made dockable, such that it can be dragged to any edge of your window.

The ToolBar is supposed to be created as a child of a Toplevel (MainWindow is a Toplevel widget). You are free to experiment otherwise, but expect the unexpected :-)


The ToolBar widget takes the following arguments:


This option tells the ToolBar what edge to stick to. Can be one of 'top', 'bottom', 'left' or 'right'. Defaults to 'top'. This option can be set only during object creation.


This option specifies whether the ToolBar is dockable or not. A dockable ToolBar can be dragged around with the mouse to any edge of the window. Default is 1.


This options specifies, in pixels, how close we have to drag the ToolBar an edge for the ToolBar to stick to it.


$ToolBar->ToolButton(?-type => buttonType,? options)

This method creates a new button inside the ToolBar. The buttons are ordered in the same order they're created. The -type option can be used to specify what kind of button to create. Can be on of 'Button', 'Checkbutton', or 'Radiobutton'. Any other options will be passed directly to the constructor of the button. The button object is returned.


Not really a bug, but a feature ;-) The ToolBar widget assumes that you use pack in your main window. Actually, it will pack itself in your window. If you are using another geometry manager, then you MIGHT get some weird behaviour. I have tested it very quickly, and found no surprises, but let me know if you do.


Either the usual:

perl Makefile.PL
make install

or just stick it somewhere in @INC where perl can find it. It's in pure Perl.


Ala Qumsieh


This module is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.