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IO::Easy::Dir - IO::Easy child class for operations with directories.


        use IO::Easy;

        my $dir = IO::Easy->new ('.')->as_dir;

        $dir->scan_tree (sub {
                my $file = shift;

                return 0 if $file->type eq 'dir' and $file->name eq 'CVS';

        $dir->create (qw(t IO-Easy)); # creates ./t/IO-Easy

        my $source = $dir->append('data')->as_dir;
        my $destination = $dir->append('backup')->as_dir;
        $source->copy_children($destination, $handler);



Scans directory tree.

There's a standard module File::Find exists. But it's monstrous and is used because of historical reasons. For the same functionality IO::Easy has a method scan_tree and this method can replace File::Find in the most cases.

        my $io = IO::Easy->new ('.');
        my $dir = $io->as_dir;
        $dir->scan_tree ($handler);

$handler is a code ref which is called during scan for each found object and retrieves the found object as a parameter.

Symlinks processing during directory scanning must be handled by user of this module himself at the moment.

As an example with help of $handler you can recursively scan directory and get the number of files with defined extension, in this case function will look like the following:

        my $counter = 0;
        my $handler = sub {
                my $file = shift;
                $counter++ if $file->extension eq 'pl';

        $dir->scan_tree ($handler);

        print "The number of files with 'pl' extension:", $counter;

If $handler returns 0 for the directory, then scan_tree doesn't scan its contents, this can be useful in e.g. ignoring CVS or any other unwanted directories.


recursive copying of directory contents

        my $io = IO::Easy->new ('.');
        my $source = $io->append('data')->as_dir;
        my $destination = $io->append('backup')->as_dir;
        $source->copy_children($destination, $handler);

In this example $handler code ref, which is performed for every file during copying. With help of the $handler you can easily control the spice which files will be copied.

        my $handler = sub {
                my $file = shift;
                return 1 if $file->extension eq 'txt';
                return 0;

In this case $handler function copies only files with 'txt' extension to the new directory.


creates new directory

        my $io = IO::Easy->new ('.');
        my $dir = $io->append('data')->as_dir;  # appends 'data' to $io and returns 
                                                                                        #the new object; blesses into directory object.
        $dir->create;                                                   # creates directory './data/'


        $io->as_dir->create ('data');


Ivan Baktsheev, <apla at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to my email address, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.




Copyright 2007-2009 Ivan Baktsheev

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.