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ctgetreports - Quickly fetch cpantesters results with all reports


ctgetreports [options] distroname
ctgetreports [options] --report number ...
ctgetreports [options] --reportfiles path ...
ctgetreports -h


A distroname is unversioned, e.g. IPC-Run. For versioned names as in IPC-Run-0.80 see --vdistro.


Directory to keep mirrored data in. Defaults to $HOME/var/cpantesters.


If you have your own copy of the cpan testers cpanstats database you can use this to set the path to the database. Must not be used together with --cturl. Requires CPAN::WWW::Testers::Generator::Database and CPAN::DistnameInfo installed.


Base URL of the cpantesters website. Defaults to


If dumpvars are specified, dump them into this file. Defaults to "ctgetreports.out".


Dump all queryable variables matching the regular expression given as argument at the end of the loop for a distro.


A callback that is called at the end of parse_report(). It allows to manipulate the result, e.g. change the resulting values or add calculated values. The callback function gets a record (hashref) as the only argument. The return value is ignored. The callback is pure perl code without any surrounding sub declaration.

Compared to the --ycb callback described below --filtercb is considered easier to use.

The following example excludes reports by the user jack.blacksmoke from regression testing:

ctgetreport --solve --filtercb '
  my $rec = shift;
  $rec->{"meta:ok"}="FILTERED" if $rec->{"meta:from"} =~ /jack.blacksmoke/;
  ' String-RewritePrefix-0.005

The following example excludes reports that contain the string Perl_sv_2pv_flags:

ctgetreport --q "qr:Perl_sv_2pv_flags" \
  --filtercb 'my $rec = shift;
    $rec->{"meta:ok"}="FILTERED" if $rec->{"qr:Perl_sv_2pv_flags"}
    ' --solve Text-MiniTmpl-v2.0.0

Prints a brief message and exists.


After every parsed report asks if you want to see it in a pager.


Do not mirror, use a local *.yaml file. Dies if the YAML file is missing, skips missing report files.


Same thing as --minpass but for fail reports.

Default value is the value of --minpass; if this is missing, no default applies.


If --sample is set, then it could happen that randomness strikes unluckily and the sample ends without a pass report. For the --solve option this would then have the consequence that it cannot succeed. By setting a minpass, the sample size is iteratively increased by small steps until the number of passes is equal to this option or higher.

No default.

If --sample is not set, --minpass and --minfail are ignored.


Pager (needed when -i is given). Defaults to less.


While the <--q qr:... syntax ultimately offers free parsing it is cumbersome to use. The --parse-common-errors option is a placeholder for a variety of frequent errors to watch. Currently it stands for the following additional options:

-q qr:(Failed test\s+\S+.*)
-q qr:(Failed to load .*)
-q qr:(Can't load .*)
-q qr:((?i:.*could.?n.t find.*))
-q qr:(Can't locate object method .+)
-q qr:(Can't locate \S+pm)
-q qr:(Please\s+install\s+\S+)
-q qr:(You tried to run a test without a plan.*)
-q qr:(.*Server didn't start.*)
-q qr:(You planned.*)

This list is subject to change in future releases.


Boolean. If true, we skip downloading of reports from cpantesters when the file that is designated to be the local target of the mirror command already exists. This is highly recommended since it has been observed (2011-11) that cpantesters is not sending Last-Modified headers for reports and does not send a 304 on requests with an If-Modified-Since header. But even when the HTTP handling becomes more efficient at cpantesters main site, this parameter should lower the burden on them and reduce the latency on the mirror side considerably.


Query, may be repeated.

Example: --q mod:Clone --q meta:writer


Do not output the usual query lines per parsed report. Quiet overrules verbose.


Boolean which, if set, causes the full (HTML) report to be concatenated to STDOUT after every status line.


Avert going through a cpan testers index, go straight to the report with this number.

Example: --report 1238673

If report is set and dumpvars is not set, dumpvars will be set to a dot (meaning that all variables shall be dumped into dumpfile).


Specify file names for local report files. One to many files may be given.

Example: --reportfiles pass.Foo-Bar-0.01.i386-linux.123456789.12345.rpt fail.Foo-Bar-0.01.i386-linux.123456788.12344.rpt


Limit the number of reports to be analyzed. If the total number of reports is lower than or equal to the value specifed here then the option is ignored and all available reports will be used. Only if the total number of reports is larger than specified then the number of reports will be sampled randomly to the demanded sample size. Useful to limit the computing power needed for a result.

See also --minpass and --minfail.


