mg [options] command [command-options]
mg help [command]
Runs mg-$command, which may or may not run something in each repository.
control the environment of mg itself; command-options
control the specific command. Each command will accept its own set of options, so see mg help $command
for those.
- -q
- --quiet
Repeatable option. First occurrence prevents reporting on repositories that had no output; second occurrence stifles stdout from all streams before applying the effect of the first occurrence.
- -v
- --verbose
Repeatable option. Every occurrence of -v will counteract an occurrence of -q, so if you have some environment stuff going on you can override it.
- --concurrent=N
- -c N
Limit concurrency to N processes at once. This is often a good idea when using `mg each` with a bunch of repositories that point to the same server; if you cannot have more than N connections to the server, you probably don't want to connect to it more than N times. That's when you might use this.
- --skip-readonly
Skip readonly repositories. Repositories marked readonly = 1 in the .mgconfig will be ignored by whatever command you run.