Changes for version 7.06

  • Enhancement: New 500 error added to the regex and also documented the new retry class


An interface which abstracts Microsoft adCenter API.
Service client for Microsoft AdCenter Administration Service.
Represents "AdApiError" in Microsoft AdCenter Administration Service.
Represents "AdApiFaultDetail" in Microsoft AdCenter Administration Service.
Represents "ApplicationFault" in Microsoft AdCenter Administration Service.
Represents "GetAssignedQuotaResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Administration Service.
Represents "GetRemainingQuotaResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Administration Service.
Service client for Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "Ad" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AdApiError" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AdApiFaultDetail" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AdGroup" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AdGroupInfo" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AdGroupNegativeKeywords" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AdGroupNetwork" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AddAdGroupsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AddAdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AddBehavioralBidsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AddBusinessesResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AddCampaignsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AddKeywordsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AddSegmentsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AddSitePlacementsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AddTargetResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AddTargetsToLibraryResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AgeTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "AgeTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "ApiFaultDetail" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "ApplicationFault" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "BatchError" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "BehavioralBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "BehavioralTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "BehavioralTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "Bid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "Business" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "BusinessImageIcon" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "BusinessInfo" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "BusinessTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "BusinessTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "Campaign" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "CampaignInfo" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "CampaignNegativeKeywords" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "CashBackInfo" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "CityTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "CityTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "CountryTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "CountryTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "Date" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DayTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DayTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DayTimeInterval" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteAdGroupsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteAdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteBehavioralBidsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteBusinessesResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteCampaignsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteKeywordsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteSegmentsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteSitePlacementsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteTargetFromAdGroupResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteTargetFromCampaignResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteTargetResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteTargetsFromLibraryResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeleteUsersFromSegmentResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "DeviceTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "Dimension" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "EditorialApiFaultDetail" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "EditorialError" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "EditorialReason" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "EditorialReasonCollection" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GenderTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GenderTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetAdEditorialReasonsByIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetAdGroupsByCampaignIdResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetAdGroupsByIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetAdGroupsInfoByCampaignIdResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetAdsByAdGroupIdResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetAdsByEditorialStatusResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetAdsByIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetBehavioralBidsByAdGroupIdResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetBehavioralBidsByIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetBusinessesByIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetBusinessesInfoResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetCampaignsByAccountIdResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetCampaignsByIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetCampaignsInfoByAccountIdResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetCustomSegmentsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetKeywordEditorialReasonsByIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetKeywordEstimatesByBidsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetKeywordsByAdGroupIdResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetKeywordsByEditorialStatusResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetKeywordsByIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetNegativeKeywordsByAdGroupIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetNegativeKeywordsByCampaignIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetNetworksByAdGroupIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetNormalizedStringsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetPlacementDetailsForUrlsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetSegmentsByIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetSegmentsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetSitePlacementsByAdGroupIdResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetSitePlacementsByIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetTargetByAdGroupIdResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetTargetsByAdGroupIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetTargetsByCampaignIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetTargetsByIdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "GetTargetsInfoFromLibraryResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "HourTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "HourTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "HoursOfOperation" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "ImpressionsPerDayRange" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "Keyword" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "KeywordBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "KeywordEstimate" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "LocationTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "MatchTypeEstimate" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "MediaType" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "MetroAreaTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "MetroAreaTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "MobileAd" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "OperationError" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "PauseAdGroupsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "PauseAdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "PauseBehavioralBidsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "PauseCampaignsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "PauseKeywordsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "PauseSitePlacementsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "PlacementDetail" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "RadiusTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "RadiusTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "ResumeAdGroupsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "ResumeAdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "ResumeBehavioralBidsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "ResumeCampaignsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "ResumeKeywordsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "ResumeSitePlacementsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "Segment" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "SegmentTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "SegmentTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "SetNegativeKeywordsToAdGroupsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "SetNegativeKeywordsToCampaignsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "SetNetworksToAdGroupsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "SetTargetToAdGroupResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "SetTargetToCampaignResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "SetUsersToSegmentsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "SitePlacement" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "StateTarget" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "StateTargetBid" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "SubmitAdGroupForApprovalResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "Target" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "TargetInfo" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "TextAd" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "TimeOfTheDay" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "UpdateAdGroupsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "UpdateAdsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "UpdateBehavioralBidsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "UpdateBusinessesResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "UpdateCampaignsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "UpdateKeywordsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "UpdateSitePlacementsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "UpdateTargetResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
Represents "UpdateTargetsInLibraryResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Campaign Management Service.