Calls the solve function which tries to identify the best contenders for a blame using Statistics::Regression. Currently only limited to single variables and with simple heuristics. Implies --dumpvars=. unless the caller sets dumpvars himself.

The function prints at the moment to STDOUT the top 3 (set with --solvetop) candidates according to R^2 with their regression analysis.

A few words of advise: do not take the results as a prove ever. Take them just as a hint where you can most probably prove a causal relationship. And keep in mind that causal relationships can be the other direction as well.

If you want to extend on that approach, I recommend you study the ctgetreports.out file where you find all the data you'd need and feed your assumptions to Statistics::Regression.


The number of top candidates from the --solve regression analysis to display.


Specifies transport to get the reports. Defaults to http_cpantesters.

http_cpantesters uses LWP::UserAgent at

http_cpantesters_gzip also uses LWP::UserAgent at but compresses the fetched result after fetching and decompresses cached results before mirroring. This option requires that Compress::Zlib is installed.


Versioned distro, e.g.




This is the way to target a version different from the most recent one.

In the case that the command line argument already contains an easy to recognize version as in IPC-Run-0.80, that argument is split and

ctgetreports Foo-Bar-3.14

is equivalent to

ctgetreports --vdistro=Foo-Bar-3.14 Foo-Bar

Note, that there may be distributions on CPAN where the trivial splitting implemented in ctgetreports does not work.


Feedback during download.


Only used during --solve. Provides perl code to be used as a callback from the regression to determine the Y of the regression equation. The callback function gets a record (hashref) as the only argument and must return a value or undefined. If it returns undefined, the record is skipped, otherwise this record is processed with the returned value. The callback is pure perl code without any surrounding sub declaration.

The following example analyses diagnostic output from Acme-Study-Perl:

ctgetreports --q qr:"#(.*native big math float/int.*)" --solve \
  --ycb 'my $rec = shift;
         my $nbfi = $rec->{"qr:#(.*native big math float/int.*)"};
        return undef unless defined $nbfi;
        my $VAR1 = eval($nbfi);
        return $VAR1->{">"}' Acme-Study-Perl


The intent is to get at both the summary at cpantesters and the individual reports and parse the reports and collect the data for further inspection.

We always only fetch the reports for the most recent (optionally picked) release. Target root directory is $HOME/var/cpantesters (can be overridden with the --cachedir option).

The --q parameter can be repeated. It takes one argument which stands for a query. This query must consist of two parts, a qualifier and the query itself. Qualifiers are one of the following

conf       parameters from the output of 'perl -V'
           e.g.: conf:usethreads, conf:cc
mod        for installed modules, either from prerequisites or from the toolchain
           e.g.: mod:Test::Simple, mod:Imager
env        environment variables
           e.g.: env:TERM
meta       all other parameters
           e.g.: meta:perl, meta:from, meta:date, meta:writer
qr         boolean set if the appended regexp matches the report
           e.g.: qr:'division by zero'

The conf parameters specify a word used by the Config module.

The mod parameters consist of a package name.

The meta parameters are the following: perl for the perl version, from for the sender of the report, date for the date in the mail header, writer for the module that produced the report, output_from for the line that is reported to have produced the output.


This gets all recent reports for Object-Relation and outputs the version number of the prerequisite Clone:

$0 --q mod:Clone Object-Relation

Collects reports about Clone and reports the default set of metadata:

$0 Clone

Collect reports for Devel-Events and report the version number of Moose in thses reports and sort by success/failure. If Moose broke Devel-Events is becomes pretty obvious:

$0 --q mod:Moose Devel-Events |sort

Which tool was used to write how many reports, sorted by frequency:

$0 --q meta:writer Template-Timer | sed -e 's/.*meta:writer//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

Who was in the From field of the mails whose report writer was not determined:

$0 --q meta:writer --q meta:from Template-Timer | grep 'UNDEF'

At the time of this writing this collected the results of IPC-Run-0.80_91 which was not really the latest release. In this case manual investigations were necessary to find out that 0.80 was the most recent:

$0 IPC-Run

Pick the specific release IPC-Run-0.80:

$0 IPC-Run-0.80

The following displays in its own column if the report contains the regexp division by zero:

$0 --q qr:"division by zero" CPAN-Testers-ParseReport-0.0.7

The following is a simple job to refresh all HTML pages we already have and fetch new reports referenced there too:

perl -le '
for my $dirent (glob "$ENV{HOME}/var/cpantesters/cpantesters-show/*.html"){
  my($distro) = $dirent =~ m|/([^/]+)\.html$| or next;
  print $distro;
  my $system = "ctgetreports --verbose --verbose $distro";
  0 == system $system or die;