A Modern Perl interface to CyberSource's SOAP API.
Folks often have a need for simple and quick, but "enterprise-level" payment- gateway integration. CyberSource's Simple Order API still requires that you compile a binary, and it won't compile on 64-bit processors (no, not OSes, but processors, i.e., what I imagine to be most development workstations by now). So you have to use the SOAP API, which is unwieldy, not least because it uses XML. May no one struggle with this again. :)
Credit Card Numbers
To save you some legal hassles and vulnerability, this module does not store credit card numbers. If you'd like the option of returning a credit card number from the Response object, please send a patch.
ID and Key
Please note that you must use your own CyberSource id and key, even for testing purposes on CyberSource's test server. This module defaults to using the test server, so when you go into production, set production to a true value in your configuration file or in your object construction, e.g.,
my $checkout = Checkout::CyberSource::SOAP->new(
id => $id,
key => $key,
production => 1,
column_map => $column_map
This is for single transactions of variable quantity.
column_map is important. You must map the keys in the hashref you send (which also sets the keys for the payment_info hashref you receive back). CyberSource uses camelCased and otherwise idiosyncratic identifiers here, so this mapping cannot be avoided.
I mentioned above that this module does not store credit card numbers; more specifically, the payment_info hash that the Response object returns deletes the credit card number, replaces it with card_type, and adds 4 additional keys:
decision fault reasoncode refcode
These are for more a detailed record of why a particular transaction was denied.
Standalone Usage
You can use this as a standalone module by sending it a payment information hashref. You will receive a Checkout::CyberSource::SOAP::Response object containing either a success message or an error message. If successful, you will also receive a payment_info hashref, suitable for storing in your database.
my $checkout = Checkout::CyberSource::SOAP->new(
id => $id,
key => $key,
column_map => $column_map
my $response = $checkout->checkout($args);
if ($response->success) {
my $payment_info = $response->payment_info;
# Store payment_info in your database, etc.
else {
# Display error message
print $response->error->{message};
You can use this in a Catalyst application by using Catalyst::Model::Adaptor and setting your configuration file somewhat like this:
class Checkout::CyberSource::SOAP
id your_cybersource_id
key your cybersource_key
#production 1
firstName firstname
lastName lastname
street1 address1
city city
state state
postalCode zip
country country
email email
ipAddress ip
unitPrice amount
quantity quantity
currency currency
accountNumber cardnumber
expirationMonth expiry.month
expirationYear expiry.year
production is commented out. You will want to set production to true when you are ready to process real transactions. So that in your payment processing controller you would get validated data back from a shopping cart or other form and do something like this:
# If your checkout form is valid, call Checkout::CyberSource::SOAP's
# checkout method:
my $response = $c->model('Checkout')->checkout( $c->req->params );
# Check the Checkout::CyberSource::SOAP::Response object, branch
# accordingly.
if ( $response->success ) {
# Store a payment in your database
my $payment = $c->model('Payment')->create($response->payment_info);
$c->flash( status_msg => $response->success->{message} );
else {
$c->stash( error_msg => $response->error->{message} );
- checkout
The only method you need to call.
- addComplexType
Internal method for construction of the SOAP object.
- addField
Internal method for construction of the SOAP object.
- addItem
Internal method for construction of the SOAP object.
- addService
Internal method for construction of the SOAP object.
- formSOAPHeader
Internal method for construction of the SOAP object.
Amiri Barksdale <>
Tomas Doran (t0m) <> Caleb Cushing (xenoterracide) <>
Copyright (c) 2011 the Checkout::CyberSource::SOAP "AUTHOR" and "CONTRIBUTORS" as listed above.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Catalyst::Model::Adaptor Business::OnlinePayment::CyberSource