The base class for complex types.
Service client for Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "AdApiError" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "AdApiFaultDetail" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "AddInsertionOrderResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "ApiBatchFault" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "ApiFault" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "ApplicationFault" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "BatchError" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "GetDisplayInvoicesResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "GetInsertionOrdersByAccountResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "GetInvoicesInfoResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "GetInvoicesResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "GetKOHIOInvoicesResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "InsertionOrder" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "Invoice" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "InvoiceInfo" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "OperationError" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Represents "UpdateInsertionOrderResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Billing Service.
Service client for Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "Account" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "AccountInfo" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "AdApiError" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "AdApiFaultDetail" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "AddAccountResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "AddUserResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "Address" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "AdvertiserAccount" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "ApiFault" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "ApplicationFault" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "ContactInfo" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "Customer" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "CustomerInfo" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "DeleteAccountResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "DeleteCustomerResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "DeleteUserResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "GetAccountResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "GetAccountsInfoResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "GetCustomerPilotFeatureResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "GetCustomerResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "GetCustomersInfoResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "GetUserResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "GetUsersInfoResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "OperationError" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "PersonName" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "PublisherAccount" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "SignupCustomerResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "UpdateAccountResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "UpdateCustomerResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "UpdateUserResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "UpdateUserRolesResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "User" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Represents "UserInfo" in Microsoft AdCenter Customer Management Service.
Service client for Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "AccountClosedNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "AccountSignupPaymentReceiptNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "ApiUserAuthHeader" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "ApproachingCreditCardExpirationNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "CreditCardExpiredNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "CreditCardNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "EditorialRejectionNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "GetArchivedNotificationsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "GetNotificationsByTypeResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "GetNotificationsResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "NewCustomerSignupNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "NewUserAddedNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "Notification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "UnableToChargeCreditCardNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "UserNameReminderNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "UserNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Represents "UserPasswordResetNotification" in Microsoft AdCenter Notification Management Service.
Service client for Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AccountPerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AccountPerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AccountReportScope" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AccountThroughAdGroupReportScope" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AccountThroughCampaignReportScope" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AdApiError" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AdApiFaultDetail" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AdDynamicTextPerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AdDynamicTextPerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AdGroupPerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AdGroupPerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AdGroupReportScope" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AdPerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AdPerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AgeGenderDemographicReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "AgeGenderDemographicReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "ApiFaultDetail" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "ApplicationFault" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "BatchError" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "BehavioralPerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "BehavioralPerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "BehavioralTargetReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "BehavioralTargetReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "BudgetSummaryReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "BudgetSummaryReportTime" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "CampaignPerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "CampaignPerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "CampaignReportScope" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "ConversionPerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "ConversionPerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "Date" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "DestinationUrlPerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "DestinationUrlPerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "GoalsAndFunnelsReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "GoalsAndFunnelsReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "KeywordPerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "KeywordPerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "MetroAreaDemographicReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "MetroAreaDemographicReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "OperationError" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "PollGenerateReportResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "PublisherUsagePerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "PublisherUsagePerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "ReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "ReportRequestStatus" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "ReportTime" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "SearchQueryPerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "SearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "SegmentationReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "SegmentationReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "SitePerformanceReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "SitePerformanceReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "SubmitGenerateReportResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "TacticChannelReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "TacticChannelReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "TrafficSourcesReportFilter" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Represents "TrafficSourcesReportRequest" in Microsoft AdCenter Reporting Service.
Defines when and how to retry a failed API call.
Encapsulates SOAP fault details.
Service client for Microsoft AdCenter Secure Data Management Service.
Represents "AdApiError" in Microsoft AdCenter Secure Data Management Service.
Represents "AdApiFaultDetail" in Microsoft AdCenter Secure Data Management Service.
Represents "AddPaymentMethodResponse" in Microsoft AdCenter Secure Data Management Service.
Represents "Address" in Microsoft AdCenter Secure Data Management Service.
Represents "ApiFault" in Microsoft AdCenter Secure Data Management Service.
Represents "ApplicationFault" in Microsoft AdCenter Secure Data Management Service.
Represents "CreditCardPaymentMethod" in Microsoft AdCenter Secure Data Management Service.
Represents "OperationError" in Microsoft AdCenter Secure Data Management Service.
Represents "PaymentMethod" in Microsoft AdCenter Secure Data Management Service.
Base class for service client modules.